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FFXI Patch Notes (February 20, 2006)
Posted by: Cuer - Mon Feb 20th, 2006 01:16 pm EST
The official patch notes are below; further details about the new restrictions on sending gil can be seen here.

«Feb. 21, 2006 (JST) Update Details»
*Japan Standard Time


A new form of Conflict called "Brenner" is now available.
Related Information>>

- Some command messages have been changed due to the institution of Brenner. You may view command messages by typing /?.

Several new quests have been added, including a new battle against the avatars and an event unfolding over several Chains of Promathia areas.

Now when you talk to a guard about supply quests, the regions that you have already delivered supplies to will be marked with "(Done)." The quests are still repeatable if you have fulfilled the requirements for participation. However, changing your nationality will reset your progress record, and you will no longer be able to use regional teleportation. In order to utilize the teleportation service once again, you must receive and complete the supply quests from a guard in your new nation.

The chocobo fares in San d'Oria, Bastok, Windurst, Jeuno, and the crags of Holla, Dem, and Mea will drop more rapidly than before the version update.

An issue in which a Fellow NPC's TP would fall to 0 upon gaining a level has been corrected.

An issue in which a Fellow NPC would equip the same weapon after receiving a "Quarterstaff" or a "Holly Pole" has been corrected.

Certain Fellow NPC abilities have been strengthened.

The NPC Sagheera now has additional items available in exchange for ancient beastcoins.


The new area "Dynamis - Tavnazia" is now available for exploration. You may enter Dynamis - Tavnazia with up to 18 people, but only after completing the areas Dynamis – Valkurm, Dynamis – Buburimu, and Dynamis – Qufim. Players can remain in the area for 15 minutes and will be unable to access support job abilities. However, players can extend the time allowed in the area and regain support job abilities by fulfilling certain conditions.
Once you have entered Dynamis – Tavnazia, you will be unable to enter any area of Dynamis for a period of 3 days (Earth time).

*Players who have not installed the Rise of the Zilart or Chains of Promathia expansion discs, or who have not registered the expansion content, will be unable to enter Dynamis - Tavnazia.

New content added to Dynamis – Tavnazia:
-The storyline for Dynamis – Buburimu, Dynamis – Valkurm, and Dynamis – Qufim is now complete.
-Certain relics and damaged relic armor have been added that are only available in Dynamis – Tavnazia.

*Ancient currency that players could earn in previously released Dynamis areas will also be available in Dynamis - Tavnazia.
*Damaged relic armor can only be found in Dynamis – Valkurm, Dynamis – Buburimu, Dynamis – Qufim, and Dynamis - Tavnazia.
Related Information>>

New routes have been added to the two areas of Limbus - Temenos and Apollyon. Certain requirements must be fulfilled in order to enter Temenos and Apollyon.

Certain wyrms' resistance against sleep has been increased. However, wyrms that appear in missions and story events will be unaffected by this change.


Depending on the number of charges remaining, the color of the charge display for enchanted and dispensing items will change in the following manner

Several new key items are available in exchange for guild points.

- Boltmaker
- Chainwork
- Sheeting
- Spinning
- Fletching
- Tanning
- Filing
- Trituration
- Concoction

The following synthesis recipes have been adjusted:

- Yasha Sune-Ate
- Field Tunica
- Trader's Saio
- Raptor Helm
- Wise Gloves
- Seer's Pumps
- Dried Marjoram
- Dried Mugwort
- Carbonara
- Bataquiche
- Green Quiche
- Windurst Taco

New synthesis recipes have been added.

An issue where the “shinobi hakama” could not be desynthesized with the weaving skill has been corrected.

The stack number for the following items has been increased from 12 to 99.

bronze bolt heads/ mythril bolt heads/ darksteel bolt heads/ stone arrowheads/ bone arrowheads/ iron arrowheads/ silver arrowheads/ fire arrowheads/ ice arrowheads/ lightning arrowheads/ blind bolt heads/ acid bolt heads/ holy bolt heads/ venom bolt heads/ bloody bolt heads/ sleep bolt heads/ beetle arrowheads/ horn arrowheads/ scorpion arrowheads/ demon arrowheads/ poison arrowheads/ sleep arrowheads/ karimata arrowheads/ fang arrowheads/ armored arrowheads/ gold arrowheads/ platinum arrowheads / chocobo fletchings/ Yagudo fletchings/ bird fletchings/ insect fletchings/ black chocobo fletchings/ giant bird fletchings

The following items have been added to the rewards available through the Vana’diel Adventurer Recruitment Program:

40 days after invitation:
Hume gilet/ Hume top/ Elvaan gilet/ Elvaan top/ Tarutaru maillot/ Mithra top/ Galka gilet/ Hume trunks/ Hume shorts/ Elvaan trunks/ Elvaan shorts/ Tarutaru trunks/ Mithra shorts/ Galka trunks/ Tarutaru top/ Tarutaru shorts/ dream robe/ wooden katana/ pitchfork

100 days after invitation:
Hume gilet +1/ Hume top +1/ Elvaan gilet +1/ Elvaan top +1/ Tarutaru Maillot +1/ Mithra top +1/ Galka gilet +1/ Tarutaru top +1/ Hume trunks +1/ Hume shorts +1/ Elvaan trunks +1/ Elvaan shorts +1/ Tarutaru trunks +1/ Mithra shorts +1/ Galka trunks +1/ Tarutaru shorts +1/ dream robe +1/ hardwood katana/ pitchfork +1

