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FFXI Xbox 360 Free Beta Disc - Exclusively in Official Xbox Magazine!
Posted by: Cuer - Tue Dec 20th, 2005 11:51 pm EST
Official Xbox Magazine From the Official FFXI Site (December 20):

FINAL FANTASY XI Xbox 360 Free Beta Disc - Exclusively in Official Xbox Magazine!

The February issue of Official Xbox Magazine will include a copy of the exclusive FINAL FANTASY XI Xbox 360 beta! This free beta includes enhanced visuals, audio, and other unique Xbox 360 features. Don't miss your chance to enjoy your first look at Vana'diel on the Xbox 360! The beta contains both the Rise of the Zilart and Chains of Promathia expansions fully realized on the next-generation console. Pick up your copy of the February issue of Official Xbox Magazine (on sale January 17th) and try out the beta for yourself!

Click here to visit the Official Xbox Magazine website! You can also read the press release here.

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Announcing FINAL FANTASY XI Fan Festival 2006!
Posted by: Cuer - Mon Dec 19th, 2005 02:18 am EST
Announcing FINAL FANTASY XI Fan Festival 2006!

FFXI Fan Festival 2006 From the Official FFXI Site (December 18, 2005):

Square Enix is proud to announce the largest FINAL FANTASY XI event ever created! Taking place on the famous Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles, Fan Festival 2006 will be our first multi-day event featuring numerous attractions. Taking place March 9th-11th, the Festival includes the world premiere of the playable Treasures of Aht Urhgan, the first chance to speak with the development team from Japan, Ballista Royale live championship and much, much more! As an added bonus, each registered attendee will receive a "gobbie bag" filled with goodies and a special in-game item! Spaces are limited, so buy your tickets today!

Visit the Fan Festival 2006 website for more details!

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PlayOnline: All Worlds Maintenance (Dec 20)
Posted by: Cuer - Sun Dec 18th, 2005 02:32 pm EST
[Updated with Followup news and final update notes.]

Dec. 20, 2005 09:20 [PST]

FINAL FANTASY XI Update (Dec. 20)

At the following time, we performed a FINAL FANTASY XI version update.

*The client software will also be updated at this time. Once this maintenance is completed, the client update will start automatically after logging back into FINAL FANTASY XI. Please follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

[Affected Period]
Dec. 20 2005 from 9:00 to 11:00 (PST)

[Affected Services]

[Update Details]
The following issues have been addressed:

- Fish Ranking is now available
- Certain monsters disappearing then reappearing repeatedly
- Incorrect naming of Yagudo in Dynamis - Valkurm
- Monsters becoming invisible when affected by the beastmaster ability "Charm" just before they disappear to return to their usual radius of activity
- The names of the summoned entities "Thunder Spirit" and "Water Spirit" being reversed
- Incorrect coordinates being temporarily displayed when closing the map
- The effects of certain equipment not being applied to Diabolos's "Blood Pact" abilities
- MPK measures not being put into effect for certain monsters

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Dec. 20, 2005 03:00 [PST]

All Worlds Maintenance (Dec. 20): Followup

The new Fish Ranking feature which was excluded from the Dec. 12, 2005 version update will be introduced during the version update on Dec. 20, 2005 9:00 (PST).

The information regarding the new Fish Ranking feature has been updated in the version update details announced on Dec. 12, 2005. Please refer to the version update details for more information regarding the Fish Ranking feature.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Dec. 18, 2005 09:00 [PST]

All Worlds Maintenance (Dec. 20)

At the following time, we will be performing FINAL FANTASY XI server maintenance on all Worlds. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XI will be unavailable.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

*The client software will also be updated at this time. Once this maintenance is completed, the client update will start automatically after logging back into FINAL FANTASY XI. Please follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

[Affected Period]
Dec. 20 2005 from 9:00 to 11:00 (PST)
*Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

[Affected Services]

[Maintenance Details]
To resolve several issues.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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Starlight Celebration Walkthrough
Posted by: Mirriam - Sat Dec 17th, 2005 11:56 pm EST
Santa Mirriam Let the holiday event begin! This is rather different from last year's Fellowship of the Red Hat festival. This event has 2 parts to it. The first is similar to last year's holiday event; talk the NPC in one of the starting towns (dressed in a holiday suit) and she will hand you a Kiddie Present. Give the present to a child, and then talk again to the NPC. The NPC will now offer to transport you to another town, because children in other parts of Vana'diel need joy, too. Unlike last year, as far as I can tell, there are no NPCs to buy more presents from. There do appear to be different "holiday fame" messages like last year, but it doesn't seem to affect the ability to teleport, nor does job or level. NOTE: you must be wearing a dream hat in order to give presents to children. You can buy a Dream Hat, fireworks, the holiday trees from last year and the Kadomatsu that was previously available from the 2004-2005 New Year Rivalry Event, at each of the Moogle Vendors in the cities.

