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FFXI Easter Egg Hunt!
Posted by: Mirriam - Fri Mar 25th, 2005 02:10 am EST
It's that time again folks! For those who remember last year's Easter Egg Event, many aspects of this event are the same: you talk to the moogle, get eggs, and trade in assorted combinations for goodies. There are 3 new furnishings (based on the three starting cities) if you find the "hidden" combinations, and lots of new ways to get eggs!
Getting Eggs:
Every game day, you can talk to the moogle and get one initial egg. One way to get an egg you need is to group with other people before you talk to the Moogle: you may then choose an egg based on the initials of the people you are grouped with (excluding yourself), so if I, Mirriam, group with Cuer and Palos, I can choose a C Egg or a P Egg. You may also get one extra egg per Vanadiel day by trading 12
Bird Eggs
, 12
Hard-Boiled Eggs
, 6
Lizard Eggs
, 1
Soft-Boiled Egg
or 1
Colored Egg
to the Moogle. Trading a
Party Egg
to the Moogle will get you 2 extra eggs, and trading a
Lucky Egg
to the Moogle will get you 3 extra eggs. The eggs you receive will be random. If you try to trade a
Warm Egg
to the Moogle, he will tell you "Ku........po! I can't egg-cept such a rare item. You should take more care of your belongings, kupo!" You may also get 1 egg per day by harvesting, logging or mining. (Odd, isn't it?).
Egg Combinations:
The first thing you will need to do is collect the first three letters of your name. So, for Mirriam, I need an M, I and R Egg. Turn these into the moogle, and you will get
Chocobo Tickets
or Colored Drops. If you trade in the eggs and you already have the item the Moogle wants to give you, he will tell you to sort your inventory and come back. You will not lose your eggs, however.
The next combination you'll want to try for are the 7 of a Kind or the 8 Initial Straight. The 7 of a Kind is just as it sounds, 7 of the same letter. The 8 Initial Straight begins with the first letter of your name, and then the next 7 letters of the alphabet. So, for Mirriam, I would need an M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T egg. Trading for these combinations will get you either a
Happy Egg
or a
Fortune Egg
: for those of you who have a Happy Egg or Fortune Egg from last year, apparently if you try to complete the 7 of a Kind or the 8 Initial Straight, you will not get a reward, and the Moogle will still take your eggs.
Hidden Combinations:
Finding the hidden combination will get you the different egg furniture pieces. In order to get the particular eggs, you will need to trade the first 5 letters of a region the country whose egg you want to receive owns. To receive the Bastokan
Lamp Egg
, I could trade G U S T and A Eggs. To receive the Windurstian
Flower Egg
, I could trade S A R U and T Eggs. To receive the San d'Orian
Wing Egg
, I could trade in R O N F and A Eggs. This does not have to be done in any particular city. IE, you can get the
Flower Egg
in San d'Oria, as long as you trade in the right combination. Trading in the wrong combination will get you turned into a scary Beastman!
Moogle Locations:
Northern San d'Oria
Southern San d'Oria
Bastok Mines
Bastok Markets
Windurst Woods
Windurst Waters
Event Specifics
Official Announcement:
The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!
Event Schedule: March 24th 16:00 (PST) to April 3rd 24:00 (PST)
Event Item Rewards:
Chocobo Tickets
Black Drop
Blue Drop
Clear Drop
Green Drop
Purple Drop
Red Drop
White Drop
Yellow Drop
Happy Egg
Fortune Egg
Flower Egg
Lamp Egg
Wing Egg
The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!
Posted by: Mirriam - Fri Mar 25th, 2005 12:37 am EST
Mar. 24, 2005 16:00 [PST]
The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!
Master! Master! It's almost time for the Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza, kupo!
As we speak, the Mog House Management Union is making preparations for this year's festival. There will be eggs and fun and prizes...and eggs, kupo!
But I'm worried about one thing. It seems like every year, the bigwigs down at the MHMU become more and more carried away when it comes to the rules of the game. All the new "combinations" they've been coming up with lately with are so confusing, kupo...
But don't fret, Master! We Moogles are on your side! When it starts looking like you are stuck in a rut, we'll find a way to help you out, kupo!
Now head on out into town, find one of my friendly brothers, and ask him about how you can get started collecting. If you're lucky, you'll be on your way to a roomful of lovely decorated eggs, kupo!
Wait a minute! Did I say decorated eggs...? No. Forget all about that. You didn't hear anything from me...kupo...
- Rules for the Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza
It all starts with collecting special "initial eggs."
The easiest way to collect these eggs is by talking with one of the Moogle staff floating about each of the three nations. However, these representatives are only allowed to give you one complimentary egg per Vana'diel day (if you are in a party when you speak with the Moogle, you will have the opportunity to select the type of egg you want based on the initials of your party's other members).