Hume gilet/ Hume top/ Elvaan gilet/ Elvaan top/ Tarutaru maillot/ Mithra top/ Galka gilet/ Hume trunks/ Hume shorts/ Elvaan trunks/ Elvaan dhorts/ Tarutaru trunks/ Mithra shorts/ Galka trunks/ Tarutaru top/ Tarutaru shorts/ dream robe/ wooden katana/ pitchfork

*The inviting party can also choose items from the 40-day list at the 100-day mark.
*Characters cannot obtain items that specify another race or gender.
For further details on the Vana’diel Adventurer Recruitment Program (V.A.R.P.), please refer to the sites below.
- The official FINAL FANTASY XI homepage
Click on the Vana’diel Adventurer Recruitment Program banner under the menu.
- PlayOnline
Main Menu->Game->FINAL FANTASY XI->Compendium->Adventurer Recruitment

The special event item storage NPC will now accept the following additional items: dream robe, dream robe +1, and charm wand +1.

*Please note that stored items will lose their signatures.


The following functions have been added to the Diorama Abdhaljs-Ghelsba reservation system:
- Any block of time up to 2 days after the reservation date can now be reserved.
- It is now possible to set participation requirements when making a reservation.
- By selecting the “Recruiting Members” option during the reservation process, prospective participants will now receive a page of the Ballista Redbook from Tillecoe.

In a previous update, damage taken during Conflict (PvP) by melee, ranged, and magic attacks was adjusted to an amount relatively lower than damage taken in regular battles with monsters. With this month’s version update, damage taken by techniques that hit multiple times has been adjusted in the same manner. This modification applies to job traits and weapon skills that allow the player to land consecutive hits (e.g., Double Attack, Triple Attack, Rampage).

The distance detection for auto-attack will now function correctly for PCs who have been the target of “Provoke” in a Conflict match.

Menu shading has been adjusted.

The terms "Dynamis - Tavnazia" and "Abdhaljs Isle-Purgonorgo" have been added to the auto-translate function.

The following restrictions have been placed on delivering gil:
The maximum amount of money that can be sent at one time has now been set to 1 million gil.
Gil can now only be placed in one of the 8 delivery slots.

*No restrictions apply to receiving gil.

A message describing the transaction will now be displayed when buying or selling items at a shop.

The message that is displayed when buying a stackable item in multiple amounts from a guild has been changed from “You buy (number) (item name) from the shop” to “You buy (number) (item name) from the guild.”

[Other Content]

Further adjustments were made to compensate for the inconsistency in fishing difficulty experienced by different clients.

In the case where a fish registered for Fish Ranking didn’t make the cutoff point, or was pushed out of the ranking by another registered fish, the NPC Chenon would respond to registration enquiries with “You currently have no entries registered for Fish Ranking.” This issue has now been corrected.

[Windows Version]

A “Pattern D” has been added to the FINAL FANTASY XI Gamepad Config program.

FINAL FANTASY XI is now compatible with Intel Viiv technology. When using the Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 operating system, it is possible to start FINAL FANTASY XI from the shortcut located in the “More Programs” menu.

*This does not guarantee that FINAL FANTASY XI will run on a Windows PC installed with Intel Viiv technology.

[Xbox 360 Beta]

The user interface has been increased in scale for HDTV displays.

It is now possible to enter numbers from the numeric keypad when using a USB keyboard.

The scheduled recipe change for “Tavnazian tacos” mentioned in the February 2nd, 2006 Topics (FINAL FANTASY XI official homepage) will now take place in a later version update.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Site Updates - February 20, 2006
Posted by: Cuer - Mon Feb 20th, 2006 05:43 am EST
A handful of updates are here, in preparation for the patch this evening. As always, we will be compiling the information from the patch and presenting it for easy perusal, with the initial information presented a few hours after the patch is available.

Items Updated: Maharaja's Belt, Pendragon's Belt, Czar's Belt, Sultan's Belt, Spartan Hoplon, Warwolf Belt, Lightweight Steel Sheet, Ancient Brass Ingot, Rusty Bucket, Saltwater Aquarium, Freshwater Aquarium, Goldfish Bowl, Kadomatsu, Emeralda, Cordon Bleu Set, Fool's Gold, Mastersmith Anvil, Drawing Desk, Drogaroga's Fang, Blue Pitcher, Sky Pot, Wooden Flowerpot, Lines and Space, Yellow Rock, Federation Aketon, Republic Aketon, Kingdom Aketon, Federation Signet Staff, Kingdom Signet Staff, Republic Signet Staff, Yagudo Cherry, Kanesada +1, Danceshroom, Mithran Tomato, Rolanberry, Red Rock, Millioncorn, Kukuru Bean, Tarutaru Rice, La Theine Cabbage, Two-Leaf Mandragora Bud, Rabbit Hide, Insect Wing, Puffball, Marguerite, Ice Crystal, Pamamas, Schultz Stratagems, Ginuva's Theory, Dragon Chronicles, Water Cluster, Lightning Ore, Silver Leaf, Darksteel Nugget, Cinnamon, Buburimu Grape, Eggplant, Black Pepper, Carnation, Gold Beastcoin, Little Worm, Light Crystal, Gold Ore, Saruta Orange, Zinc Ore, Mhaura Garlic, Dark Crystal, Wind Crystal, Rock Salt, Lightning Crystal, Derfland Pear, Panacea, Earth Crystal, Attraction Chocolate, Desire Chocolate, Romance Chocolate, Amour Chocolate, Attraction Chocolate: Right Piece, Desire Chocolate: Right Piece, Romance Chocolate: Right Piece, Amour Chocolate: Right Piece, Attraction Chocolate: Left Piece, Desire Chocolate: Left Piece, Romance Chocolate: Left Piece, Amour Chocolate: Left Piece, Ice Ore, Wind Cluster, Platinum Leaf, Black Rock