To get a Dream Hat +1, place the Holiday Trees you buy from the Moogle Vendors (or received from last year's event) in your Mog House. After you have maxed our your "joy" by handing out presents to children, your Moogle should tell you that he found a Special Present for you under the tree. Use it like a firework, and in your inventory you'll find a Dream Hat +1.

The other part of this holiday event qualifies as one of the most frustrating holiday events Square-Enix has ever thought up. Each game day, speak with one of the Holiday Moogles. He will give you one of four holiday cards: Aldebaran Card, Betelgeuse Card, Canopus Card and the Pleiades Card. Each is "addressed" to a certain job and level, such as a Ranger in the 60s, or a Beastmaster in the 10s, and rarely to a specific level, like a 17 White Mage. You cannot tell which job and level it is for by looking at the card in your inventory, so pay attention to what the Holiday Moogle tells you when he hands you the card. If you forget, you can always return to the Moogle, and he will repeat the information for you. Find someone whose job/level matches the requirements, give them the card you have, and have them turn it in to the Moogle. They will receive various fireworks and another card, which they need to give back to you for you to turn in. So basically, you have to rely on other people to get cards to turn into the Moogle. You MUST be on the particular required job to turn the card in. You will receive either Brilliant Snow, or a Dream Robe. It appears to be random how you get your Dream Robe. Once you have your Dream Robe, this process is still the same, however the Moogle will inform you that all the cards are addressed to people wearing red. Whether it's also random for the Dream Robe +1, or whether you must turn in 1 of each card, or 3 of the same (both popular theories), is unclear.

In addition, like last year, if you trade 10 fireworks to the Outpost Teleporter in each city, you may teleport to any region, regardless of who owns the region or what level your character is: 10 Brilliant Snow in Bastok, 10 Popstars in Windurst or 10 Sparkling Hands in San d'Oria. You can purchase fireworks at the Moogle Vendors.

List of NPCs Smilebringer:
Cristina, Bastok Mines (I-9)
Charmealaut, San d'Oria North (D-8)
Atagei-Portagei, North Windurst Waters (F-5)

Holiday Moogles:
Bastok Mines (I-9)
Bastok Markets (G-9)
San d'Oria South (K-9)
San d'Oria North (D-8)
Windurst Woods (K-10)
Windurst Waters North (F-5)

Moogle Vendors:
Bastok Port (L-7)
San d'Oria South (D-8)
Windurst Waters North (G-10)

List of Children
Bastok Port:
Dehlner, Kaede, Rex, Rin, Valah Molkot
Bastok Markets:
Arawn, Brygid, Emrys, Enu, Gwill, Rothais
Bastok Mines:
Detzo, Gumbah, Vaghron, Valeri, Roh Latteh
Bastok Metalworks:
Folzen, Patricius, Remus
Southern San d'Oria:
Authare, Blendare, Foletta, Leuveret, Raminel
Northern San d'Oria:
Ailbeche, Kuu Mohzolhi, Maurinne, Taurette
San d'Oria Port
Artinien, Auvare, Brifalien, Miene
Windurst Port:
Diegai, Gomada-Vulmada, Kohlo-Lakolo, Mov Lingyoh, Odilia, Papo-Hopo, Paruru, Paytah, Pichichi, Pyo Nzon, Shanruru, Yafa Yaa
Windurst Waters:
Akkeke, Aora-Uora, Arukoko, Buchi Kohmrijah, Chomoro-Kyotoro, Clais, Diroku-Oroku, Foi-Mui, Hororo, Janta-Jonta, Kirarara, Koko Lihzeh, Kotan-Moritan, Majiji, Mashuu-Ajuu,Mimono, Myumimi, Pakesse-Myukesse, Paku-Nakku, Rabiri-Tabiri, Rukuku, Temoe-Amoe, Yohra-Ora, Yung Yaam
Windurst Walls:
Chomomo, Juna Moshal, Komomo, Migi Centa, Purakoko, Rutango-Botango, Toi Pio
Windurst Woods:
Etsa Rhuyuli, Iya Rihyo, Nhobi Zalkia, Patsaa Maehoc, Phuz Mannohl

Event Specifics
Official Announcement: The Starlight Celebration
Event Schedule: Dec. 12, 2005 15:00 to Dec. 31, 2005 7:00 (PST)
Event Item Rewards: Dream Robe, Dream Robe +1, Brilliant Snow, Popstars, Sparkling Hands, Chocopass
Other Event Rewards: Teleports between the three starting cities; teleports to any outpost (regardless of who holds the region or the character's level) from the Outpost Teleporters in exchange for fireworks.
Other Items Used in Event: Kiddie Present, Aldebaran Card, Betelgeuse Card, Canopus Card, Pleiades Card

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Site Updates - December 14, 2005
Posted by: Cuer - Wed Dec 14th, 2005 04:42 pm EST
The changes and additions in this site update are primarily from the December 12 patch. All the known info about them can be found in the December 2005 FFXI Patch Compilation of Info, which is regularly updated with further data.