Now, if you don't want to wait that whole day, you can gather even more initial eggs by trading other types of eggs you may have on hand to any of the Moogles in the three nations. How many initial eggs you receive varies depending on the quantities and varieties of eggs you trade, so if you are not happy with what you get once, keep trying! Just remember that these egg exchanges are also limited to one per day (per nation).
Once you've collected enough eggs, start exchanging with your fellow adventurers and try making a "combination." The most basic one is called a "First 3." When you have the three initial eggs necessary for this combo, trade them to one of the Moogles and collect your prize!
But don't let the fun end there! After a "First 3," try building an "Initial Straight 8" or a "7 of a Kind." The more you make, the more presents you'll take home!
Oh, and don't forget that you'll have to trade in a "First 3" before you can trade in any other combos. Think of it as a sort of preliminary test!
And for those of you who are looking for a real challenge, try discovering different, more exotic combinations. The Moogles are usually reluctant to give out any of their classified information, but maybe if you are persistent enough, one will let you in on a secret or two! Make it a point to talk to them as often as possible!
Please note that all "new adventurers" will be required to wait one Vana'diel day before being eligible to receive initial eggs.
- Combination Examples
First 3:
The first three letters of your character's name
- Moogle Locations
Northern San d'Oria
Southern San d'Oria
Bastok Mines
Bastok Markets
Windurst Woods
Windurst Waters
- Festival Duration
The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza will begin at 16:00 (PST) on March 24th and last until 24:00 (PST) on April 3rd.
Official PlayOnline Announcement
PlayOnline: Development News - March 2005
Posted by: Cuer - Tue Mar 22nd, 2005 04:50 pm EST
From the
Official FFXI Site
(March 30):
ENM Madness
Ever since their implementation in the February version update, Empty Notorious Monster (ENM) quests have been taking Vana'diel by storm! But what you've seen has only been the tip of the iceberg! Our next update, planned for late April, will introduce even more action-packed, white-knuckle battles for parties of all shapes and sizes. There will also be various system changes that will allow you to take on the nefarious beasts with even more of your friends!
From the
Official FFXI Site
(March 29):
Git Clammin'!
For all you clammers out there, we have some great news--the ever-popular Purgonorgo mini-game is being made even better! Fill your bucket to the brim without busting its bottom, and you'll be rewarded with an even bigger receptacle to test your clamming skills! And with a larger bucket, who knows what treasures you'll be taking home after a day of digging?
From the
Official FFXI Site
(March 24):
Equipment Storage
In the previous version update, a new service was added allowing players to safely store full sets of artifact armor for a small fee. Due to the positive feedback regarding this new feature, the development team has decided to expand the equipment storage service to include over thirty new sets of various low-level armor and clothing. After trading a full set (consisting of 4 to 5 pieces) to one of four NPCs located in each of the major nations, players will receive a claim slip that can be presented when they wish to have their armor returned.
Whether for level-restricted orb battles, Promathia missions, or for raising support jobs, low-level equipment can eat up a lot of room in a player's Mog Safe. Utilizing this feature will make it easier to store and retrieve space-consuming armor sets, while leaving Mog Safes open to hold more important items. The days of throwing away sleepshrooms to open slots for your silver gauntlets are over!
Further details on the expanded service will be made available in the version update announcement released in late April.
From the
Official FFXI Site
(March 22):
Upcoming Version Update
The development team is currently working on the next version update, which will include all the usual goodies--new quests, new Notorious Monsters, and various system additions and improvements--as well as the next installment of the Promathia story. Watch this space for the latest announcements regarding update details.
The next version update is scheduled to take place in late April.
PlayOnline Viewer Update
Posted by: Cuer - Tue Mar 22nd, 2005 04:41 pm EST
Mar. 22, 2005 01:40 [PST]
PlayOnline Viewer Update (Mar. 22)
At the following time, we performed a PlayOnline Viewer version update.
*The client update will start automatically after connecting to PlayOnline. Please follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
[Date & Time]
Mar. 22, 2005 from 1:00 (PST)
[Affected Services]
PlayOnline Viewer
[Important Update Details]
The following issues have been addressed:
- Fixed an issue where the PlayOnline Viewer and its contents cease to function in some instances.
- Fixed an issue where a handle profile other than that of the current active handle would be displayed in the "Edit Profile" screen.
- Fixed an issue where an error (POL-5440) would occur when attempting to set the profile privacy level for contents.
- Fixed an issue where group messages would at times be sent to group friends who have not yet received confirmation to join a group.
- Fixed an issue where a different handle would be displayed as the sender at times when replying to a group message.
