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Site Updates - April 19, 2006
Posted by: Cuer - Wed Apr 19th, 2006 06:18 am EDT
The many new items from the April 17 patch are found in this site update. For full details about these items, and how they're used, see the April 2006 FFXI Patch Compilation of Info.

Items Added: Map of Silver Sea Remnants, Map of Bhaflau Remnants, Map of Arrapago Remnants, Map of Zhayolm Remnants, Map of Bhaflau Thickets, Map of the Colosseum, Map of the Chocobo Circuit, Map of Nyzul Isle, Map of Periqia, Map of Ilrusi Atoll, Map of Lebros Cavern, Map of the Training Grounds, Map of Leujaoam Sanctum, Map of Alza'daal Ruins, Map of Arrapago Reef, Map of Halvung, Map of Mamook, Map of Aydeewa Subterrane, Map of Mount Zhayolm, Map of Caedarva Mire, Map of Wajaom Woodlands, Map of Nashmau, Map of Al Zahbi, Iatrochemistry, Clockmaking, Lamia Homunculus, Merrow Homunculus, Musical Score - 2nd Page, Musical Score - 1st Page, Blue Bell, Red Bell, Antique Automaton, Assault Armband, Pot of Tsetseroon's Stew, Plasma Rock, Plasma Oil, Forgotten Hexagun, Bag of Gold Pieces, Dark Rider Hoofprint, Raillefal's Note, Imperial Army I.D. Tag, Raillefal's Letter, SP Wildcat Badge, PFC Wildcat Badge, Runic Portal Use Permit, Boarding Permit, PSC Wildcat Badge, Rainbow Berry, Supplies Package, Cast Metal Plate, Image Recorder, Vial of Luminous Water, Mark of Zahak, Electrolocomotive, Electropot, Electrocell, Dkhaaya's Research Journal, Ilrusi Assault Orders, Periqia Assault Orders, Lebros Assault Orders, Mamool Ja Assault Orders, Leujaoam Assault Orders, Silver Sea Ferry Ticket, Balik Sis +1, Balik Sis, Sis Kebabi +1, Sis Kebabi, Nashmau Stew, Chai +1, Imperial Coffee +1, Imperial Coffee, Balik Sandvici +1, Balik Sandvici, Karni Yarik +1, Karni Yarik, Menemen +1, Menemen, Ic Pilav +1, Ic Pilav, Patlican Salata +1, Patlican Salata, Ziz Meat, Yayla Corbasi +1, Yayla Corbasi, Sutlac +1, Sutlac, Ayran, Yogurt, Dried Date +1, Irmik Helvasi +1, Irmik Helvasi, Karakul Meat, Chai, Puk Egg, Apkallu Egg, Dried Date, Date, Cerberus Meat, Orobon Meat, White Honey, Caedarva Frog, Kaplumbaga, Yayinbaligi, Morinabaligi, Alabaligi, Kayabaligi, Sazanbaligi, Yilanbaligi, Dil, Istiridye, Ahtapot, Mercanbaligi, Istakoz, Uskumru, Kilicbaligi, Lakerda, Hamsi, Kalamar, Denizanasi, Hi-Ether Drop, Ether Drop, Remedy Ointment, Elixir Vitae, Walahra Water, Iron Bullet Pouch, Cutter Fireflies, Undersea Ruins Fireflies, Reef Fireflies, Dvucca Fireflies, Zhayolm Fireflies, Bhaflau Fireflies, Spartan Bullet Pouch, Silver Bullet Pouch, Bloody Bolt Quiver, Venom Bolt Quiver, Sleep Bolt Quiver, Holy Bolt Quiver, Acid Bolt Quiver, Blind Bolt Quiver, Sleep Quiver, Kabura Quiver, Qiqirn Mine, Veydal Wrasse, Kalkanbaligi, Betta, Black Ghost, Turnabaligi, Istavrit, Rhinochimera, Mola Mola, Pterygotus, Gurnard, Polyflan Paper, Karakul Wool, Mythril Gear Machines, Plasma Oil, Homunculus Nerves, Mythril Coil, Auric Sand, Wamoura Silk, Troll Bronze Sheet, Troll Bronze Ingot, Polyflan, Ebonite, Earth Arrowheads, Wind Arrowheads, Water Arrowheads, Mohbwa Thread, Mohbwa Grass, Paralysis Arrowheads, Marid Tusk Arrowheads, Apkallu Fletchings, Puk Fletchings, Imperial