Items Added: Stewpot Mastery, Patissier, Charm Wand +1, Charm Wand, Diabolos's Pole, Bahamut's Staff, Dragon Staff, Bahamut's Zaghnal, Summoner's Cape, Bard's Cape, Valor Cape, Assassin's Cape, Abyss Cape, Melee Cape, Pelican Ring, Diabolos's Ring, Diabolos's Earring, Diabolos's Torque, Saotome Koshi-Ate, Wyrm Belt, Koga Sarashi, Scout's Belt, Monster Belt, Sorcerer's Belt, Duelist's Belt, Cleric's Belt, Warrior's Stone, Key Ring Belt, Dream Robe +1, Dream Robe, Bahamut's Hose, Bahamut's Mask, Cleric's Pantaloons +1, Cleric's Mitts +1, Cleric's Duckbills +1, Cleric's Cap +1, Cleric's Briault +1, Warrior's Mufflers +1, Warrior's Mask +1, Warrior's Lorica +1, Warrior's Cuisses +1, Warrior's Calligae +1, Assassin's Vest +1, Assassin's Poulaines +1, Assassin's Culotte +1, Assassin's Bonnet +1, Assassin's Armlets +1, Summoner's Spats +1, Summoner's Pigaches +1, Summoner's Horn +1, Summoner's Doublet +1, Summoner's Bracers +1, Saotome Sune-Ate +1, Saotome Kote +1, Saotome Kabuto +1, Saotome Haidate +1, Saotome Domaru +1, Scout's Socks +1, Scout's Jerkin +1, Scout's Bracers +1, Scout's Braccae +1, Scout's Beret +1, Duelist's Tights +1, Duelist's Tabard +1, Duelist's Gloves +1, Duelist's Chapeau +1, Duelist's Boots +1, Valor Surcoat +1, Valor Leggings +1, Valor Gauntlets +1, Valor Coronet +1, Valor Breeches +1, Koga Tekko +1, Koga Kyahan +1, Koga Hatsuburi +1, Koga Hakama +1, Koga Chainmail +1, Melee Hose +1, Melee Gloves +1, Melee Gaiters +1, Melee Cyclas +1, Melee Crown +1, Wyrm Mail +1, Wyrm Greaves +1, Wyrm Finger Gauntlets +1, Wyrm Brais +1, Wyrm Armet +1, Abyss Sollerets +1, Abyss Gauntlets +1, Abyss Flanchard +1, Abyss Cuirass +1, Abyss Burgeonet +1, Monster Trousers +1, Monster Jackcoat +1, Monster Helm +1, Monster Gloves +1, Monster Gaiters +1, Sorcerer's Tonban +1, Sorcerer's Sabots +1, Sorcerer's Petasos +1, Sorcerer's Gloves +1, Sorcerer's Coat +1, Bard's Slippers +1, Bard's Roundlet +1, Bard's Justacorps +1, Bard's Cuffs +1, Bard Cannions +1, Seraph's Kiss, Flurry Courante, Squirrel's Delight, Dusky Indulgence, Black Pudding, Sylvan Excursion, Buche au Chocolat, Prized Beef Stewpot, Prime Beef Stewpot, Beef Stewpot, Prized Crab Stewpot, Prime Crab Stewpot, Crab Stewpot, Midwinter Dream, Gateau aux Fraises, Royal Grape, Romance Potion, Prized Seafood Stewpot, Prime Seafood Stewpot, Seafood Stewpot, Shirataki, Shungiku, Napa, Cibol, Cotton Tofu, Soy Milk, Truelove Chocolate, Love Chocolate, Homemade Risotto, Homemade Bread, Homemade Salad, Homemade Steak, Homemade Cheese, Homemade Rice Ball, Homemade Gelato, Homemade Stew, Homemade Herbal Tea, Orpiment, Yellow Mouton, Catoblepas Leather, Catoblepas Hide, Ovinnik Leather, Ovinnik Hide, Betelgeuse Card, Aldebaran Card, Capella Card, Canopus Card, Sirius Card, Rigel Card, Pleiades Card, Baking Soda, Vanilla, Soy Stock, Fish Stock, Bittern, Monarch's Orb, Summoner's Pigaches -1, Summoner's Spats -1, Summoner's Bracers -1, Summoner's Doublet -1, Summoner's Horn -1, Wyrm Greaves -1, Wyrm Brais -1, Wyrm Finger Gauntlets -1, Wyrm Mail -1, Wyrm Armet -1, Koga Kyahan -1, Koga Hakama -1, Koga Tekko -1, Koga Chainmail -1, Koga Hatsuburi -1, Saotome Sune-ate -1, Saotome Haidate -1, Saotome Kote -1, Saotome Domaru -1, Saotome Kabuto -1, Scout's Socks -1, Scout's Braccae -1, Scout's Bracers -1, Scout's Jerkin -1, Scout's Beret -1, Bard's Slippers -1, Bard's Cannions -1, Bard's Cuffs -1, Bard's Justaucorps -1, Bard's Roundlet -1, Monster Gaiters -1, Monster Trousers -1, Monster Gloves -1, Monster Jackcoat -1, Monster Helm -1, Abyss Sollerets -1, Abyss Flanchard -1, Abyss Gauntlets -1, Abyss Cuirass -1, Abyss Burgeonet -1, Valor Leggings -1, Valor Breeches -1, Valor Gauntlets -1, Valor Surcoat -1, Valor Coronet -1, Assassin's Poulaines -1, Assassin's Culotte -1, Assassin's Armlets -1, Assassin's Vest -1, Assassin's Bonnet -1, Duelist's Boots -1, Duelist's Tights -1, Duelist's Gloves -1, Duelist's Tabard -1, Duelist's Chapeau -1, Sorcerer's Sabots -1, Sorcerer's Tonban -1, Sorcerer's Gloves -1, Sorcerer's Coat -1, Sorcerer's Petasos -1, Cleric's Duckbills -1, Cleric's Pantaloons -1, Cleric's Mitts -1, Cleric's Briault -1, Cleric's Cap -1, Melee Gaiters -1, Melee Hose -1, Melee Gloves -1, Melee Cyclas -1, Melee Crown -1, Warrior's Calligae -1, Warrior's Cuisses -1, Warrior's Mufflers -1, Warrior's Lorica -1, Warrior's Mask -1, Attraction Chocolate, Desire Chocolate, Romance Chocolate, Amour Chocolate, Attraction Chocolate: Right Piece, Attraction Chocolate: Right Piece, Desire Chocolate: Right Piece, Desire Chocolate: Right Piece, Romance Chocolate: Right Piece, Romance Chocolate: Right Piece, Amour Chocolate: Right Piece, Amour Chocolate: Right Piece, Attraction Chocolate: Left Piece, Desire Chocolate: Left Piece, Romance Chocolate: Left Piece, Amour Chocolate: Left Piece