- Fixed an issue where participants in a group chat would not be able to input text or view the log after being disconnected by the auto-disconnect function.
-Fixed some other minor issues.
Official PlayOnline Announcement
Site Updates - March 14, 2005
Posted by: Cuer - Mon Mar 14th, 2005 02:28 am EST
A large number of additions to the guides on the site, along with many more recipe updates, make up the bulk of the latest site updates.
A number of recipes were updated, both for the items recently added and others. All the info on the recently added items and recipes is still being compiled in the
Feb. 2005 FFXI Patch Compilation of Info
The items that provide evasion bonuses were updated, so that the
Evasion Skill
items are listed differently from the
items. See the info in the
discussion topic
for information on the difference between the two.
Final Fantasy XI Links
info was updated to correct and add a few links.
The new foods were added into the
Final Fantasy XI Food Effects Guide
recommendations; the
Ranged Attack Foods
section was updated dramatically, as well.
The many merchant guides were updated with all the new items being sold, as well as some updated price ranges on older items. These include the
Merchants of Vana'diel Guide
, the
Regional Merchants Guide
, and the guides that list all the merchants in specific places:
Merchants of Bastok
Merchants of San d'Oria
Merchants of Windurst
Merchants of Jeuno
Merchants of Mhaura & Selbina
Merchants of
Rise of the Zilart
Merchants of
Chains of Promathia
Logging results have been added in
Misareaux Coast
, and are now listed on the
Logging Guide
mobs of Al'Taieu
were added in that new zone.
Items Added:
Astral Covenant
Items Updated:
Viking Herring
Hierarch Belt
Drachen Greaves
Duelist's Boots
Evasion Earring
Evasion Torque
Evoker's Spats
Grand Temple Knight's Bangles
Master Caster's Mitts
Melody Earring
Melody Earring +1
Myochin Sune-Ate
Praefectus's Gloves
Spike Earring
Naval Rice Ball
Rogue Rice Ball
Witch Stew
Mushroom Stew
Ancient Sword
Pet Food Zeta Biscuit
Wild Cookie
Acorn Cookie
Roast Pipira
Mutton Enchilada
Mutton Tortilla
Tender Navarin
Coeurl Sub +1
Coeurl Sub
Sole Sushi
Shadow Gorget
Light Gorget
Aqua Gorget
Thunder Gorget
Soil Gorget
Breeze Gorget
Snow Gorget
Flame Gorget
Anrin Obi
Korin Obi
Suirin Obi
Rairin Obi
Dorin Obi
Furin Obi
Hyorin Obi
Karin Obi
Yovra Organ
Hpemde Organ
Aern Organ
Xzomit Organ
Phuabo Organ
Luminian Tissue
Map of Cape Riverne
Yellow Liquid
Items Drops Added:
Hpemde Organ
Manticore Fang
Kuftal Coffer Key
Rusty Bolt Case
Yovra Organ
Fire Cluster
Ice Cluster
Dark Cluster
Aern Organ
Phuabo Organ
Xzomit Organ
Luminian Tissue
Lightning Cluster
Wind Cluster
Earth Cluster
Elshimo Coconut
Bat Fang
Mobs Added:
Aern's Elemental
Aern's Xzomit
Aern's Wynav
Mobs Updated:
Bomb King
Doppelganger Gog
Doppelganger Dio
Mysticmaker Profblix
Zones Added:
Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi
Zones Updated:
Misareaux Coast
Sealion's Den
Desynthesis Recipes Added:
Raptor Mantle
Recipes Updated:
Pickled Herring
Prominence Sword
Leucous Voulge
Vermilion Lacquer
Blinding Potion
Adaman Ingot
Shade Tiara
Yew Lumber
Willow Lumber
Walnut Lumber
Rosewood Lumber
Oak Lumber
Maple Lumber
Mahogany Lumber
Lauan Lumber
Lancewood Lumber
Lacquer Tree Lumber
Holly Lumber
Elm Lumber
Ebony Lumber
Divine Lumber
Ash Lumber
Arrowwood Lumber
Ancient Lumber
Mist Pumps
Garish Pumps
Light Ram Leather
Caliginous Wolf Hide
Poisona Ring
Mist Mitts
Mist Tunic
Mist Slacks
Garish Tunic
Soil Kyahan
Shade Leggings
Titanictus Shell
Seer's Crown
Emperor Roe
Snoll Gelato
Dried Mugwort
San d'Orian Mace
Beverage Barrel
Dominus Shield
Ivory Sickle
Dragon Cap
Wise Cap
Wise Gloves
Wise Pigaches
Wise Braconi
Giant Bird Fletchings
Yasha Tekko
Yasha Hakama
Blessed Trousers
Blessed Mitts
Hachiman Hakama
Yasha Sune-Ate
Lord's Armet
Lord's Cuisses
Lord's Gauntlets
Lord's Sabatons
Primate Staff
Tavnazian Taco
Windurst Taco
Hachiman Domaru
Hachiman Sune-Ate
Yasha Jinpachi
Hachiman Kote
Orichalcum Sheet
Blessed Pumps
Desynthesis Recipes Updated:
New Moon Armlets
Green Ribbon
Ebony Pole
BCNMs Updated:
The Hills Are Alive
Wings of Fury
ENMs Updated:
When Hell Freezes Over
You Are What You Eat
Test Your Mite
All Worlds Scheduled Maintenance Mar 14 2005, 9:00 to 10:30 (PST)
Posted by: Cuer - Mon Mar 14th, 2005 02:15 am EST
[Updated with final patch notes]
Mar. 14, 2005 09:00 [PST]
FINAL FANTASY XI Update (Mar. 14)
At the following time, we performed a FINAL FANTASY XI version update.