Cermet, Wamoura Cloth, Karakul Cloth, Karakul Thread, ??? Box, ??? Cloth, ??? Potion, ??? Ingot, ??? Necklace, ??? Shield, ??? Sash, ??? Cape, ??? Ring, ??? Earring, ??? Headpiece, Scintillant Ingot, Mohbwa Cloth, Coffee Powder, Roast Coffee Beans, Coffee Beans, Coffee Cherries, Mana Conserver, Mana Converter, Mana Tank, Damage Gauge, Flashbulb, Auto-Repair Kit, Stealth Screen, Heatsink, Mana Jammer, Heat Seeker, Volt Gun, Stabilizer, Analyzer, Armor Plate, Shock Absorber, Pattern Reader, Scope, Accelerator, Scanner, Loudspeaker, Mana Booster, Inhibitor, Tension Spring, Strobe, Imperial Flour, Wailing Shell, Lambent Wind Cell, Lambent Earth Cell, Lambent Water Cell, Lambent Fire Cell, Chimera Blood, Luminium Ore, Mamool Ja Collar, Mamook Blackscale Key, Mamook Tanscale Key, Mamook Silverscale Key, Halvung Brass Key, Halvung Bronze Key, Halvung Shakudo Key, Lamian Bone Key, Lamian Fang Key, Lamian Claw Key, Lightning Band, Lamp Marimo, Cornstarch, Imperial Rice, Pine Nuts, ??? Footwear, ??? Gloves, ??? Bow, ??? Axe, ??? Polearm, ??? Dagger, ??? Sword, Imperial Gold Piece, Imperial Mythril Piece, Imperial Silver Piece, Imperial Bronze Piece, Dark Card, Light Card, Water Card, Thunder Card, Earth Card, Wind Card, Ice Card, Fire Card, Flan Meat, Archaic Mirror, Wamoura Cocoon, Colibri Beak, Cerberus Leather, Cerberus Hide, Cerberus Claw, Lamian Armlet, Marid Hair, Qutrub Gorget, Pephredo Hive Chip, Imp Wing, Mamool Ja Helmet, Troll Vambrace, Troll Pauldron, Qutrub Bandage, Imp Horn, Imperial Tea Leaves, Lesser Chigoe, Orobon Lure, Qiqirn Sandbag, Marid Leather, Marid Hide, Colibri Feather, Apkallu Feather, Puk Wing, Marid Tusk, Merrow Scale, Lamia Skin, Qiqirn Cape, Karakul Leather, Karakul Skin, Bloodwood Lumber, Bloodwood Log, Dogwood Lumber, Dogwood Log, Imperial Wootz Ingot, Khroma Ore, Miniature Airship, Lamia Mantle +1, Lamia Mantle, Cerberus Mantle +1, Cerberus Mantle, Marid Mantle +1, Marid Mantle, Storm Shield, Tariqah -1, Tariqah +1, Tariqah, Januwiyah -1, Januwiyah +1, Januwiyah, Pahluwan Qalansuwa, Storm Turban, Storm Zucchetto, Yigit Turban, Akinji Khud, Jaridah Khud, Amir Puggaree, Abtal Turban, Sipahi Turban, Velocity Earring, Vision Earring, Insomnia Earring, Antivenom Earring, Stoic Earring, Storm Earring, Storm Loop, Moon Sash, Al Zahbi Sash, Marid Belt +1, Marid Belt, Augmenting Belt, Hurling Belt, Resolute Belt, Precise Belt, Spectral Belt, Potent Belt, Storm Sash, Storm Belt, Amored Ring, Manashell Ring, Cerberus Ring +1, Cerberus Ring, Garrulous Ring, Unyielding Ring, Hale Ring, Ebullient Ring, Unfettered Ring, Storm Ring, Imperial Ring, Scintillant Ring, Shining Ring, Random Ring, Olduum Ring, Marid Leggings +1, Marid Leggings, Pahluwan Crackows, Storm Crackows, Storm Gambieras, Yigit Crackows, Akinji Nails, Jaridah Nails, Amir Boots, Abtal Boots, Sipahi Boots, Sturdy Slacks, Sturdy Trousers, Pahluwan Seraweels, Yigit Seraweels, Akinji Salvars, Jaridah Salvars, Amir Dirs, Abtal Zerehs, Sipahi Zerehs, Regen Collar, Grandiose Chain, Fortified Chain, Chivalrous Chain, Enlightened Chain, Tempered Chain, Storm Torque, Storm Muffler, Merrow No.17's Locket, Invigorating Cape, Bushido Cape, Intensifying