Items Updated: Monster Gaiters, Melee Crown, Cleric's Pantaloons, Cleric's Mitts, Gold Arrowhead, Mushroom Locust, Dark Adaman Sheet

NPCs Updated: Amalasanda, Jabbar, Shilah, Chomo Jinjahl, Kopopo, Benaige

Recipes Added: Catoblepas Leather, Ovinnik Leather, Yellow Mouton, Snoll Gelato, Icecap Rolanberry, Buche au Chocolat, Cotton Tofu, Soy Milk, Baking Soda, Bittern, Seafood Stewpot, Love Chocolate, Black Pudding, Marron Glace, Beef Stewpot, Crab Stewpot, Gateau aux Fraises

Recipes Updated: Wing Earring, Blessed Pumps

Desynthesis Recipes Updated: Tiger Trousers

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Details on Current Known Issues (Dec 13)
Posted by: Cuer - Tue Dec 13th, 2005 01:59 pm EST
Dec. 13, 2005 04:00 [PST]

Details on Current Known Issues (Dec. 13)

Since the implementation of the latest version update on Dec. 12, 2005, several gameplay and system related issues have been discovered. Solutions to these issues are now being tested. Players will be informed as soon as solutions are finalized.

The following issues have been discovered:

- The list of rewards for the "Waking Dreams" quest did not appear properly.
* This has been addressed during the Dec. 13, 2005 3:15(PST) area maintenance.

- If the beastmaster ability "Charm" is used on a monster while the monster is disappearing because it was outside its normal radius, the monster may become invisible in some instances.
=> Although the pet monster may appear invisible, it will act like a normal pet monster.

- The help message that displays under "Party" within "Seek Member" in the main menu has not been updated to accommodate the change after the version update.
=> The resulting list is functioning as stated in the update details.

Following is an additional information which was excluded from the Dec. 13, 2005 (JST) Update Details:

- Wyverns will now have the equivalent of the job trait "Subtle Blow," reducing the amount of TP gained by opponents from the wyvern's attacks.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Dec. 14, 2005 03:45 [PST]

Details on Current Known Issues (cont.)

