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PlayOnline: All Worlds Emergency Maintenance (Oct 27)
Posted by: Cuer - Thu Oct 27th, 2005 10:20 am EDT
Oct. 27, 2005 04:00 [PDT]

All Worlds Emergency Maintenance (Oct. 27)

At the following time, we will be performing FINAL FANTASY XI emergency server maintenance on all worlds. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XI will be unavailable.

We ask that those players who were scheduled to enter Dynamis at the time of the maintenance wait until it is over before entering. Please note that we do not reimburse any items that may be lost during the period of the maintenance.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

[Affected Period]
Oct. 27, 2005 from 10:00 to 11:30 (PDT)
*Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

[Affected Services]

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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Trick or Treat!
Posted by: Mirriam - Sun Oct 23rd, 2005 01:48 am EDT
Those expecting "the same old" Halloween festival may have been pleasantly (or otherwise) surprised by a few added complications to this year's event. There are 2 new Halloween items, a Pitchfork and a Pitchfork +1. These items, unlike the traditional Halloween items that are also available (including the Trick Staff, Trick Staff II, Pumpkin Head, Pumpkin Head II, Treat Staff, Treat Staff II, Horror Head, Horror Head II), require a party to obtain. You and one other member, preferably from the same nation for the sake of convenience, will need to party up to obtain the Pitchfork, which must be obtained before you can obtain the Pitchfork +1.

Trick or Treat! To obtain the Pitchfork, grab a friend and head to Bastok, San d'Oria or Windurst. The recommended zones are Bastok Markets, North San d'Oria or Windurst Waters. This is because these zones each contain the specific Halloween NPCs that roam around. (Note that Bastok Mines, South San d'Oria and Windurst Woods all have decorations and regular NPCs in costume, but it can be more difficult to get a good match in these zones.) Speak first to the Moogle in the zone, and then head out to get your costume.

You can obtain a costume by trading a sweet to the NPC. A sweet is any type of sweet baked good. Note that unlike other Halloween events, items that are not crafted do not work. (This means that you can't use Faerie Apples, Saruta Oranges, Yagudo Cherries, etc.) If the sweet does not have a recipe, don't use it. (You can still buy them from an NPC, though, like Ginger Cookies.) For best results, switch NPCs frequently (especially if you also want the eight "standard" rewards listed above), and use a large variety of different sweet items when trading.

You and your partner will need to try different combinations of costumes in order to obtain the Pitchfork. A combination of hound and ghost worked for me in Bastok Mines. After you think you have a good combination (this may take some experimenting or checking with other players), try running together under the decorations. You may have to try all the decorations in order to get the right one. NOTE: you do not have to "check" the decorations. All you have to do is run under them.

To obtain the Pitchfork +1, you will need to head to a different city than the one where you received your Pitchfork. You may do this with the same partner, or a different partner. This is where being from the same nation as your partner comes in handy. You will need to find the NPC that normally turns characters into the enemy of their home nation. Equip your Pitchfork, and trade a sweet to this NPC. Instead of turning you into the enemy of your home nation, the NPC will instead turn you into a goblin. Once you and your partner have both turned into goblins, you must run around to the decorations, just like before, to try and obtain your Pitchfork +1. A Bastokan will need to find the NPC that normally turns players into a Quadav, a Windurstian will need to find the NPC that turns players into a Yagudo, and a San d'Orian will need to find the NPC that turns players into an Orc.

If you wish to obtain the other holiday events, you will have a much easier (though more costly) time, and you do not need a partner. Simply trade a sweet to one of the NPCs. The NPC will turn you into a monster, or give you a Halloween item. This may take a lot of different sweets, a lot of time trading different NPCs, and a lot of time waiting for new days and running around.