Cape, Bullseye Cape, Miraculous Cape, Storm Cape, Storm Mantle, Walahra Turban, Marid Mittens +1, Marid Mittens, Pahluwan Dastanas, Storm Gages, Storm Manopolas, Yigit Gages, Akinji Bazubands, Jaridah Bazubands, Amir Kolluks, Abtal Dastanas, Sipahi Dastanas, Bannaret Mail, Pahluwan Khazagand, Yigit Gomlek, Akinji Peti, Jaridah Peti, Amir Korazin, Abtal Jawshan, Sipahi Jawshan, Automaton Oil +2, Automaton Oil +1, Automaton Oil, Wind Arrow, Earth Arrow, Water Arrow, Marid Arrow, Paralysis Arrow, Cerberus Bow +1, Cerberus Bow, Trollbane, Lamiabane, Mamoolbane, Imperial Dart, Mercenary's Dart, Volunteer's Dart, Lamian Kaman -1, Hexagun +1, Imperial Gun, Imperial Kaman, Storm Zamburak, Imperial Bow, Lamian Kaman +1, Aht Urhgan Dart, Imperial Pole, Yigit Staff, Imperial Bhuj, Wamoura Axe, Amood +1, Amood, Lotus Katana, Hotarumaru, Kosetsusamonji, Sayosamonji, Karasuageha, Jadagna -1, Yigit Bulawa, Imperial Wand, Jadagna +1, Jadagna, Doombringer, Djinnbringer, Algol, Pahluwan Patas, Pahluwan Katars, Sainti +1, Sainti, Bibiki Seashell, Imperial Neza, Puk Lance, Mezraq +1, Mezraq, Storm Zaghnal, Volunteer's Scythe, Khanjar, Jambiya +1, Jambiya, Storm Tabar, Marid Ancus, Animator, Storm Fife, Hellish Bugle +1, Hellish Bugle, Storm Tulwar, Macuahuitl -1, Macuahuitl +1, Macuahuitl, Storm Scimitar, Kilij +1, Kilij, Iron Bullet, Hexagun, Lamian Kaman

Recipes Added: Iron Bullet, Bloodwood Lumber, Dogwood Lumber, Mezraq, Marid Arrow, Wind Arrow, Earth Arrow, Water Arrow, Januwiyah, Jadagna, Imperial Wootz Ingot, Jaridah Nails, Jaridah Bazubands, Cerberus Leather, Marid Leather, Karakul Leather, Karakul Wool, Cerberus Mantle, Sipahi Jawshan, Sipahi Dastanas, Tariqah, Marid Belt, Marid Mantle, Lamia Mantle, Jaridah Peti, Jaridah Khud, Amored Ring, Augmenting Belt, Amood, Shining Ring, Scintillant Ingot, Sipahi Boots, Sainti, Mana Jammer, Accelerator, Mana Tank, Volt Gun, Shock Absorber, Auto-Repair Kit, Tension Spring, Heatsink, Scope, Mythril Gear Machines, Mythril Coil, Wamoura Cloth, Wamoura Silk, Karakul Cloth, Karakul Thread, Mohbwa Cloth, Mohbwa Thread, Apkallu Fletchings, Puk Fletchings, Al Zahbi Sash, Sipahi Turban, Sipahi Zerehs, Jaridah Salvars, Regen Collar, Aht Urhgan Dart, Sturdy Slacks, Pebble, Polyflan, Elixir Vitae, Imperial Cermet, Hi-Ether Drop, Remedy Ointment, Ebonite, Earth Arrowheads, Wind Arrowheads, Water Arrowheads, Mana Conserver, Damage Gauge, Stealth Screen, Heat Seeker, Analyzer, Pattern Reader, Scanner, Inhibitor, Ether Drop, Mana Booster, Mana Converter, Loudspeaker, Flashbulb, Stabilizer, Strobe, Plasma Oil, Chimera Blood, Polyflan Paper, Automaton Oil, Coffee Powder, Dark Card, Light Card, Water Card, Thunder Card, Earth Card, Wind Card, Ice Card, Fire Card, Roast Coffee Beans, Coffee Beans, Cornstarch, Water Tank, Beeswax, Black Ink, Cerberus Ring, Jambiya, Lamian Kaman, Hellish Bugle, Marid Tusk Arrowheads, Marid Leggings, Marid Mittens, Macuahuitl, Manashell Ring, Wailing Shell

April 2006 FFXI Patch Compilation of Info
Posted by: Cuer - Tue Apr 18th, 2006 07:18 pm EDT