Since the implementation of the latest version update on Dec. 12, 2005, the following issues have been discovered.

We have conducted maintenance at 3:00 (PST) on Dec. 14, 2005 to address the following issues:

- An issue wherein the "Storms of Fate" quest could not be completed under certain circumstances.

- An issue with the "Aern" type monsters not displaying properly within the following areas: Al'Taieu, Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi, Empyreal Paradox.

- An issue where "Phuabo" type monsters in the Al'Taieu area could not be targeted.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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December 2005 FFXI Patch Compilation of Info
Posted by: Cuer - Mon Dec 12th, 2005 09:20 pm EST
The Final Fantasy XI update on December 12, 2005 brings some additions to the game at the high end, primarily with new Dynamis zones. A wide array of expansions to the NPC Fellowship system are also part of this patch, along with new crafting key items and foods. This compilation of info will eventually list all the pertinent information on the additions and changes to the game provided by the patch, and the followup December 20, 2005 patch. (Previous patch compilations of info can be found in the News Highlights.)

Original Post: December 12, 2005
Last Updated: Monday, April 16, 2006

Latest Additions: Updated with the latest information; as more info is available regarding the additions in this patch, it will be added.


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FFXI Patch Notes (Dec 12)
Posted by: Cuer - Mon Dec 12th, 2005 12:55 pm EST
The official patch notes are listed below.

≪Dec. 13, 2005 (JST) Update Details≫
*Japan Standard Time


image Several new quests have been added, including a quest to obtain the summonable avatar Diabolos, and an event that culminates in a battle with the mighty Wyrmking, Bahamut!

The following changes have been made to the Fellowship system:

-Several quests that raise the level limit, etc. of your adventuring fellow have been added.
-The variety of weapons and armor available to your adventuring fellow has been expanded.
-Several new options are available at the Rendezvous Point.
-The following changes have been made to the items required to change the weapon wielded by your adventuring fellow:
Ganko -> Hibari
-If the player character’s TP is at 100% or higher, adventuring fellows using the combat style “Fierce Attacker” will now make an announcement when their TP reaches 90%.
-The weapon skill choices of adventuring fellows using the combat style “Fierce Attacker” have been changed.
-Adventuring fellows using the combat style “Soothing Healer” will use enhancement magic on the player character twice as often as when using the basic “Healer” style.
-The equipment of adventuring fellows will no longer change in Promyvion areas.
-An issue where adventuring fellows would deal more damage to lower level monsters than the player has been addressed.
-The incorrect attack and delay of adventuring fellows using hand-to-hand weapons has been addressed.
-The correct amount of damage will now be displayed when “Everyone's Grudge” is used on an adventuring fellow.
-An issue wherein certain areas of equipment became unchangeable after selecting the option “Fashionable equipment” at the Rendezvous Point multiple times has been addressed.
-Adventuring fellows will no longer leave immediately after being called by a character in an alliance of 4 or more members.
-The quest to investigate the Emptiness has undergone the following adjustments:
>Adventuring fellows will gain increased experience rewards for completing layers beyond the first layer of Promyvion - Holla, Promyvion - Dem, and Promyvion - Mea.
>The position of the “???” target in the second layer of Promyvion - Holla has changed

After beginning the escort leg of the quests Escort for Hire (Windurst), Escort for Hire (San d’Oria), and Escort for Hire (Bastok), if players do not talk to the NPC within 5 minutes, the NPC will disappear.
*After talking to the NPC even once, the NPC will remain for the duration of the quest (30 Earth minutes) without further contact from the player.

Players will now be able to check to see if Limbus is occupied.

Fish Ranking is now available.

image -Speak to the NPC Chenon at the Fishermen’s Guild in Selbina to learn about or participate in Fish Ranking.

-About Fish Ranking
A certain variety of fish will be specified for each Fish Ranking contest. Players who wish to participate must obtain the fish and trade it to Chenon. The participant whose entry best fits the conditions set forth in the contest rules will be declared victorious.
Contest entries for Fish Ranking will be accepted for a period of two weeks (Earth time). After the competition is over, the results will be announced for the next two-week period. This cycle will continue so that the event is held twelve times a year.

-Conditions for Participation
Anybody can participate as long as he or she possesses the fish specified by Chenon. There are also no rules regarding the method of acquiring the fish. You can catch it yourself, buy it at the auction house, or search other players’ bazaars.

Three rules determine what kind of fish to seek for the contest.

<Standard Rules of Evaluation>
Rule A: Type of Fish
The first rule specifies the variety of fish to be used for the contest.
Rule B: Fish Specifications
The second rule specifies whether the fish will be evaluated based on its weight, size, or both.
Rule C: Large vs. Small
The third rule specifies whether the fish with the greatest value or the smallest value of weight/size will be declared the winner.