NPCs Added: Sama-Gohjima

Mobs Updated: Shikigami Weapon, Evil Oscar, Unstable Cluster, Wandering Ghost, Mysticmaker Profblix, Charybdis, Stegotaur, Antican Legatus, Antican Consul, Xolotl, Nussknacker, Vouivre, Sulfur Scorpion, Silverhook

Quests Updated: Uninvited Guests, Tango With a Tracker, Waters of the Cheval, The Vicasque's Sermon

Zones Updated: Horutoto Inner Ruins

Desynthesis Recipes Added: Green Beret, Rod

Recipes Updated: Blood Broth, Noct Gloves, Bronze Leggings, Boiled Cockatrice, Millionaire Desk, Tonosama Rice Ball, Panacea

Desynthesis Recipes Updated: Coral Earring, Kanesada +1, Orc Piercer

BCNMs Updated: Copycat, Come Into My Parlor

Items Drops/Obtained Added: Dragon Meat, Behemoth Hide, Mannequin Head, Assault Breastplate, Scroll of Absorb-VIT, Scroll of Absorb-AGI, Revival Tree Root, Toraimarai Coffer Key, Fomor Codex, Raptor Ledelsens, Steel Ingot, Frost Turnip, Taurus Horn, Gold Beastcoin, Platinum Beastcoin, Raxa, Startling Cluster, Cluster Arm, Vile Elixir +1, Vile Elixir, Reraiser, Wyvern Scales, Mythril Ore, Mahogany Log, Demon Horn, Platinum Ore, Gold Ore, Gold Thread, Ebony Log, Petrified Log, Malboro Fiber, Phoenix Feather, Scorpion Claw, Honey, Moblin Mask, Yellow Rock, Green Rock, Twilight Crystal, Torrent Crystal, Terra Crystal, Plasma Crystal, Inferno Crystal, Glacier Crystal, Cyclone Crystal, Aurora Crystal, Charm Wand +1, Charm Wand, Chocopass, Chocobo Ticket, Romance Potion

ENMs Updated: Pulling the Plug

Mini-Quests Added: Special Event - 2006-02 - Valentione's Day

Mini-Quests Updated: Armor Storage - Event Items, Special Event - 2006-02 - Valentione's Day, Ancient Beastcoin Purchases

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PlayOnline: All Worlds Maintenance & PlayOnline Update (Feb 20)
Posted by: Cuer - Tue Feb 14th, 2006 01:12 pm EST
Feb. 18, 2006 09:00 [PST]

File Size for Feb. 20 Update

An update for FINAL FANTASY XI is currently scheduled for Feb. 20, 2006. Approximate file sizes and installation times for this update are shown below.

* Several downloadable files may be skipped during or after the version update. However this will not affect the installation process after the download ends.

[File size for clients with "Chains of Promathia" installed.]

"PlayStation 2" Version
Downloadable file size: 18MB
>>Analog modem (56Kbps) users
Volume check: 8 minutes
Download / Unzip: 1 hour, 8 minutes
Installation: 5 minutes
Total: About 1 hour, 21 minutes

>>DSL (1Mbps) users
Volume check: 6 minutes
Download / Unzip: 26 minutes
Installation: 5 minutes
Total: About 37 minutes

Windows Version
Downloadable file size: 22MB
>>Analog modem (56Kbps) users
Volume check: 6 minutes, 30 seconds
Download / Unzip: 1 hours, 23 minutes
Installation: 1 minutes
Total: About 1 hours, 29 minutes, 30 seconds
>>DSL (1Mbps) users
Volume check: 5 minutes, 20 seconds
Download / Unzip: 14 minutes
Installation: 1 minutes
Total: About 20 minutes, 20 seconds

[File size for clients without "Chains of Promathia" installed.]

"PlayStation 2" Version
Downloadable file size: 12MB
>>Analog modem (56Kbps) users
Volume check: 6 minutes
Download / Unzip: 47 minutes, 30 seconds
Installation: 2 minutes, 50 seconds
Total: About 56 minutes, 20 seconds

>>DSL (1Mbps) users
Volume check: 3 minute, 40 seconds
Download / Unzip: 13 minutes, 10 seconds
Installation: 2 minutes, 50 seconds
Total: About 19 minutes, 40 seconds

Windows Version
Downloadable file size: 14MB
>>Analog modem (56Kbps) users
Volume check: 4 minutes
Download / Unzip: 1 hour, 2 minutes
Installation: 1 minute
Total: About 1 hour, 7 minutes

>>DSL (1Mbps) users
Volume check: 4 minutes, 30 seconds
Download / Unzip: 8 minutes, 20 seconds
Installation: 1 minute
Total: About 13 minutes, 50 seconds

Xbox 360 Version
Downloadable file size: 27MB
>>DSL (1Mbps) users
Volume check: 4 minutes, 20 seconds
Download / Unzip: 17 minutes
Installation: 2 minutes
Total: About 23 minutes, 20 seconds

*Please note that the above times are for reference only. Download times depend on individual users' network environment and may vary from those shown above. Also, this update will require more time if previous version updates were not completed.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Feb. 17, 2006 02:00 [PST]

PlayOnline Viewer Update (Feb. 20)

At the following time, we will be performing a version update of the PlayOnline Viewer.