The April 17, 2006 Final Fantasy XI patch sets up the Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion. As such, it includes all the changes and additions for the three new jobs provided by that expansion: Blue Mage, Corsair, and Puppetmaster. This compilation of info will eventually list all the pertinent information on the additions and changes to the game provided by the April 17 patch, as well as the tweaks made in the following April and May FFXI updates. Bookmark this link to have a direct link back to this compilation of info. (Previous patch compilations of info can be found in the News Highlights.)

Original Post: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 at 7:20PM EDT
Last Updated: Sunday, May 21, 2006 at 1:35AM EDT

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Site Updates - April 17, 2006 (Pre-patch)
Posted by: Cuer - Mon Apr 17th, 2006 07:28 pm EDT
[Update Tuesday April 18, 12:35PM EDT: The database is being updated to handle the new jobs and other changes; the site may experience sporadic slow-downs today as it is tweaked.]

Major updates to the recipes make up the bulk of these pre-patch updates. As always, we will be putting up a patch Compilation of Info later this evening, as details are available.
  • Crafting recipes were updated in a number of ways. (Note: These updates have been finished for the recipes in the Alchemy, Bonecraft, Clothcraft, Cooking, Goldsmithing, and Leathercrafting guilds. The Smithing and Woodworking recipes will be updated later this week, to complete the process.)
    • The recipe skill caps were double-checked against the info available from the guild recipe lists in-game. A number of recipe caps were adjusted accordingly.
    • Guild Point info has been added! All known Guild Point data was added to the recipes, displaying how many Guild Points are given per item, the maximum Guild Points for a particular item, and the corresponding amount of items that are required to meet the maximum. Some information is still needed or needs to be verified; see the related forum topic for details.
    • A number of food items have been updated further with food effects data; the Food Guide has been updated accordingly.
  • All new and updated recipes now reflect the crafting rank required for the recipe. For subskills, there are times when the precise skill cap isn't known, but the skill rank for the subskill is. In those instances, the required skill rank will be listed for the subskill, so that at least the general range is known. See the Cursed Schaller recipe for an example. This reverses an earlier change to the recipe caps, to try to display the most accurate and useful recipe data.
  • The recipe search has a new option: Main Guild Recipes Only. This option restricts recipe searches to only recipes that have the selected guild as the main guild. For example, you can see the difference in the synthesis Goldsmithing recipes list that has Main Guild Recipes Only, and the list of all synthesis Goldsmithing recipes. This should make it easier for crafters to find the recipes that they need, to skill up.
  • Synthesis recipes that have the exact same results for NQ and HQ, are now marked clearly as such.
  • A number of other small display tweaks were made to the recipes display, to make it easier to view.