Speak to Chenon while entries are being accepted to learn the rules for the current competition.

-How to Participate
Trade the fish specified for the contest to Chenon during the submission period to participate in Fish Ranking.

-You must pay a small registration fee in order to submit an entry.
-You cannot view other players’ fishing records during the submission period.
-You can only have one submission entered into the contest at a time. You may submit new entries, but please note that any new entry will remove the previous submission from the contest.
-Any fish that have been entered in a Fish Ranking competition will be labeled and will be unusable for future contests. However, no other changes to the fish will be made, and it may be used in any other typical way, such as selling, cooking, and quests. However, if a labeled fish is sold, it will not lose its mark, and will continue to be unavailable for contest entry.

-The Submission Period
During the submission period, you may confirm or withdraw your entry at any time at no extra cost. However, please take note that you cannot resubmit an entry that has been withdrawn.

-Ranking Results
The results will be announced following the two-week submission period. Speak to Chenon to view the ranking board.
The ranking board lists rank, tier, the participant’s name, and entry details. In the case of a tie, the tied rank will be listed twice, and the list will skip the following number. For example, if two players tied for rank 2, the list would display as follows.

Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 2
Rank 4

The top twenty participants will be eligible for the following awards.

Rank 1: Title “Gold Hook,” Pelican Ring, and prize money
Rank 2: Title “Mythril Hook,” Pelican Ring, and prize money
Rank 3: Title “Silver Hook,” Pelican Ring, and prize money
Rank 4-10: Title “Copper Hook,” Pelican Ring, and prize money
Rank 11-20: Pelican Ring

You can view the ranking by speaking to Chenon during the announcement period and selecting “View ranking board.” If you have placed in the top ten, a special graphic will display, showing that you are eligible for an award.
In the event of a tie, all players will receive an award and a new title with regard to their tier, but the prize money will be divided among the participants.

Award winners may receive their prize at any time while the results are being announced. However, the player will no longer be eligible for an award after the announcement period ends, so it is important to accept your prize in a timely fashion. If your inventory is full, you will be unable to accept your reward. If you do not make space in your inventory and accept your prize before the announcement period is over, you will not be able to receive it at a later time.

-Additional Notes
>All ranking results are erased at the end of the announcement period. However, you can view the number of awards received in each tier using the “View award history” option.
>You can revert to any previously received title by speaking to a bard in the town where the title was originally earned.


The following measures against MPK (Monster Player Kill) have been implemented.

-If a player is KO'd or moves to a new area while fighting a monster outside the radius that it remains within when not engaged in battle, the monster will not begin attacking others in the surrounding area. Instead, it will simply disappear.
After being drawn out of that radius during battle and released, the monster will disappear, and then reappear after a short time in its proper location. In addition, the monster that reappears will be the exact same monster that disappeared, and not another monster of the same type.
This rule will not apply to notorious monsters.


-Monsters that have been rendered immobile with the "Bind" spell will not attack anyone other than the party or alliance that it is targeting.

New field areas of Dynamis have been introduced: Dynamis – Valkurm, Dynamis – Buburimu, and Dynamis – Qufim. In contrast to existing areas, only a maximum of 36 people can enter the new areas after meeting the specified requirements. However, the 3-day waiting period for reentering any area of Dynamis still applies.
*Players who have not installed the expansion disc FINAL FANTASY XI Rise of the Zilart or FINAL FANTASY XI Chains of Promathia, or who have not registered the expansion content, will be unable to enter Dynamis - Valkurm, Dynamis - Buburimu, or Dynamis - Qufim.

The following features will accompany the release of the new areas:
-New story developments
-New items that can be used to improve relic armor
-New items available only in the new Dynamis areas
*Relic equipment and ancient currency that players could earn in previously released Dynamis areas will also be available in the new areas
*The entry points for the new areas of Dynamis will be known as “Hieroglyphics,” as opposed to “Trail Markings” for the previously released areas.

Related Information>>

The NPC Sagheera will now accept relic armor for restoration.

Beastmasters will now receive 100% of the experience gained for enemies defeated with a pet summoned by the “Call Beast” ability.

The beastmaster ability “Reward” will now include a “Regen” effect. The amount of HP restored will be determined by the level of the pet and the type of pet food used.

The dragoon two-hour ability is now “Spirit Surge.” In accordance with this change, the recast time for “Call Wyvern” has been reduced to twenty minutes and will only be available when the main job is set to dragoon.

Spirit Surge
Adds the wyvern's strength to the dragoon. While this ability is in effect, “Jump” abilities are affected as follows:
*The ”Call Wyvern” ability cannot be used while “Spirit Surge” is in effect.

Temporarily weakens an enemy’s defense.