*The client software will also be updated at this time. The version update process will automatically begin upon login after the time stated below. Please follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

*The following updates are for the PlayStation 2 and Windows versions only. They are not reflected in the Xbox 360 version.

[Affected Period]
Feb. 20, 2006 9:00 (PST)

[Affected Services]
PlayOnline services

[Important Update Details]
- Modifications will be made to accommodate Intel Viiv technology.

- Other minor issues will be addressed.

The PlayOnline version update will modify the "pol.exe" file. Certain security/antivirus software may issue a warning, but this is a normal part of the version update process. (Windows version only.)

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Feb. 14, 2006 02:00 [PST]

All Worlds Maintenance (Feb. 20)

At the following time, we will be performing FINAL FANTASY XI server maintenance on all Worlds. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XI will be unavailable.

Thank you for your patience.

*The client software will also be updated at this time. Once this maintenance is completed, the client update will start automatically after logging back into FINAL FANTASY XI. Please follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

*You may receive errors such as POL-1160 or POL-0010 during the download process due to heavy server traffic. If you are unable to access the update, we ask that you please wait a while and then try again.

*For the update details, please refer to "Topics" on the official PlayOnline.com web site (http://www.playonline.com/) which will be available on Feb. 20, 2006.

[Affected Period]
Feb. 20, 2006 from 9:00 to 13:00 (PST)
*Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

[Affected Services]

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Feb. 14, 2006 02:00 [PST]

Auction Restrictions on Certain Items (Feb. 18 - Feb. 20)

During the Feb. 20 maintenance, stack number for items listed below will increase from 12 to 99.

To prepare for this change, the auction of these items will be restricted starting Feb. 18 at 1:00 (PST) until Feb. 20 (the duration of the maintenance period). Players will still be able to bid on items already up for auction. Players will also be able to remove these items from auction if they desire.

We thank you for your understanding.

Affected Items:
Beetle Arrowhd.
Poison Arrowhd.
Arm. Arrowhd.
Bone Arrowhd.
Ice Arrowheads
Holy Bolt Heads
Horn Arrowheads
Sleep Arrowhd.
Gold Arrowhead
Iron Arrowheads
Ltng. Arrowhd.
Vnm. Bolt Heads
Scp. Arrowhd.
Kari. Arrowhd.
Pltm. Arrowhead
Slv. Arrowheads
Bln. Bolt Heads
Bld. Bolt Heads
Demon Arrowhd.
Fang Arrowhd.
Stone Arrowhd.
Fire Arrowheads
Acid Bolt Heads
Slp. Bolt Heads
Brz. Bolt Heads
Dst. Bolt Heads
Yagudo Fltchg.
Mtl. Bolt Heads
Chocobo Fltchg.

* All other items will be unaffected.

* Please refer to the "All Worlds Maintenance (Feb. 20)" article for the details regarding the Feb. 20 maintenance.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Feb. 15, 2006 03:00 [PST]

Auction Restrictions on Certain Items: Follow-Up

The stack number for several items will increase from 12 to 99, and these items will be restricted on the auction house for Feb. 20 maintenance preparation.

In addition to the items that have been announced in the earlier news article, stack number for the following items will increase from 12 to 99.

Bird Fletchings
Insect Fltchg.
Blk. Chc. Fltchg.
G. Bird Fltchg.

We thank you for your understanding.

All Affected Items:
Beetle Arrowhd.
Poison Arrowhd.
Arm. Arrowhd.
Bone Arrowhd.
Ice Arrowheads
Holy Bolt Heads
Horn Arrowheads
Sleep Arrowhd.
Gold Arrowhead
Iron Arrowheads
Ltng. Arrowhd.
Vnm. Bolt Heads
Scp. Arrowhd.
Kari. Arrowhd.
Pltm. Arrowhead
Slv. Arrowheads
Bln. Bolt Heads
Bld. Bolt Heads
Demon Arrowhd.
Fang Arrowhd.
Stone Arrowhd.
Fire Arrowheads
Acid Bolt Heads
Slp. Bolt Heads
Brz. Bolt Heads
Dst. Bolt Heads
Yagudo Fltchg.
Mtl. Bolt Heads
Chocobo Fltchg.
Bird Fletchings
Insect Fltchg.
Blk. Chc. Fltchg.
G. Bird Fltchg.

* All other items will be unaffected.

* Please refer to the "All Worlds Maintenance (Feb. 20)" article for the details regarding the Feb. 20 maintenance.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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PlayOnline: RMT Countermeasures
Posted by: Cuer - Thu Feb 09th, 2006 01:52 pm EST
Feb. 9, 2006 03:45 [PST]

RMT Countermeasures

Since the end of last year, item values have risen astronomically on all Worlds due to the manipulation of prices by a small percentage of the player base. The development team and the GMs carried out a detailed investigation of this problem, and discovered the existence of a group using illicit methods to produce large amounts of gil that are later sold in the real world (Real Money Trading). We would like to take this opportunity to outline the measures that have been taken to correct this issue.

Based on the results of this investigation, more than 700 accounts among those found to be involved in large-scale RMT operations have been terminated. We will continue to monitor accounts suspected of dealing in gil created or obtained in an unfair manner.

Thanks to these measures, more than 300 billion gil has been removed from circulation, and the overly inflated prices of items have begun to fall to more realistic levels.