Moogle Locations:
Bastok Markets
South San d'Oria
Windurst Woods

Bastok Markets roaming NPCs:
Trick Bones: Ghost Costume
Trick Ghast: Shade Costume
Trick Ghost: Hound Costume
Trick Phantom: Quadav Costume
Trick Shade: Shade Costume
Trick Shadow: Skeleton Costume
Trick Skeleton: Yagudo Costume
Trick Specter: Ghost Costume
Trick Spirit: Orc Costume
Trick Wight: Skeleton Costume

North San d'Oria roaming NPCs:
Trick Bones: Quadav Costume
Trick Ghast: Yagudo Costume
Trick Ghost: Skeleton Costume
Trick Phantom: Shade Costume
Trick Shade: Yagudo Costume
Trick Shadow: Orc Costume
Trick Skeleton: Hound Costume
Trick Specter: Quadav Costume
Trick Spirit: Ghost Costume
Trick Wight: Orc Costume

Windurst Waters roaming NPCs:
Trick Bones: Orc Costume
Trick Ghast: Quadav Costume
Trick Ghost: Yagudo Costume
Trick Phantom: Ghost Costume
Trick Shade: Quadav Costume
Trick Shadow: Hound Costume
Trick Skeleton: Shade Costume
Trick Specter: Orc Costume
Trick Spirit: Skeleton Costume
Trick Wight: Hound Costume

Event Specifics

Official Announcement: Trick or Treat?
Event Schedule: Oct. 20, 2005 17:00 to Nov. 1, 2005 0:00
Event Item Rewards: Pitchfork, Pitchfork +1, Trick Staff, Trick Staff II, Pumpkin Head, Pumpkin Head II, Treat Staff, Treat Staff II, Horror Head, Horror Head II
Other Items Used in Event: All crafted sweets food.

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PlayOnline Login Issues (Oct 21); Registration Server Maintenance (Oct 23)
Posted by: Cuer - Fri Oct 21st, 2005 06:26 pm EDT
[Updated twice, with further PlayOnline Login announcements.]

Oct. 21, 2005 17:45 [PDT]

PlayOnline Login Recovery (Oct. 21)

At the following time, we experienced login difficulties with PlayOnline and its services.

After the investigation, we have determined that the cause was due to the failure of the server equipments.
The recovery process is now complete but we will continue to investigate and maintain best service possible. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused.

In case if you are still experiencing login difficulties, please try again after restarting your equipments.

[Date & Time]
Oct. 21, 2005 from 13:09 to 17:40 (PDT)

Login difficulties with PlayOnline and its services.

[Affected Services]

Official PlayOnline Announcement

From: PlayOnline
Oct. 21, 2005 15:05 [PDT]

PlayOnline Login Difficulties (Oct. 21): Follow-up

This is a follow-up to the previous news regarding login difficulties with both PlayOnline and its services.

Currently investigation and recovery work are underway and we hope to resolve this issue as soon as possible. We will post more information as it becomes available.

We apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused.

[Date & Time]
Oct. 21, 2005 from 13:09 (PDT)

Login difficulties with PlayOnline and its services.

[Affected Services]

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Oct. 21, 2005 13:25 [PDT]

PlayOnline Login Difficulties (Oct. 21)

We are currently experiencing login difficulties with the PlayOnline and its services. The issue is currently being addressed, and new updates will follow as additional information becomes available.

We deeply apologize for the inconvenience.

[Date & Time]
Oct. 21, 2005 from 13:09 (PDT)

[Issue Details]
Login difficulties with PlayOnline and its services.

[Affected Services]

Official PlayOnline Announcement

From: PlayOnline
Oct. 21, 2005 06:30 [PDT]

Registration Server Maintenance (Oct. 23)

The PlayOnline registration server will be unavailable due to maintenance at the following time. During this time, users will be unable to register or unsubscribe PlayOnline accounts, review or update their member information, or review, purchase, cancel, or reactivate Content IDs.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

[Date & Time]
From Oct. 23, 2005 19:00 to Oct. 24, 2005 0:00 (PDT)
*Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

[Affected Services]

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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PlayOnline Server Maintenance, FFXI Update (Oct 20)
Posted by: Cuer - Wed Oct 19th, 2005 04:49 pm EDT
[Updated five times, with FFXI Update and PlayOnline Emergency Server Maintenance details.]

Oct. 21, 2005 00:30 [PDT]

PlayOnline Login Recovery (Oct. 20)

At the following time, we experienced login difficulties with PlayOnline and its services.

The PlayOnline maintenance which was completed on Oct. 20, 2005 18:00 (PDT) was successful; however, a server issue occurred shortly afterwards. It was necessary to take immediate action and exchange the hardware to rectify the problem.