[Date & Time]
Mar. 14, 2005 from 9:00 to 10:30 (PST)
[Affected Services]
[Important Update Details]
The following issues have been addressed:
- Issues with unexpectedly long enchant effect duration for the following items has been shortened: Seito, Hushed Dagger, Hushed Baghnakhs
Official PlayOnline Announcement
Site Updates - March 5, 2005
Posted by: Cuer - Sat Mar 05th, 2005 04:12 pm EST
The changes and additions from the Feb. 23 continue to roll in. The most notable addition is the new information about all of the Empty Notorious Mob (ENM) quests! The information is all found in the new
ENM Guide
Other additions include more recipes, and updates on the drops of many new items. All of this info can be easily viewed at any time in the
Feb. 2005 FFXI Patch Compilation of Info
Items Added:
Angelica's Letter
Censer of Animus
Censer of Antipathy
Censer of Abandonment
Monarch Beard
Items Updated:
Florid Stone
Sylvan Stone
Chamnaet Ice
Cotton Pouch
Parradamo Stones
Flaxen Pouch
Dragon Leggings
Tavnazian Ring
Dorado Sushi
Tuna Sushi
Squid Sushi
Sole Sushi
Crimson Jelly
Muddy Siredon
Snow Lily
Recollection of Suffering
Recollection Of Pain
Recollection Of Guilt
Recollection Of Fear
Recollection of Anxiety
Recollection of Animosity
Cluster Core
Startling Memory
Somber Memory
Radiant Memory
Profane Memory
Malevolent Memory
Fleeting Memory
Burning Memory
Bitter Memory
Neptunal Abjuration: Feet
Neptunal Abjuration: Legs
Neptunal Abjuration: Hands
Neptunal Abjuration: Body
Neptunal Abjuration: Head
Wyrmal Abjuration: Feet
Wyrmal Abjuration: Legs
Wyrmal Abjuration: Hands
Wyrmal Abjuration: Body
Wyrmal Abjuration: Head
Martial Abjuration: Feet
Martial Abjuration: Legs
Martial Abjuration: Head
Martial Abjuration: Hands
Martial Abjuration: Body
Aquarian Abjuration: Feet
Aquarian Abjuration: Legs
Aquarian Abjuration: Hands
Aquarian Abjuration: Body
Earthen Abjuration: Feet
Earthen Abjuration: Legs
Earthen Abjuration: Hands
Earthen Abjuration: Body
Dryadic Abjuration: Feet
Dryadic Abjuration: Legs
Dryadic Abjuration: Hands
Dryadic Abjuration: Body
Dryadic Abjuration: Head
Bream Sushi +1
Chameleon Diamond
Tortilla Bueno
Leremieu Salad
Timbre Timbers Salad
Windurst Salad
Bream Sushi
Elm Log
Scroll of Banish III
Viking Herring
Salty Bretzel
Coeurl Sub +1
Coeurl Sub
Timbre Timbers Taco
Windurst Taco
Emerald Quiche
Green Quiche
Bataquiche +1
Tavnazian Taco
Leremieu Taco
Red Gravel
Kite Shield
Mushroom Soup
Bast Parchment
Toad Oil
Elshimo Coconut
Bitter Cluster
Kejusu Satin
Wyrm Horn
Viridian Urushi
Cassia Lumber
Vermilion Lacquer
Cluster Ash
Mithran Rice Cake
Tarutaru Rice Cake
Hume Rice Cake
Elvaan Rice Cake
NPCs Added:
Tesch Garanjy
Laughing Lizard
NPCs Updated:
Mep Nhapopoluko
Ness Rugetomal
Tesch Garanjy
Ghemi Sinterilo
Nomad Moogle
Mobs Added:
Memory Receptacle (Blue)
Memory Receptacle (Yellow)
Memory Receptacle (Green)
Memory Receptacle (Red)
Swift Hunter
Shrewd Hunter
Armored Hunter
Snow Devil
Bearclaw Rabbit
Bearclaw Leveret
Mobs Updated:
Dire Bat
Ancient Goobbue
Sewer Syrup
Zones Updated:
Bearclaw Pinnacle
The Shrouded Maw
Monarch Linn
Boneyard Gully
Spire of Dem
Spire of Mea
Spire of Holla
Spire of Vahzl
Recipes Added:
Vulcan Degen
Desynthesis Recipes Added:
Ebony Pole
Mahogany Shield
Poet's Circlet
Recipes Updated:
Gavial Mask
Pickled Herring
Lacquer Tree Sap
Pirate's Gun
Molybdenum Ingot
Coeurl Sub
War Bow
Elshimo Palm
Scimitar Cactus
Tsahyan Mask
Metal Knuckles
Desynthesis Recipes Updated:
Gigas Necklace
Items Drops Added:
Scroll of Curaga IV
Sylvan Stone
Snow Lily
Wyrm Horn
Florid Stone
War Hose
Zoredonite Ring
Nebimonite Belt
Healing Mace