Furthermore, emergency maintenance has already been performed on all worlds for the purpose of implementing RMT countermeasures. This maintenance took place over two stages, starting on January 17th.

As has been previously stated, acts of RMT will not be tolerated in FINAL FANTASY XI, and any violations of the user agreement will be dealt with severely. We would like to assure our players that all efforts are being made to ensure a fair playing experience.

We hope to have your continuing understanding and cooperation in creating a Vana'diel that everyone can enjoy.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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PlayOnline: Xbox 360 Beta
Posted by: Cuer - Thu Feb 02nd, 2006 01:32 pm EST
FFXI Xbox 360 Beta

From the Official FFXI Site (February 2):

Xbox 360™ Beta

In addition to bringing you news on the February version update, we are happy to announce the latest information regarding the Xbox 360 Beta and the commencement of official service.

In addition to the February version update content being implemented across all platforms, Xbox 360 Beta users will be receiving a specific Xbox 360-related update.
-The user interface will be increased in scale by approximately 20% to compensate for small characters on some HDTV displays. Standard TV displays will not be affected.

-It will now be possible to enter numbers from the numeric keypad when using a USB keyboard. This change will not affect game controls that already utilize the numeric keypad.

The Hydra world is the stage for the Xbox 360 Beta and is currently home to many thousands of players from Japan, North America, and Europe. With the number of simultaneous logins exceeding the public worlds, the strong North American and European presence can be seen in the peak login time that begins in Japan's morning and stretches into the afternoon.

As was previously announced, the sale and official commencement of service for the Xbox 360 version of FINAL FANTASY XI will coincide with the release date of the upcoming expansion disc, Treasures of Aht Urhgan. All three expansion discs-Rise of the Zilart, Chains of Promathia, and Treasures of Aht Urhgan-will be included in the release version of FINAL FANTASY XI for the Xbox 360.

As the date for official service looms nearer, the development team is looking into the possibility of transferring character data to the public servers for all players currently enjoying the Xbox 360 Beta. As the beta testing continues, however, technical issues may arise that could prevent such a transfer. We will be sure to bring you updates on this matter as soon as they are available.

We would like to remind players that it is possible to make an Xbox 360 Beta character using an existing PlayOnline account for Windows or the PlayStation 2. A FINAL FANTASY XI character made with a PlayOnline Beta account for the Xbox 360 cannot be transferred to an existing account on a different platform.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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Site Updates - February 1, 2006
Posted by: Cuer - Wed Feb 01st, 2006 03:34 pm EST
A range of site interface updates are found in this site update.
  • A new Quests / Missions / Events section was added to all the zone pages. This displays information on which quests, missions, and mini-quests use or start in a specific zone. Examples can be seen in Bastok Markets and Garlaige Citadel.
  • To prevent confusion for new site users, equipment items that cannot be sold on the Auction House are no longer listed with an Auction House Category. Instead, that field is displayed as Equipment Category on items that are Exclusive or Not Auction House Sellable. Examples can be seen on the Carpenter's Gloves and Joyeuse.
  • Various minor tweaks were made to the quest display.
  • The Furniture and Moghancement Guide was updated to include all the furniture items from the last few patches, and corrections to the stats of a handful of furniture items.
Items Added: Lines and Space, Light of Al'Taieu, Zephyr Fan

Items Updated: White Mage's Testimony, Warrior's Testimony, Thief's Testimony, Summoner's Testimony, Samurai's Testimony, Red Mage's Testimony, Ranger's Testimony, Paladin's Testimony, Ninja's Testimony, Monk's Testimony, Dragoon's Testimony, Dark Knight's Testimony, Black Mage's Testimony, Beastmaster's Testimony, Bard's Testimony, Red Rock, Faerie Apple, Ancient Blood, Batagreens, Ducal Guard's Ring, Fishing Hole Map, Wooden Flowerpot, Blue Pitcher, Blue Peas, Sunflower Seeds, Slime Juice, Dark Adaman Sheet, Icefish, Koga Tekko +1, Zephyr Fan, Chamnaet Ice, Chaos Flanchard +1, Chaos Gauntlets +1, Parade Gorget

Items Drops/Obtained Added: Hermit's Ring, Giant Bird Feather, Balm Sachet, Attar Sachet, Carbuncle's Ruby, Mushroom Risotto, Armoire, Iron Ore, Revival Tree Root, Eastern Gem, Moonstone, Bloody Robe, Light Opal, Jadeite, Cloud Evoker, Cotton Cloth, Gusgen Chest Key, Sleepshroom, Newton Coffer Key, Moblin Thread, Extra-Fine File, Wild Pineapple, Fluorite, Darksteel Ingot, Painite, Gold Ingot, Gold Ore, Aquamarine, Yellow Rock, Red Rock, Damascene Cloth, Mythril Ingot, Scroll of Raise II, Parrying Torque, Ninjutsu Torque, Divine Torque, Summoning Torque, Guarding Torque, Enhancing Torque, Elemental Torque, Ametrine, Zvahl Chest Key, Quus, Tavnazian Liver, Delkfutt Chest Key, Scroll of Cure V, Scroll of Thunder III, Mythril Ore, Raxa, Vile Elixir +1, Vile Elixir, Malboro Fiber, Rainbow Cloth, Damascus Ingot, Darksteel Ore, Beetle Blood, Gold Thread, Ram Horn, Balan's Sword, Spectral Crimson, Bird Egg, Goblin Armor, Petrified Log, Ebony Log, Mahogany Log