The operation is now complete and the issue has been addressed.

We deeply apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused.

Oct. 20, 2005 from 19:05 to Oct. 21, 2005 0:13 (PDT)

[Affected Services]

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Oct. 20, 2005 23:30 [PDT]

PlayOnline Emergency Server Maintenance Extension (Oct. 20)

The recovery maintenance currently underway was reported to last three hours. However, that time has now been extended. The new estimated finish time is Oct. 21, 2005 0:30 (PDT.)

We apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused.

Oct. 20, 2005 from 20:20 to Oct.21, 2005 0:20 (PDT)

Login difficulties with PlayOnline and its services.

[Affected Services]

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Oct. 20, 2005 19:58 [PDT]

PlayOnline Emergency Server Maintenance (Oct. 20)

We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with the PlayOnline login server. To address this issue, PlayOnline maintenance will be conducted at the time shown below. During this period, PlayOnline, Tetra Master and FINAL FANTASY XI will be unavailable.

We deeply apologize for the inconvenience.

[Date & Time]
Oct. 20, 2005 from 20:20 to 23:20 (PDT)
*Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

Login difficulties with PlayOnline and its services.

[Affected Services]

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Oct. 20, 2005 19:00 [PDT]

FINAL FANTASY XI Update (Oct. 20)

At the following time we performed a FINAL FANTASY XI version update.

Oct. 20, 2005 18:00 (PDT)

[Affected Services]

[Important Update Details]

- An issue whereby an erroneous message was being displayed when the abilities "Steal" and "Scavenge" failed was fixed.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Oct. 20, 2005 02:00 [PDT]

FINAL FANTASY XI Update (Oct. 20)

At the following time we will perform a version update of FINAL FANTASY XI.

*The client software will be updated at this time. The client update will begin once you connect to FINAL FANTASY XI. Please follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

[Date & Time]
Oct. 20, 2005 2:00 (PDT)

[Affected Services]

[Important Update Details]

- An issue where players were forced to equip the "Safety Mantle" on the "waist" instead of the "back" has been fixed.

- An issue where reward details were not being displayed after a Fellowship Quest was completed was fixed.

- An issue where targeting a pet or fellow would result in an erroneous name being displayed was fixed.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Oct. 19, 2005 07:30 [PDT]

PlayOnline Server Maintenance (Oct. 20)

At the following time we will be conducting PlayOnline server maintenance. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XI and Tetra Master will be unavailable.

The "Friend List Plus" feature, the "Q&A" feature, as well as the mail form available under the "Services & Support" section accessible from the official PlayOnline homepage (http://www.playonline.com/) will also be unavailable.

We realize that this is another interminable maintenance, not long after the previous Oct. 13 maintenance. However, we ask for your understanding and cooperation so we can strive to maintain the best service possible.

[Date & Time]
Oct. 20, 2005 from 8:00 to 18:00 (PDT)
*Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

[Maintenance Details]
The backbone of the PlayOnline server equipment will be exchanged.

[Affected Services]

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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PlayOnline: Trick or Treat?
Posted by: Cuer - Fri Oct 14th, 2005 03:48 am EDT
Trick or Treat! Oct. 14, 2005 00:00 [PDT]

Trick or Treat?

Master, Master!
Vana'diel has been on fire with goldfish scooping, dancing, and wild buffalos! But all that's over now, kupo! No more trouble, and no more heat! But don't you miss all the activity, actually? Aren't you itching for more excitement?

I have some information fresh from the M.H.M.U. (Mog House Management Union) that just might scratch that itch, kupo! Harvest time in Bastok, San d'Oria, and Windurst is now over, and a bone-chilling, fearsome festival is in the works! The towns will use the festival as a means to express their enormous thanks to the adventurers for the safety they bring, and provide a means of revenge for the ever-so-few trifling troubles they cause.

That's right, kupo! It's the third incarnation of the Harvest Festival!

The other details given to me are vague because apparently, the festival planners didn't want any information leaked to the adventurers, kupo! Luckily, the M.H.M.U. had a few secret agents planted at their meetings! Apparently, there will be more than just the typical monster costumes! A certain hazardous-looking decoration(*) devised by the engineers of Bastok is scheduled to make an appearance. Oooh, scaaary... I'm shaking in my fur, kupo! The planners have also set up patrols during the preparation for the festival, so they must be hiding more spine-tingling secrets!