Scroll of Banish III
Platinum Ore
Shakudo Ingot
Bloody Robe
Extra-Fine File
ENMs Added:
Sheep in Antlion's Clothing
Holy Cow
When Hell Freezes Over
Follow the White Rabbit
Bionic Bug
Test Your Mite
Bad Seed
Pulling the Plug
Playing Host
You Are What You Eat
PlayOnline: Final Fantasy XI and PlayOnline Version Updates
Posted by: Cuer - Wed Mar 02nd, 2005 04:31 pm EST
Update notes for the FFXI and PlayOnline patches:
Mar. 2, 2005 08:00 [PST]
FINAL FANTASY XI Update (Mar. 2)
At the following time, we performed a FINAL FANTASY XI version update.
[Date & Time]
Mar. 2, 2005 from 8:00 to 13:00 (PST)
[Affected Services]
[Important Update Details]
The following issues have been addressed:
-Synthesis and fishing effects being displayed even with the "Others' synthesis and fishing results" filter set to ON.
-The inability to enter the battlefield "Royal Jelly."
*The battlefield "Royal Jelly" was temporarily closed but can now be entered as usual.
-Players being unable to obtain experience points when the armory crate was opened in an ENM battlefield.
-The effect of "Doom" not wearing off if the number of players leaving the battlefield "Brothers" is different from the number that entered it.
-The inability to act until the battle timer expires when players in the battlefield "Test Your Mite" are in the middle layer at the end of the battle.
-The behavior of certain monsters in Al'Taieu.
-Inaccurate log window messages regarding certain monster abilities.
-The statistics of the Lu Shang's fishing rod.
-Sleep status being removed, and an inability to heal at night when wearing the Vampire Cloak.
-Dhalmel mantles +1 not being received for Tanners' Guild contracts.
-Shadow images created by the ninjutsu "Utsusemi" not being correctly erased by certain abilities.
-Search and auction house functions failing to download information.
-Monsters and other players not being displayed in the correct location.
-After being KO'd during Ballista and recovering on the spot, TP will now be limited to a maximum of 50%.
-The waiting period for recovering on the spot has been returned to the previous intervals.
20 seconds -> 30 seconds
30 seconds -> 45 seconds
40 seconds -> 60 seconds
50 seconds -> 75 seconds
60 seconds -> 90 seconds
-The Ballista Point Ranking system has been implemented.
See the official PlayOnline
"About Ballista Changes and Additions" news item
for more details.
Official PlayOnline Announcement
Mar. 2, 2005 08:00 [PST]
PlayOnline Viewer Update (Mar. 2)
At the following time, we performed a PlayOnline Viewer version update.
*The client update will start automatically after connecting to PlayOnline. Please follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
[Date & Time]
Mar. 2, 2005 from 8:00 (PST)
[Affected Services]
PlayOnline Viewer
[Important Update Details]
- The Friend List and several other features have been redesigned.
* Please refer to the
for additional details regarding the Friend List.
* As of 3/3/2005, several of the new features have not yet been implemented into each game's Friend List. The date of implementation for each game is TBA.
- The Group Friend List and Group Chat features have been added.
The Group Friend List allows you to bring a number of friends together into a large group. You can send group messages to all members, and also check members' online status. You can also communicate with members via the new "Group Chat" function.
* To start Group Chat, select the Group Chat icon from the upper right of the screen and press the START button on the analog controller (DUAL SHOCK(R)2) or press the [F1] key.