NPCs Added: Wilhelm, Aaveleon

Mobs Updated: Za'Dha Adamantking, Lesser Roc, Blackbeard, Tiamat, Jormungand, Ogama, Eba, Shen, Kindred Summoner, Unstable Cluster, Imdugud, Water Leaper, Mimic, Marsh Sahagin, Ereshkigal, Yara Ma Yha Who, Goblin's Bat, Golden-Tongued Culberry, Faust, Bark Tarantula, Fomor Bard, Taisaijin, Dune Widow

Quests Updated: Give a Moogle a Break, Starting a Flame, The Sweetest Things, Fear of the Dark, Rosel the Armorer, The Seamstress, A Sentry's Peril, Spice Gals, Tuning In, Uninvited Guests

Zones Updated: Dynamis - Xarcabard, The Garden of Ru'Hmet, Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi, Beaucedine Glacier

Spells Added: Nether Blast, Dream Shroud, Noctoshield, Ultimate Terror, Nightmare, Somnolence, Camisado, Ruinous Omen

Desynthesis Recipes Added: Kanesada +1, Shinobi-gatana, Bandit's Gun, Cursed Cuisses, Jester's Cape

Recipes Updated: Yellow Mouton, Shinobi Tekko, Bloody Aketon, Beak Helm, Meat Jerky, Arhat's Sune-Ate, Buche au Chocolat, Dance Shoes, Antacid, Kazaridachi, Boiled Tuna Head, Potion Tank, Kinkobo, Tonosama Rice Ball, Coeurl Sub, Dark Adaman Sheet, Glass Fiber

Desynthesis Recipes Updated: Cotton Tekko, Gloves, Beetle Gorget, Plantreaper, Reraise Hairpin, Cotton Hachimaki, Ashura, Leather Vest, Iron Visor, Gauntlets

ENMs Updated: Brothers

Mini-Quests Updated: Obtaining the Promyvion Maps, Strange Apparatuses, Obtaining RSE Sachets, Toolbags for Ninja Tools, Quivers for Arrows and Bolts, Ancient Beastcoin Purchases

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Valentione's Day Event is Here!
Posted by: Cuer - Tue Jan 31st, 2006 10:21 am EST
Valentione's Day

Valentione's Day is Here!

The full walkthrough for the Valentine's Day event (called "Valentione's Day" in Vana'diel) is now available; post any comments or further details in the related forum topic. Enjoy!

Jan. 31, 2006 00:00 [PST]

Valentione's Day

To everything there is a season, and the time to tell that special someone how you feel is drawing near. Valentione's Day will soon be upon Vana'diel once again!

Valentione's Day commemorates the story of a courageous squire named Valentione, who fell in love with a noblewoman regardless of their gap in social status. He confessed his love in the form of a gift, and succeeded in stealing her heart.

On Valentione's Day, the inhabitants of Vana'diel show their feelings by giving the person they care about a present, such as chocolate.

Still, it can be hard to confess to someone...
Someone you are so used to seeing...
Someone you always enjoy conversing with...
Someone you always adventure with...
That's why that person is special, right? But it takes a lot of courage to take it to the next level!

And that's where the moogles come in to help! They have devised a plan to bring eligible bachelors and bachelorettes of the three major nations together. Not only that, but they even claim that their fantabulous, splenderrific event (the moogle head planner's exact words) will help adventurers come together, too!

If you've ever wanted to try your hand at playing Cupid, you will get your chance soon!

One last word from the Mog House Management Union (M.H.M.U.): "We're waiting for you all with wonderful prizes that will let you show your love forever and ever, kupo!"

[Event Details]
This event is scheduled to commence on February 2, 2006 at 16:00, and will last until February 15, 2006 at 0:00 (PST).

[Moogle Locations]
Southern San d'Oria
Northern San d'Oria
Bastok Mines
Bastok Markets
Windurst Waters
Windurst Woods

Official PlayOnline Announcement
Related Vana'diel Tribune Article

Feb. 6, 2006 02:30 [PST]

Current Known Issue for Valentione's Day

An issue where players are unable to obtain "Twilight Crystal" from the Valentione's Day's prize has been confirmed.

When players select "Twilight Crystal" for the prize, moogle instead hands out an "Aurora Crystal." Please be very careful not to select "Twilight Crystal" if you do not want "Aurora Crystal" as a prize.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

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Vana'diel Tribune II No15 Edition Released
Posted by: Cuer - Tue Jan 31st, 2006 10:12 am EST
Vana'diel Tribune II No. 15 Vana'diel Tribune II No.15 Edition Released

The contents of the No.15 edition are as follows:
Official PlayOnline Announcement

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Treasures of Aht Urhgan Release Date Announced!
Posted by: Cuer - Thu Jan 26th, 2006 04:48 am EST
Treasures of Aht Urhgan Website

From the Official FFXI Site (January 26):

Treasures of Aht Urhgan - Latest News!

The Treasures of Aht Urhgan website has been updated with all-new information, and the launch date is April 18, 2006!

Learn about the exciting new Corsair job, and check out the additional entries for gruesome and dangerous monsters in the Adversaries section. You can also find information on the locations that will become the stage for your adventures in the Near East--the Empire of Aht Urhgan and the Imperial City of Al Zahbi.

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PlayOnline Development News: February Version Update
Posted by: Cuer - Tue Jan 24th, 2006 01:06 pm EST
New Adventures

From the Official FFXI Site (February 16):

Dynamis - Tavnazia and More!