Do you like playing tricks? Then I have good news for you, kupo!
It seems they are planning to give away special costumes. Adventurers will roam the streets wearing the costumes and approach wary passers-by with calls of "Trick or Treat?"

What will the moogles be doing, you ask?
Eating candy and playing tricks, of course, kupo!

When questioned, Raibaht shouted, "What do you mean, 'It looks dangerous!?' Cid's inventions tend to have a unique look to them, but this was made from the same technology that allows airships to fly at great heights. It's perfectly safe!" I think I made him angry, kupo...

- - - - -

This event is scheduled to commence at Oct. 20, 2005 17:00 (PDT) and will last until Nov. 1, 2005 0:00 (PST).

-Trade a treat to a disguised NPC walking in Bastok, San d'Oria, or Windurst.

-The NPC will only accept certain treats.

-Players might be disguised as beastmen or monsters for a certain period of time after trading a treat to an NPC. Magic or items cannot be used while disguised. Costumed players also cannot perform actions that require a target, such as talking to NPCs or opening doors.

The effects of the monster costume may be canceled by changing to a new area or:
1. Windows version: Press the [+] key on the numeric keypad twice.
PlayStation 2 version: Press the triangle button twice.
2. Line up the selection box with the status icon entitled "Costume."
3. Windows version: Press the [Enter] key.
PlayStation 2 version: Press the X button.

-Talk to an event moogle during the festival to find out more. Perhaps a surprise awaits...

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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Site Updates - October 14, 2005
Posted by: Cuer - Fri Oct 14th, 2005 12:04 am EDT
All the new items and recipes known so far from the October 10 patch are found in this site update. They are also listed in detail in the October 2005 FFXI Patch Compilation of Info, along with the rest of the information about the patch.