Items Updated: Bronze Harness +1, Bronze Harness, Solid Finger Gauntlets, Scale Finger Gauntlets, Bronze Mace, Xiphos +1, Xiphos, Bronze Zaghnal, Bronze Sword, Bronze Knuckles, Bronze Knife +1, Bronze Knife, Bronze Dagger, Tiger Mask, Bachelor Vest, Cardinal Vest, Errant Pigaches, Bison Wristbands, Ogre Jerkin, Koenigs Belt, Barone Cosciales, Ogre Gloves, Ogre Mask, Torama Mask, Coeurl Mask, Ogre Ledelsens, Coeurl Mantle, Ogre Trousers, Black Mantle +1, Black Mantle, Tiger Gloves, Silk Pumps, Feral Mantle, Tiger Mantle, Feral Trousers, Tiger Trousers, Battle Hose +1, Battle Hose, Coeurl Cesti, Ovinnik Leather, Swordbelt +1, Swordbelt, Beak Jerkin +1, Beak Jerkin, Beak Gloves +1, Beak Gloves, Beak Helm +1, Beak Helm, Battle Boots +1, Battle Boots, Beak Ledelsens +1, Beak Ledelsens, Beak Trousers +1, Beak Trousers, Beak Mantle +1, Beak Mantle, Tiger Ring, Hard Leather Ring, Dino Gloves, Raptor Gloves, Desert Boots +1, Desert Boots, Dino Helm, Raptor Helm, Dino Ledelsens, Raptor Ledelsens, Dino Trousers, Raptor Trousers, Dino Mantle, Raptor Mantle, Himantes +1, Himantes, Leather Shield +1, Leather Shield, Ram Mantle +1, Ram Mantle, Corsette +1, Corsette, Cuir Bouilli +1, Cuir Bouilli, Rider's Jack Coat, Chocobo Jack Coat, Cuir Trousers +1, Cuir Trousers, Waistbelt +1, Waistbelt, Cuir Highboots +1, Cuir Highboots, Brave Belt, Barbarian's Belt, Mist Pumps, Cuir Gloves +1, Cuir Gloves, Wolf Gorget +1, Wolf Gorget, Magic Belt +1, Magic Belt, Leather Gorget +1, Leather Gorget, Shoes +1, Shoes, Wolf Mantle +1, Wolf Mantle, Strong Vest, Studded Vest, Rider's Boots, Chocobo Boots, Mage's Sandals, Sandals, Dhalmel Mantle +1, Dhalmel Mantle, Strong Gloves, Studded Gloves, Warrior's Belt +1, Warrior's Belt, Strong Bandana, Studded Bandana, Rider's Gloves, Chocobo Gloves, Leather Ring +1, Leather Ring, Angler's Boots, Fisherman's Boots, Fine Jerkin, Lizard Jerkin, Burning Cesti, Lizard Cesti, Lizard Helm +1, Lizard Helm, Angler's Gloves, Fisherman's Gloves, Lizard Mantle +1, Lizard Mantle, Leather Belt, Lizard Belt, Solea +1, Solea, Leather Vest +1, Leather Vest, Leather Gloves, Rabbit Mantle +1, Rabbit Mantle, Leather Highboots +1, Leather Highboots, Nomad's Boots, Vagabond's Boots, Leather Bandana +1, Leather Bandana, Nomad's Gloves, Vagabond's Gloves, Cesti, Brisingamen, Verdun, Kaiser Shield, Koenig Shield, Orichalcum Ring, Muscle Belt, Orichalcum Earring, Jeweled Collar, Diamond Shield, Kazaridachi, Platinum Bangles, Epee, Platinum Mace, Golden Spear, Jagdplaute +1, Jagdplaute, Gold Buckler, Diamond Knuckles, Gold Patas, Ashura, Chamomile, Moonring Blade, Gilt Sabatons, Gold Sabatons, Gold Sword +1, Gold Sword, Gold Cuisses, Platinum Ring, Gold Bangles +1, Gold Bangles, Mailbreaker +1, Mailbreaker, Mythril Breastplate, Mythril Gauntlets +1, Mythril Gauntlets, Mythril Leggings +1, Mythril Leggings, Mythril Cuisses +1, Mythril Cuisses, Spark Kris +1, Spark Kris, Gold Ring, Melody Earring, Gold