- The "Comments" feature has been added.
"Comments" allows you to write a short message that can be viewed by friends on your Friend List or Group Friend List. Your comments are viewable even when you are offline, allowing you to leave important information for friends (such as "Will be back later tonight!").
* If a comment's text is cut off on the Friend List, you can read the entire message at the bottom of the screen.
* Please note that a profile's comments will remain the same even if the handle is switched.
- Portrait images from your friends' profiles will be displayed on your screen if they have been specified as public.
- The friend registration process has been simplified.
A user who receives a "Let's be friends!" message simply needs to accept the request, and both sender and receiver will be added to each other's Friend List. An additional "Let's be friends!" request is no longer necessary. You may also enter a message when sending a friend request.
- Additional options have been added to the profile settings menu.
The new profile system allows you to select what parts of your profile are public. The "Friends Only" item has also been added. If you choose "Friends Only," your profile will be hidden from friend searches, and will only be open to friends and group friends. Please note that this system does not allow you not to set public/private access by item. Please select the "Not set" option to hide items.
"Friend Search" and "Handle List" have been moved to the Navigator sub-menu.
- The "Busy" and "Away Message" online status settings have been removed. "Busy" status is now classified as "Online," and "Away Message" is classified as "Invisible (Offline)."
- The "More Details" function has been removed when viewing a friend. "Notes" and "Friend Type" functions have also been removed.
- "Privacy Level" has been removed from the Friend List.
Your online status is always displayed to friends and group friends, even if they are playing different games.
* This is handled in the same way as the "Level 2: All Friends" privacy setting.
- The "Let's chat!" and "Private chat" message features have been removed.
- The "Mail," "Chat," and "File Manager" buttons have been moved to the Navigator sub-menu.
- The icons on the Headline Bar at the top of the screen have been redesigned. The Headline Bar is placed at the upper left of the screen, while the "Mail Check," "Message Check," "Group Chat," "Friend List," "Contents Menu," and "Log Out/Back to Game" icons are located at the upper right of the screen.
- The Auto Gallery feature has been added to the Options menu. The Auto Gallery is a slide show feature that displays wallpaper pictures selected from the Options menu. Note that if you set only one wallpaper, the Auto Gallery will display it continuously. The amount of time before the Auto Gallery displays can be set from [Options] -> [Viewer] - [Auto Gallery] - [Waiting Time].
- The P2P connection test has been updated.
- When PlayOnline is started from the PlayOnline install disc, the current version number is displayed at the top of the login screen.
- Miscellaneous
* Note that this update changes the visual design of the PlayOnline Main Menu.
* For more information regarding the changes to the Friend List and the Main Menu, please refer to the "Top Picks Display" under the PlayOnline Viewer.
The PlayOnline version update will modify the "pol.exe" file. Certain security/antivirus software may issue a warning, but this is a normal part of the version update process. (Windows version only.)
Official PlayOnline Announcement
Doll Festival
Posted by: Mirriam - Tue Mar 01st, 2005 01:03 am EST
This repeatable event involves simply talking to a Moogle in one of the starting cities, as listed below. Be prepared to find lots of new people or drag your linkshell into this. You'll need an alliance of 10 (or more) people. Depending on your party combination, one of three things will happen when you talk to the Moogle once your alliance is ready.
You will receive rice cakes as rewards, depending on the configuration of your alliance. The perfect setup has 6 males and 4 females, with 1 female leader and 1 male leader: Empress, Emperor, 5 musicians and 3 ladies-in-waiting. It doesn't appear to matter how the women are divided up among the 2 parties. If you do not have a perfect party, the cakes you get will be based on the races of the female members in your party. Note also that you must keep ALL 10 members throughout the dialogue, or the Moogle will scold you: "Kupo? What happened to your ten-person party? You can't trick presents out of me, kupo!" You can repeat this quest once every game day, as soon as it turns 0:00. Each rice cake lasts approximately 5 minutes, and will turn you into a little girl of that race. This event is scheduled to last 2 weeks
Bastok Markets* (G-8)
Bastok Mines (I-9)
South San d'Oria* (K-9)
North San d'Oria (D-8)
Windurst Woods* (K-10)
Windurst Port (F-5)
*Because you need so many people, I recommend going to these zones first to find other people for the alliance.
Starting Dialogue
Moogle: Have you seen the decorations?
The Doll Festival has started, kupo!
Moogle: I heard from my moogle sources that this is a celebration for the health and happiness of girls, kupo.
Moogle: Apparently, the young lady and her beau would play empress and emperor, and would be joined by eight of their friends for the festivities, kupo.
Moogle: Why don't you try making a ten-person party as well?