Items Added: Mithra Snare, Tarutaru Snare, Smelling Salts, Ikra Gunkan +1, Ikra Gunkan, Salmon Roe, Salmon Eggs, Tentacle Sushi +1, Tentacle Sushi, Melanzane +1, Melanzane, Arrabbiato +1, Arrabbiato, Mana Powder, Megalixir, Loam, Beast Blood, Bird Blood, Lizard Blood, Laminated Ram Leather, Wolf Fur, Wolf Felt, Coral Horn, Light Steel Sheet, Laminated Buffalo Leather, Iyo Scale, Hunter's Cotton, Carapace Powder, White Mouton, Beast Horn, Dark Adaman Sheet, Dark Adaman, Gold Brocade, Sheep Chammy, Sailcloth, Rainbow Velvet, Ether Holly, Ether Cotton, Ether Leather, Holy Leather, Silver Brocade, Dark Bronze Sheet, Dark Bronze, Magenta Chip, Charcoal Chip, Orchid Chip, Helmet Mole, Snapping Mole, Mushroom Locust, King Locust, Skull Locust, Antican Acid, Leech Saliva, Bloody Ram Leather, Vivio Sheep Leather, Vivio Wyvern Scale, Vivio Scorpion Claw, Vivio Crab Shell, Vivio Femur, Glossy Bugard Leather, Soft Bugard Leather, Tough Bugard Leather, Rugged Bugard Leather, Shiny Gold Thread, Dull Gold Thread, Brilliant Gold Thread, Magical Silk Cloth, Magical Linen Cloth, Magical Cotton Cloth, Platinum Arrowhead, Gold Arrowhead, Chocobo Return Ticket, Astral Leather, Glittering Yarn, Blue Rivet, Cobalt Mythril Sheet, Ebony Lacquer, Plaited Cord, Kurogane, Scarlet Odoshi, Charcoal Cotton, Chameleon Yarn, Brown Doeskin, Coiled Yarn, Fetid Lanolin, Smalt Leather, Black Rivet, Dark Orichalcum, White Rivet, Snowy Cermet, Light Filament, Supple Skin, Cardinal Cloth, Ruby Silk Thread, Diabolic Yarn, Diabolic Silk, Benedict Yarn, Benedict Silk, Ancient Brass, Utopian Gold Thread, Argyro Rivet, Ecarlate Cloth, Omega's Tail, Omega's Hind Leg, Omega's Foreleg, Omega's Heart, Omega's Eye, Ultima's Tail, Ultima's Leg, Ultima's Claw, Ultima's Heart, Ultima's Cerebrum, Smoky Chip, Smalt Chip, Cerulean Chip, Silver Chip, Emerald Chip, Scarlet Chip, Ivory Chip, Vivio Platinum, Tactics Manual of Endurance, Ancient Beastcoin, Pirate's Chart, Brigand's Chart, Tactics Manual of Might, Bal Shell, Tactics Manual of Fortitude, Frigid Orichalcum, Spirit Orichalcum, Frigid Core, Spirit Core, Luminous Core, Inferno Core, Manta Leather, Manta Skin, Steel Walnut Lumber, Wooden Flowerpot, Sky Pot, Blue Pitcher, Maharaja's Belt, Pendragon's Belt, Czar's Belt, Sultan's Belt, Acrobat's Belt, Runner's Belt, Tough Belt, Samsonian Belt, Enthralling Cotton Obi, Deductive Cotton Obi, Empress Band, Chariot Band, Raven Gaiters, Crow Gaiters, Nashira Crackows, Homam Gambieras, Raven Hose, Crow Hose, Nashira Seraweels, Homam Cosciales, Evoker's Spats +1, Drachen Brais +1, Ninja Hakama +1, Myochin Haidate +1, Hunter's Braccae +1, Choral Cannions +1, Beast Trousers +1, Chaos Flanchard +1, Gallant Breeches +1, Rogue's Culotte +1, Warlock's Tights +1, Wizard's Tonban +1, Healer's Pantaloons +1, Temple Hose +1, Fighter's Cuisses +1, Penguin Ring, Albatross Ring, Boxer's Mantle, Jaeger Mantle, Charger Mantle, Sagacious Cotton Obi, Enthralling Gold Obi, Deductive Gold Obi, Sagacious Gold Obi, Evoker's Pigaches +1, Drachen Greaves +1, Ninja Kyahan +1, Myochin Sune-Ate +1, Hunter's Socks +1, Choral Slippers +1, Beast Gaiters +1, Chaos Sollerets +1, Gallant Leggings +1, Rogue's Poulaines +1, Warlock's Boots +1, Wizard's Sabots +1, Healer's Duckbills +1, Temple Gaiters +1, Fighter's Calligae +1, Flawless Ribbon, Raven Beret, Crow Beret, Nashira Turban, Homam Zucchetto, Evoker's Horn +1, Drachen Armet +1, Ninja Hatsuburi +1, Myochin Kabuto +1, Hunter's Beret +1, Choral Roundlet +1, Beast Helm +1, Chaos Burgeonet +1, Gallant Coronet +1, Rogue's Bonnet +1, Warlock's Chapeau +1, Wizard's Petasos +1, Healer's Cap +1, Temple Crown +1, Fighter's Mask +1, Hoplon +1, Raven Bracers, Crow Bracers, Nashira Gages, Homam Manopolas, Evoker's Bracers +1, Drachen Finger Gauntlets +1, Ninja Tekko +1, Myochin Kote +1, Hunter's Bracers +1, Choral Cuffs +1, Beast Gloves +1, Chaos Gauntlets +1, Gallant Gauntlets +1, Rogue's Armlets +1, Warlock's Gloves +1, Wizard's Gloves +1, Healer's Mitts +1, Temple Gloves +1, Fighter's Mufflers +1, Brutal Earring, Loquacious Earring, Tactics Pearl, Raven Jupon, Crow Jupon, High Healing Harness, Healing Justaucorps, Healing Harness, Healing Mail, Healing Vest, High Mana Cloak, Mana Cloak, Mana Tunic, Nashira Manteel, Homam Corazza, Evoker's Doublet +1, Drachen Mail +1, Ninja Chainmail +1, Myochin Domaru +1, Hunter's Jerkin +1, Choral Justaucorps +1, Beast Jackcoat +1, Chaos Cuirass +1, Gallant Surcoat +1, Rogue's Vest +1, Warlock's Tabard +1, Wizard's Coat +1, Healer's Briault +1, Temple Cyclas +1, Fighter's Lorica +1, Regen Cuirass, Spartan Hoplon, Hoplon, Kagiroi, Butachi +1, Butachi, Tojaku, Hirenjaku +1, Hirenjaku, Ponderous Manoples, Blizzard Toporok, Toporok +1, Toporok, Ponderous Lance, Triton's Lance, Orichalcum Lance, Fuscina, Pitchfork +1, Pitchfork, Blizzard Scythe, Triton's Scythe, Orichalcum Scythe, Mercurial Kris, Furnace Tabarzin, Fragrant Antica Broth, Antica Broth, Clear Blood Broth, Blood Broth, Lively Mole Broth, Mole Broth, Noisy Grasshopper Broth, Grasshopper Broth, Ebony Harp +2, Crumhorn +2, Cornette +2, Traversiere +2, Flute +2, Pealing Anelace, Ponderous Gully, Steel-splitter, Pealing Buzdygan, Platinum Arrow, Gold Arrow, Platinum Bullet, Gold Bullet, Staurobow +1, Staurobow, Pealing Nagan