High Jump
Enemy’s TP is reduced by a percentage proportionate to the amount of damage inflicted.

Super Jump
As seen from the enemy target’s position, the closest party member behind the dragoon has his or her enmity reduced by half.

“Diabolos” has been added as a new summonable avatar.

The maximum number of usable merit points has been increased in all categories in the following manner:

Combo total and sub-categories:
Combat skills
Magic skills

Combo total only:
Individual job categories

The location of certain monsters in the Phomiuna Aqueducts and the Sacrarium has been adjusted.

The behavior of certain notorious monsters in Lumoria has been adjusted.

Certain notorious monsters in the Sacrarium will no longer use the weapon skill “One Inch Punch.”

An issue wherein the delay between disengaging from an enemy and being able to attack once more not being equal to the delay of the weapon equipped has been addressed.
*This delay is calculated after considering “Haste” and “Slow” effects.


The chance of obtaining the beastmaster broth ingredients skull locusts, king locusts, and snapping moles through harvesting or mining has been changed in the following areas:
Giddeus/West Sarutabaruta/Zeruhn Mines

The variety of items obtainable through mining in Ifrit’s Cauldron has been expanded. The chance for pickaxes to break has also been adjusted in this area.

The "pitchfork" and "pitchfork +1" obtained during this year's Harvest Festival event have been added to the list of storable special equipment.

The "Crow Jupon" set is now eligible for exchange with a key item voucher from the storage NPC.

"Patissier" and "Stewpot Mastery" have been added to the key items available through the Culinarians' Guild contracts.

New synthesis recipes have been added.

Items marked as “Rare” have been removed from the rewards obtainable through the Brigand's Chart quest. This change will reduce the chance of empty treasure chests appearing.

Monsters that appear during the Pirate's Chart quest in the Valkurm Dunes can now detect characters that are using “Sneak.”

New items bearing the same names as the previously released “Albatross Ring” and “Penguin Ring” have been added. In contrast to the already existing items, the duration and recast time for the enchantments on the new “Albatross Ring” and “Penguin Ring” will be six times shorter, while the number of charges will be increased by a multiple of six. This adjustment lowers the risk of the enchantment effect being wasted while maintaining the same total duration.
*The previously released “Albatross Ring” and “Penguin Ring” will remain unchanged. However, using the enchantment on both the new and old version of one of these rings at the same time will not provide double the effect.

The icons for the following items have been changed:
Justaucorps/ Justaucorps +1/Vermillion Cloak/Royal Cloak/Black Cotehardie/Flora Cotehardie/Blue Cotehardie/Blue Cotehardie +1/Black Cloak/Demon's Cloak/Duende Cotehardie/Vampire Cloak/Healing Justaucorps

The following item names have been changed:
Gawaine’s Axe -> Gawain’s Axe
Millenium Horn -> Millennium Horn


New terms have been added to the auto-translate feature.

Category Term
Controller Directional pad
Controller Expansion port
Controller Trigger
Controller Xbox Guide button
Place Names Dynamis - Valkurm
Place Names Dynamis - Buburimu
Place Names Dynamis - Qufim
General Terms Kodoku
Job Abilities Spirit Surge
Avatars Diabolos
Pet Commands Camisado
Pet Commands Somnolence
Pet Commands Nightmare
Pet Commands Ultimate Terror
Pet Commands Noctoshield
Pet Commands Dream Shroud
Pet Commands Nether Blast
Pet Commands Ruinous Omen

When using the "Seek Member" function under "Party" in the main menu, the resulting list will now include all party-seeking characters in the region without first narrowing the search parameters to a level range close to your own.

An issue wherein it was impossible to directly target and invite a character that had selected "Autogroup" has been addressed.

When choosing to register a friend within FINAL FANTASY XI after receiving a “Let’s be friends” message, an issue where the decision to accept was not properly confirmed has been addressed.

[Other Content]

Changes to Ballista:

-The rook locations in the Pashhow Marshlands and Meriphataud Mountains have been changed.
-An issue wherein characters recovering from a “Stun” effect were temporarily unable to dig for or shoot Petras has been addressed.