We can all have fun celebrating the Doll Festival, kupo!
Perfect Party Dialogue
Moogle: It looks like you have all the members you need, kupo!
Moogle: In fact, the moogle grapevine tells me that this is the perfect Doll Festival combination, kupo!
Moogle: As a reward for your blind luc--I mean, "resourcefullness," I'm going to give you lots of these treats, kupo!
You obtain
3 Hume rice cakes
3 Elvaan rice cakes
3 Tarutaru rice cakes
3 Mithran rice cakes
Party #1/Ladies in Waiting
Moogle: It looks like you have all the members you need.
Time for the festival to begin, kupo!
Moogle: After squeezing my moogle sources more, they told me that people used to eat these during the festival.
Here, you take one as well, kupo!
Moogle: Just in case you didn't know, the three girls in your party represent ladies of the court who wait on the empress.
Moogle: Moogles know everything about festivals, kupo!
You obtain
a Hume rice cake
a Mithran rice cake
Party #2/Musicians
Moogle: It looks like you have all the members you need.
Time for the festival to begin, kupo!
Moogle: After squeezing my moogle sources more, they told me that people used to eat these during the festival.
Here, you take one as well, kupo!
Moogle: And by the way, the 5 in your group represent musicians who entertain the empress and emperor, kupo!
Moogle: I wish I could play an instrument kupo!
You obtain
a Hume rice cake
a Mithran rice cake
Event Specifics
Official Announcement:
The Doll Festival
Event Schedule: February 28, 2005 at 19:00 to March 13, 2005 at 19:00
Event Item Rewards:
Hume Rice Cake
Elvaan Rice Cake
Tarutaru Rice Cake
Mithran Rice Cake
Site Updates - February 28, 2005
Posted by: Cuer - Mon Feb 28th, 2005 08:53 pm EST
A massive amount of new info added to the database from the Feb. 23rd patch is in this update. The best place to find this info put into context is in the
Feb. 2005 FFXI Patch Compilation of Info
. That compilation will be updated regularly, until it contains all the additions and changes from the patch.
Items Added:
Phoenix Armlet
Alchemic Ensorcellment
Flower Egg
Lamp Egg
Wing Egg
Tsahyan Mask
Beverage Barrel
Elshimo Palm
Scimitar Cactus
Muting Potion
M Rice Cake
T Rice Cake
E Rice Cake
H Rice Cake
Malevolent Cluster
Radiant Cluster
Somber Cluster
Startling Cluster
Profane Cluster
Fleeting Cluster
Bitter Cluster
Burning Cluster
Elshimo Coconut
Yahata Sushi
Leremieu Salad
Vegan Sautee
Viking Herring
Salty Bretzel
Tortilla Bueno
Sophic Stew
Dorado Sushi +1
Dorado Sushi
Bream Sushi +1
Bream Sushi
Leremieu Taco
Tavnazian Taco
Timbre Timbers Taco
Windurst Taco
Emerald Quiche
Green Quiche
Bataquiche +1
Coeurl Sub +1
Coeurl Sub
Lethe Powder
Lethe Water +1
Lethe Water
Catholicon +1
Petra Eater
Cactus Arm
Wyrm Horn
Sanctified Lumber
Ethereal Vermilion Lacquer
Vermilion Lacquer
Pristine Vision
Venerable Vision
Endearing Vision
Malicious Vision
Brilliant Vision
Vivid Vision
Pretentious Vision
Timorous Vision
Valiant Vision
Painful Vision
Audacious Vision
Solemn Vision
Violent Vision
Punctilious Vision
Vernal Vision
Virgin Image
Ancient Image
Valorous Image
Beatific Image
Grave Image
Snide Vision
Tenuous Vision
Impetuous Vision
Yovra Organ
Hpemde Organ
Aern Organ
Xzomit Organ
Phuabo Organ
Luminian Tissue
Florid Stone
Sylvan Stone
Chamnaet Ice
Cotton Pouch
Parradamo Stones
Flaxen Pouch
Red Gravel
Dark Scales
Super Cermet
Dragon Bone
Oversized Fang
Rheiyoh Leather
Eltoro Leather
Tiger Eye
Habu Skin
Kejusu Satin