Items Updated: Jaguar Mantle, Lethe Water, Panacea, Sieglinde Putty, Gray Chip, Cyan Chip, Carmine Chip, Avatar Blood, Dragon Blood, Remi Shell, Beastman Blood, Fiend Blood, Sheep Wool, Damascus Ingot, Black Chip, White Chip, Purple Chip, Clear Chip, Green Chip, Yellow Chip, Blue Chip, Red Chip

Mobs Updated: Meteormauler Zhagtegg, Fomor Beastmaster, Fomor Summoner, Fomor Warrior, Bendigeit Vran, Stolas, Shikigami Weapon

Quests Added: Past Reflections

Quests Updated: Orastery Woes, Cloak and Dagger, Stop Your Whining, Past Reflections, The Missing Piece

Recipes Added: Fish & Chips, Deductive Cotton Obi, Kagiroi, Ponderous Manoples, Pealing Buzdygan, Maharaja's Belt, Pendragon's Belt, Czar's Belt, Sultan's Belt, Manta Leather, Spartan Hoplon, White Mouton, Sheep Chammy, Crow Gaiters, Laminated Buffalo Leather, Acrobat's Belt, Runner's Belt, Tough Belt, Samsonian Belt, Laminated Ram Leather, Healing Vest, Bloody Ram Leather, Glossy Bugard Leather, Soft Bugard Leather, Tough Bugard Leather, Rugged Bugard Leather, Wolf Fur, Vivio Sheep Leather, Furnace Tabarzin, Hoplon, Platinum Arrow, Pealing Nagan, Pealing Anelace, Ponderous Gully, Platinum Bullet, Ether Holly, Ether Cotton, Ether Leather, Holy Leather, Gold Bullet, Coral Horn, Carapace Powder, Beast Horn, Vivio Wyvern Scale, Vivio Crab Shell, Vivio Femur, Vivio Scorpion Claw, Healing Justaucorps, High Healing Harness, Healing Harness, Healing Mail, Gold Arrow, Staurobow, Orichalcum Lance, Steel-splitter, Butachi, Frigid Core, Spirit Core, Luminous Core, Inferno Core, Iyo Scale, Light Steel Sheet, Steel Walnut Lumber, Dark Bronze Sheet, Dark Bronze, Sagacious Cotton Obi, Sailcloth, Arrabbiato, Antica Broth, Blood Broth, Ikra Gunkan, Mole Broth, Tentacle Sushi, Grasshopper Broth, Salmon Roe, Melanzane, Salmon Eggs, Crow Hose, Blizzard Scythe, Orichalcum Scythe, Tojaku, Regen Cuirass, Ponderous Lance, Frigid Orichalcum, Spirit Orichalcum, Platinum Arrowhead, Vivio Platinum, Gold Arrowhead, Deductive Gold Obi, Sagacious Gold Obi, Enthralling Gold Obi, Hunter's Cotton, Wolf Felt, High Mana Cloak, Brilliant Gold Thread, Dull Gold Thread, Shiny Gold Thread, Magical Silk Cloth, Mana Cloak, Magical Linen Cloth, Mana Tunic, Magical Cotton Cloth, Crow Beret, Crow Bracers, Crow Jupon, Silver Brocade, Gold Brocade, Rainbow Velvet