The area of Dynamis - Tavnazia, as well as a new route for both Temenos and Apollyon, will be released in the upcoming version update.

Dynamis - Tavnazia

In the December update, players gained access to Dynamis - Valkurm, Dynamis - Buburimu, and Dynamis - Qufim. Now the fourth and final area in this storyline will be opened to adventurers--Dynamis - Tavnazia.

As with the previous 3 areas, Dynamis - Tavnazia will present a level of difficulty that will challenge even the most seasoned adventurer.

Upon entering the area, a time restriction of 15 minutes and a lock on support job abilities will be imposed. Time extensions and the recovery of support job abilities can be earned by fulfilling certain conditions.

Due to an issue with the complicated topography, the maximum number of people that can enter Dynamis - Tavnazia will be restricted to 18 members. While this restriction may present obstacles that cannot be overcome by the current Dynamis strategies, we encourage players to experiment with different party compositions and battle plans.

The entity that must be defeated to bring an end to this nightmare is not the same being that reigns in Dynamis - Xarcabard.
Several incarnations of this NPC exist within Dynamis - Tavnazia. We leave the decision of whether the battle will be against one or more of these incarnations to the judgment and abilities of the players.

Dynamis - Tavnazia will include the following new content:
- The storyline that began in Dynamis - Valkurm, Dynamis - Buburimu, and Dynamis - Qufim will reach its conclusion in Dynamis - Tavnazia.
- Certain relics and damaged relic armor have been added that are exclusive to Dynamis - Tavnazia.
- Ancient currency that players could earn in previously released Dynamis areas will also be available in Dynamis - Tavnazia.
- New equipment has been added that is exclusive to Dynamis - Tavnazia.

Dynamis - Tavnazia can only be entered after completing the areas Dynamis - Valkurm, Dynamis - Buburimu, and Dynamis - Qufim. Once you have entered Dynamis - Tavnazia, you will be unable to enter any area of Dynamis for a period of 3 days (Earth time).

*Players who have not installed the Rise of the Zilart or Chains of Promathia expansion discs, or who have not registered the expansion content, will be unable to enter Dynamis - Tavnazia.

New Temenos and Apollyon Routes

The Temenos and Apollyon areas of the Limbus region (released in the October update) will each be gaining a new route.

In order to access these new routes, an item known as a "metal chip" will be needed in addition to the existing requirements. These metal chips can be obtained in exchange for 75 ancient beastcoins, or found during a foray into one of the Limbus areas.

The main purpose of the Limbus areas is to collect ancient beastcoins, and these new routes have been designed to make it possible for players to increase their hoard of coins. This will be no easy task, however, and we leave it up to the players to decide whether or not they will risk their hard-earned beastcoins for the chance to obtain greater rewards.

Dynamis - Tavnazia and the new Limbus routes await the brave and resourceful adventurer!

Official PlayOnline Announcement

New Quests

From the Official FFXI Site (February 14):

New Quests!

Take a look at the exciting new content scheduled for the upcoming version update.

- The Sequel to "Storms of Fate"

The quest "Storms of Fate," which brought players into direct conflict with the mighty Bahamut, was introduced in the December 2005 version update. This February, prepare for the next chapter in this epic story with a new quest to challenge the most powerful of adventurers.

*The Rise of the Zilart and Chains of Promathia expansion discs must be installed and registered in order to undertake this quest. Certain storyline progression in both expansion discs is also required.

- Prime Avatar Battles

Up until now, there have been other quests that allowed players to test themselves in battle against the prime avatars. In this new quest, however, the protectors of the protocrystals will be stronger than ever before, requiring adventurers to rethink old strategies.

This quest will allow a maximum of 18 people to take the field against these more powerful manifestations of the avatars.

Quests that hint at adventures to come, as well as many other additions, await you in the February version update.

Official PlayOnline Announcement


From the Official FFXI Site (February 10):

Brenner, A New Form of Conflict

A new form of Conflict (PvP) called "Brenner" will be introduced in this month's version update.

Ballista, the first form of Conflict, was designed with the Conquest in mind and pitted one nation's adventurers against another. However, it became apparent that dividing the teams by nation invariably resulted in an uneven spread of jobs, making it difficult to enjoy a casual match of Ballista.

It was then that Diorama Abdhaljs-Ghelsba was created in an effort to steer Ballista away from the Conquest and focus more on the competitive nature of the matches. This new style of Ballista made it possible for players to freely travel to a reserved area from Jeuno and adjust the rules and settings of the matches as they wished. This proved to be a popular pastime for many Ballista enthusiasts.

Brenner has been developed in a similar vein, with adjustable match settings and an exclusive area that can be reserved and accessed from Jeuno. (The Chains of Promathia expansion disc must be installed and registered in order to access this area.)

The following functions will be added to the reservation system in order to simplify the process of recruiting participants.

-Any block of time can be reserved up to 2 days in advance.
-By choosing the option "Recruiting Members," players who wish to participate in the match will receive a reservation item for the same time block from the NPC.

* The same change will be made to the reservation system for Diorama Abdhaljs-Ghelsba.

However, if the area were subject only to reservations, there would be cases where finding players to participate in a match could become a trial, as well as players who wish to participate but don't wish to be troubled by reservation procedures. To avoid these issues, there will be "Official Matches" held on a regular basis to encourage casual participation.