Viridian Urushi
Cassia Lumber
Scroll of Banish III
Shadow Gorget
Light Gorget
Aqua Gorget
Thunder Gorget
Soil Gorget
Breeze Gorget
Snow Gorget
Flame Gorget
Harmonia's Torque
Powerful Rope
Anrin Obi
Korin Obi
Suirin Obi
Rairin Obi
Dorin Obi
Furin Obi
Hyorin Obi
Karin Obi
Tathlum Belt
Scouter's Rope
Venturer's Belt
Vanguard Belt
Reverend Sash
Quick Belt
Astral Rope
Vampire Earring
Astral Earring
Wind Earring
String Earring
Singing Earring
Ninjutsu Earring
Summoning Earring
Healing Earring
Elemental Earring
Enfeebling Earring
Augmenting Earring
Dark Earring
Divine Earring
Guarding Earring
Buckler Earring
Parrying Earring
Evasion Earring
Geist Earring
Assailant's Ring
Woodsman Ring
Toreador's Ring
Serene Ring
Tavnazian Ring
Carect Ring
Commander's Cape
Psilos Mantle
Forager's Mantle
Gigant Mantle
Safety Mantle
Settler's Cape
Hexerei Cape
Gargoyle Boots
Elegant Ribbon
Faerie Hairpin
Vampire Boots
Vampire Mask
Vampire Cloak
King's Sabatons
Lord's Sabatons
King's Cuisses
Lord's Cuisses
King's Gauntlets
Lord's Gauntlets
King's Armet
Lord's Armet
Blessed Pumps +1
Blessed Pumps
Blessed Trousers +1
Blessed Trousers
Blessed Mitts +1
Blessed Mitts
Blessed Briault +1
Blessed Briault
Hachiman Sune-Ate +1
Hachiman Sune-Ate
Hachiman Hakama +1
Hachiman Hakama
Hachiman Kote +1
Hachiman Kote
Hachiman Domaru +1
Hachiman Domaru
Hachiman Jinpachi +1
Hachiman Jinpachi
Dragon Leggings +1
Dragon Leggings
Dragon Subligar +1
Dragon Subligar
Dragon Mittens +1
Dragon Mittens
Dragon Harness +1
Dragon Harness
Dragon Cap +1
Dragon Cap
Wise Pigaches +1
Wise Pigaches
Wise Braconi +1
Wise Braconi
Wise Gloves +1
Wise Gloves
Chasuble +1
Wise Cap +1
Wise Cap
Yasha Sune-Ate +1
Yasha Sune-Ate
Yasha Hakama +1
Yasha Hakama
Yasha Tekko +1
Yasha Tekko
Yasha Samue +1
Yasha Samue
Yasha Jinpachi +1
Yasha Jinpachi
Dominus Shield
Numinous Shield +1
Numinous Shield
Prominence Sword
Martial Sword
Vulcan Claymore
Martial Knuckles
Hushed Baghnakhs
Adargas +1
Martial Bhuj
Prominence Axe
Leucous Voulge +1
Leucous Voulge
Martial Lance
Martial Scythe
Ivory Sickle +1
Ivory Sickle
Martial Knife
Hushed Dagger
Martial Axe
Sai +1
Martial Anelace
Vulcan Blade
Vulcan Degen
Vulcan Sword
Shotel +1
Martial Staff
Primate Staff +1
Primate Staff
Martial Wand
Hedgehog Bomb
Martial Gun
Martial Bow
NPCs Added:
NPCs Updated:
Sheia Pohrichamaha
Ghebi Damomohe
Valeriano (Bastok)
Brave Ox
Mobs Added:
Stubborn Dredvodd
Spells Added:
Banish III
Recipes Added:
Viridian Urushi
Dark Scales
Hachiman Kote
Dragon Subligar
Lord's Sabatons
Tsahyan Mask
Lord's Gauntlets
Wise Pigaches
Wise Gloves
Wise Cap
Vulcan Claymore
Hachiman Domaru
Hachiman Jinpachi
Yasha Jinpachi
Scimitar Cactus
Lord's Armet
Lord's Cuisses
Wise Braconi
Dragon Mittens
Prominence Axe
Hushed Dagger
Vulcan Sword
Beverage Barrel
Yasha Sune-Ate
Hushed Baghnakhs
Muting Potion
Dorado Sushi
Green Quiche
Tavnazian Taco
Windurst Taco
Blessed Pumps
Hachiman Sune-Ate
Bream Sushi
Coeurl Sub
Prominence Sword
Ethereal Vermilion Lacquer
Vulcan Blade
Vermilion Lacquer
Leucous Voulge
Yasha Tekko
Hachiman Hakama
Yasha Samue
Yasha Hakama
Blessed Mitts
Blessed Trousers
Blessed Briault
Dragon Leggings
Ivory Sickle
Dragon Harness
Dragon Cap
Numinous Shield
Sanctified Lumber
Primate Staff
Elshimo Palm
Dominus Shield
Items Drops Added:
Astral Earring
Vampire Earring
Tathlum Belt
Florid Stone
Vampire Mask
Vampire Boots
Vampire Cloak
Lanolin Cube
Assailant's Ring
Sylvan Stone
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