An issue where the difficulty level of fishing varied depending on the client used has been addressed.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Site Updates - December 12, 2005
Posted by: Cuer - Mon Dec 12th, 2005 12:36 pm EST
New recipe lists and changes to the forums are part of this site update. Everything is cleared out with this update in preparation for the FFXI patch changes; as usual, a compilation of info for today's patch will be available, starting late this evening.
Items Updated: Mistletoe, Marguerite, Lightning Crystal, Iron Nugget, Ice Crystal, Green Rock, Gold Beastcoin, Fire Crystal, Bronze Nugget, Blue Rock, Black Pepper, Black Chocobo Feather, Bay Leaves, Amaryllis, Darksteel Nugget, Wind Crystal, Mythril Nugget, Brass Nugget, Water Cluster, Woozyshroom, Kitron, Wind Cluster, Windurstian Tea Leaves, Wind Ore, Silver Leaf, Shell Bug, Rock Salt, Persikos, Mythril Leaf, Lightning Ore, Light Cluster, Ice Ore, Ice Cluster, Gold Leaf, Fire Cluster, Earth Cluster, Dark Ore, Cinnamon, Yellow Rock, Translucent Rock, Little Worm, Gold Ore, Earth Crystal, Ginger, White Rock, Reishi Mushroom, Dark Crystal, Black Rock, Faerie Apple, Wild Onion, Demon Skull, Gysahl Greens, Water Crystal

NPCs Added: Muzeze, Meh Nbolo, Perevie

Desynthesis Recipes Added: Gold Sabatons, Knife, Ogre Mask, Butterfly Axe

Recipes Updated: Yasha Sune-Ate, Sha'ir Manteel, Hermes Quencher, Couse, Fleuret

Desynthesis Recipes Updated: Velvet Slops, Scimitar, Carapace Gauntlets

Mini-Quests Added: Armor Storage - Event Items, Armor Storage - Complete Armor Sets, Re-Acquiring Artifact Equipment

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PlayOnline: All Worlds Maintenance (Dec 12)
Posted by: Cuer - Fri Dec 09th, 2005 12:23 pm EST
Dec. 8, 2005 23:00 [PST]

All Worlds Maintenance (Dec. 12)

At the following time, we will be performing FINAL FANTASY XI server maintenance on all Worlds. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XI will be unavailable.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

*The client software will also be updated at this time. Once this maintenance is completed, the client update will start automatically after logging back into FINAL FANTASY XI. Please follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

*You may receive errors such as POL-1160 or POL-0010 during the download process due to heavy server traffic. If you are unable to access the update, we ask that you please wait a while and then try again.

*For the update details, please refer to "Topics" on the official PlayOnline.com web site (http://www.playonline.com/) which will be available on Dec. 12, 2005.

[Affected Period]
Dec. 12, 2005 from 9:00 to 15:00 (PST)
*Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

[Affected Services]

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Dec. 9, 2005 14:00 [PST]

File Size for Dec. 12 Update

An update for FINAL FANTASY XI is currently scheduled for Dec. 12, 2005. Approximate file sizes and installation times for this update are shown below.

[File size for clients with "Chains of Promathia" installed.]

"PlayStation 2" Version
Downloadable file size: 10MB
>>Analog modem (56Kbps) users
Volume check: 8 minutes, 40 seconds
Download / Unzip: 1 hour, 8 minutes
Installation: 4 minutes
Total: About 1 hour, 20 minutes, 40 seconds

>>DSL (1Mbps) users
Volume check: 6 minutes
Download / Unzip: 18 minutes
Installation: 4 minutes
Total: About 28 minutes

Windows Version
Downloadable file size: 21MB
>>Analog modem (56Kbps) users
Volume check: 7 minutes
Download / Unzip: 1 hours, 28 minutes
Installation: 1 minutes, 50 seconds
Total: About 1 hours, 36 minutes, 50 seconds
>>DSL (1Mbps) users
Volume check: 5 minutes, 50 seconds
Download / Unzip: 12 minutes
Installation: 1 minutes, 50 seconds
Total: About 19 minutes, 40 seconds

[File size for clients without "Chains of Promathia" installed.]

"PlayStation 2" Version
Downloadable file size: 12MB
>>Analog modem (56Kbps) users
Volume check: 8 minutes, 50 seconds
Download / Unzip: 1 hour, 18 minutes
Installation: 4 minutes, 10 seconds
Total: About 1 hour, 31 minutes

>>DSL (1Mbps) users
Volume check: 6 minute, 20 seconds
Download / Unzip: 19 minutes, 20 seconds
Installation: 4 minutes, 10 seconds
Total: About 29 minutes, 50 seconds

Windows Version
Downloadable file size: 19MB
>>Analog modem (56Kbps) users
Volume check: 4 minutes
Download / Unzip: 1 hour, 17 minutes
Installation: 1 minute, 20 seconds
Total: About 1 hour, 22 minutes, 20 seconds

>>DSL (1Mbps) users
Volume check: 4 minutes
Download / Unzip: 7 minutes, 40 seconds
Installation: 1 minute, 20 seconds
Total: About 13 minutes

*Please note that the above times are for reference only. Download times depend on individual users' network environment and may vary from those shown above. Also, this update will require more time if previous version updates were not completed.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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Order: Final Fantasy XI Online: Wings of the Goddess Expansion Pack (PC)(PS2)(XBOX 360)
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