In the same manner as Diorama Abdhaljs-Ghelsba, the schedule for Brenner will be based on Earth time. As a result, there will be occasions when Brenner match times will overlap with those of official Ballista matches (held on Vana'diel time.) In this case, it was deemed more important to have a schedule that was easier to understand, but rest assured that all efforts will be made to avoid official match time overlaps between Brenner and Ballista.

In order to participate in Ballista, it is necessary to undergo the somewhat lengthy process of obtaining a Ballista License. Since participation in Brenner has no relation to allegiance or rank, there are no plans to implement a qualification quest.

Although there were some requests for a one-on-one-style match, it was decided that the real potential for interesting matches in FINAL FANTASY XI lies in group combat. To that end, Brenner matches follow the Ballista style of pitting one team against another.

Each side is provided with a like number of Flammen-Brenner (or flame burners), half of which are lit with Flamme (flame). Each Flammen-Brenner has a set number of HP, and must be destroyed before the Flamme within can be captured. The aim of the game is to protect your own Flamme while attempting to capture your opponents' Flamme and lighting all of your Flammen-Brenner.

There is no "Gate Breach" status in Brenner. Defeating opposing players is directly connected to scoring points in Ballista; however, Brenner has been designed with defensive and offensive elements so that battles between players will occur naturally.

Several elements from Ballista have been carried over into this new form of Conflict, such as temporary items, and the /sprint command. However, the overall flow of the game will be unique to Brenner.

In response to the favorable feedback from Ballista Royale and the chance to play in set teams, Brenner will also include a system that allows direct competition between linkshell groups.

There are no current plans to hold a linkshell tournament, but many functions that concern linkshell and other user events are under development.

Check out Brenner for yourself after the February version update!

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Enchanted & Dispensing Items
From the Official FFXI Site (February 6):

Visual Clarity: Enchanted Items

The number of charges left on an enchanted item will display differently in the item description window after the February version update.

The FINAL FANTASY XI development team is continually examining measures to improve the clarity of the game's visuals, and is aware that some players buy enchanted items from bazaars without realizing how many charges are left on the item. Listening to the concerns of the players, we have decided to improve the way the number of charges left on enchanted items is displayed.

The next version update will introduce the following changes to number displays in the dispensing/enchanted items description window.

The color of the number of charges, the counter, recast time, and equip delay will change in the following manner.

Blue = The item is fully charged.
White = The item has been used (not fully charged, but some charges are left).
Red = No charges are left on the item.

These changes were decided based on comments received from a Japanese Premier Community site. We will continue to make announcements regarding updates and player feedback using the "Topics" section on the FINAL FANTASY XI main page and our Premier sites from around the world.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Crafting Recipe Changes
From the Official FFXI Site (February 3):

Synthesis Recipes

In the upcoming version update, synthesis recipes will see some new additions, as well as a few alterations. Changes will also be made to the stack number of certain items.

The following changes and additions will be made to synthesis recipes and items in the upcoming version update.

In the previous version update, a special cooking ability was added to the key items available for purchase with guild points. Several new special synthesis skills such as this one are scheduled to make their debut in the February version update, along with all-new synthesis recipes.

Let's take a look at some of the new key items and synthesis goods.

-Key Item
An alchemy skill that allows the creation of solid medicine drops that have the same effects as their liquid equivalents.

Items that can be created through synthesis:

- adaman kris

- shield plaque

- Royal Squire's robe +1

-Changes to Synthesis Recipes
Changes will be made to the skills and items required for certain synthesis recipes. Please visit the relevant guild after the version update to find out more.

Affected synthesis recipes:

- Yasha Sune-Ate
- Field Tunica
- Trader's Saio

- Raptor Helm
- Wise Gloves
- Seer's Pumps

- Dried Marjoram
- Dried Mugwort
- Carbonara
- Bataquiche
- Green Quiche
- Windurst Taco
- Tavnazian Taco

-Changes to Item Stack Numbers
The stack number for items used in the creation of arrows and bolts has been increased from 12 to 99. Several new synthesis recipes will be introduced to allow for greater quantities of these items to be created at one time, however the number created by existing recipes will remain the same.

-Items that will have their stack number increased:
beetle arrowheads/ horn arrowheads/ scorpion arrowheads/ demon arrowheads/ poison arrowheads/ sleep arrowheads/ karimata arrowheads/ fang arrowheads/ armored arrowheads/ gold arrowheads/ platinum arrowheads/ stone arrowheads/ bone arrowheads/ iron arrowheads/ silver arrowheads/ fire arrowheads/ ice arrowheads/ lightning arrowheads/ bronze bolt heads/ mythril bolt heads/ darksteel bolt heads/ blind bolt heads/ acid bolt heads/ holy bolt heads/ venom bolt heads/ bloody bolt heads/ sleep bolt heads/ chocobo fletchings/ Yagudo fletchings

Official PlayOnline Announcement

February Update
From the Official FFXI Site (February 1):

Invite Friends and Earn Items!

Get more items than ever with the Vana'diel Adventurer Recruitment Program (VARP) following the next version update! Click here for a list of items that will be available, as well as information on newly storable equipment.

February Update

From the Official FFXI Site (January 24):

February Version Update

The upcoming version update is scheduled to take place in late February. A new form of Conflict, as well as an additional area in each of the regions of Dynamis, Temenos, and Apollyon will become accessible to the adventuring population. And don't forget the usual plethora of new quests and improvements to all aspects of the game.

The previously announced Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion disc and the Xbox 360 Beta Test are both progressing on schedule. Keep an eye out for the latest developments!

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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