Desynthesis Recipes Added: Nodowa, Cuisses

Recipes Updated: Gold Gauntlets, Blackened Newt, Peperoncino, Bookshelf, Unicorn Subligar, Moonring Blade, Ebony Harp, Crumhorn, Cornette, Traversiere, Flute, Seer's Pumps, Pinwheel, Arhat's Jinpachi, Antacid, Hachiman Hakama, Noct Gaiters, Blue Cotehardie, Black Cotehardie, Blessed Briault, Fish Scales, Battle Hose

Desynthesis Recipes Updated: Errant Slops, Brass Subligar

Items Drops Added: Leech Saliva, Cactuar Root, Boyahda Coffer Key, Sacrarium Chest Key, Bird Blood, Lizard Blood, Manta Skin

PlayOnline Server Maintenance (Oct 13)
Posted by: Cuer - Wed Oct 12th, 2005 03:48 pm EDT
[Updated with extension info.]

Oct. 13, 2005 15:37 [PDT]

PlayOnline Maintenance Extension (Oct. 13)

The PlayOnline server maintenance currently underway has been extended. The estimated finish time is now 20:00 (PDT) as noted below.

The "Friend List Plus" feature, as well as the "Q&A" feature accessible from the official PlayOnline homepage (http://www.playonline.com/) will be unavailable.

We apologize for any inconvenience this delay may have caused.

Oct 13, 2005 8:00 to 20:00 (PDT)

[Affected Services]

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Oct. 12, 2005 04:00 [PDT]

PlayOnline Server Maintenance (Oct. 13)

At the following time we will be conducting PlayOnline server maintenance. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XI and Tetra Master will be unavailable.

The "Friend List Plus" feature, as well as the "Q&A" feature accessible from the official PlayOnline homepage (http://www.playonline.com/) will be unavailable as well.

We thank you for your understanding and patience.

[Date & Time]
Oct. 13, 2005 from 8:00 to 18:00 (PDT)
*Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

[Maintenance Details]
Part of server equipment will be exchanged.

[Affected Services]

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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PlayOnline: Details on Current Known Issues (Oct 12)
Posted by: Cuer - Wed Oct 12th, 2005 03:14 pm EDT
Oct. 12, 2005 06:30 [PDT]

Details on Current Known Issues (Oct. 12)

Since the implementation of the latest version update on Oct. 10, 2005, several gameplay and system related issues have been discovered. Solutions to these issues are now being tested. Players will be informed as soon as solutions are finalized.

The following issues have been discovered:

-An issue where the screen would blackout upon entering Lower Jeuno from Rolanberry Fields.

*This screen blackout can be prevented by entering into Lower Jeuno at the center of the zone line from Rolanberry Fields.

-The item "Safety Mantle" appears to be equippable in the "waist" slot instead of the "back" slot.

-Mistakes were found in the following synthesizing recipes, as well as the recipes given by the NPCs from the guild:

Seer's Pumps
Warrior's Belt

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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October 2005 FFXI Patch Compilation of Info
Posted by: Cuer - Mon Oct 10th, 2005 06:34 pm EDT
The October 10, 2005 Final Fantasy XI update offers another round of item additions, new quests, and zone additions, including a new upgrade to Artifact armor, accomplished by adventures in the Limbus areas. This compilation of info will eventually list all the pertinent information on the additions and changes to the game provided by the October 10 patch and followup October 20 update. (Previous patch compilations of info can be found in the News Highlights.)

New Armor ListSultan's Belt, one of the many new armor enchantment items.
Original Post: October 10, 2005
Last Updated: Monday, April 17, 2006

Latest Additions: Updated with the latest information; as more info is available regarding the additions in this patch, it will be added.


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FFXI and PlayOnline Update Patch Notes (Oct 10)
Posted by: Cuer - Mon Oct 10th, 2005 02:00 pm EDT
The official patch notes for the October 10 update are listed below, along with notes for the PlayOnline update.

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Order: Final Fantasy XI Online: Wings of the Goddess Expansion Pack (PC)(PS2)(XBOX 360)
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