Earring +1, Gold Earring, Noble's Gorget, Mythril Gorget, Heater Shield, Mythril Degen +1, Mythril Degen, Wingedge +1, Wingedge, Silver Bangles +1, Silver Bangles, Buckler +1, Buckler, Banded Helm +1, Banded Helm, Mythril Ring +1, Mythril Ring, Sollerets +1, Sollerets, Silver Mail +1, Silver Mail, Fine Baselard, Mythril Baselard, Mythril Earring, Silver Mittens +1, Silver Mittens, Red Choker, Chain Choker, Silver Mask +1, Silver Mask, Fine Gorget, Chain Gorget, Spark Bilbo +1, Spark Bilbo, Chain Belt +1, Chain Belt, Brass Cuisses, Spark Spear +1, Spark Spear, Brass Finger Gauntlets +1, Brass Finger Gauntlets, Brass Mask +1, Brass Mask, Silver Hairpin +1, Silver Hairpin, Silver Belt +1, Silver Belt, Brass Hammer +1, Brass Hammer, Brass Rod +1, Brass Rod, Silver Earring +1, Silver Earring, Sage's Circlet, Poet's Circlet, Brass Harness +1, Brass Harness, Brass Hairpin +1, Brass Hairpin, Brass Baghnakhs +1, Brass Baghnakhs, Brass Zaghnal +1, Brass Zaghnal, Brass Ring +1, Brass Ring, Brass Knuckles +1, Brass Knuckles, Brass Dagger +1, Brass Dagger, Brass Axe +1, Brass Axe, Brass Cap +1, Brass Cap, Sapara +1, Sapara, Copper Hairpin +1, Copper Hairpin, Copper Ring +1, Copper Ring, Cursed Beverage, Sweet Rice Cake, Dragon Soup, Sea Bass Croute, Arrabbiato, Sophic Stew, Brain Stew, Rice Dumpling, Deathball, Potion Voucher, Black Curry, Flounder Meuniere +1, Flounder Meuniere, Leremieu Salad, Tavnazian Salad, Salmon Croute, Imperial Omelette, Royal Omelette, Dusky Indulgence, Royal Sautee, Coeurl Sautee, Seafood Stew, Boscaiola +1, Boscaiola, Witch Stew, Mushroom Stew, Sea Spray Risotto, Bream Risotto, Pescatora +1, Pescatora, Bass Meuniere +1, Bass Meuniere, Steamed Catfish, Ocean Soup, Shark Fin Soup, Gold Ore, Shallops Tropicale, Herb Crawler Eggs, Tender Navarin, Navarin, Bunny Ball, Rarab Meatball, Dhalmel Pie +1, Dhalmel Pie, Witch Risotto, Mushroom Risotto, Friture Misareaux, Fish & Chips, Salmon Meuniere, Salmon Meuniere +1, Boiled Cockatrice, Stamina Soup, Turtle Soup, Wild Stew, Dhalmel Stew, Royal Tea, San d'Orian Tea, Mutton Enchilada, Mutton Tortilla, Herb Quus, Medicinal Quus, Ikra Gunkan +1, Ikra Gunkan, Raisin Bread, Nero di Seppia +1, Nero di Seppia, Party Egg, Colored Egg, Sub-Zero Gelato, Snoll Gelato, Tentacle Sushi +1, Tentacle Sushi, Bataquiche +1, Bataquiche, Carbonara +1, Carbonara, Opo-opo Tart, Pamama Tart, Monastic Sautee, Beaugreen Sautee, Humpty Soup, Egg Soup, Snowy Rolanberry, Icecap Rolanberry, Broiled Eel, Eel Kabob, Concoction, Salty Bretzel, Bretzel, Fish Chiefkabob, Fish Mithkabob, Apple Pie +1, Apple Pie, Coin Cookie, Cinna-cookie, Vongole Rosso +1, Viking Herring, Pickled Herring, Sunset Soup, Tomato Soup, Timbre Timbers Salad, Windurst Salad, Bison Jerky, Buffalo Jerky, Witch Soup, Mushroom Soup, Steel Bread, Iron Bread, Pumpernickel, Black Bread, Cinnamon, Kitron, Buttered Nebimonite, Nebimonite Bake, Wild Cookie, Acorn Cookie, Broiled Trout, Roast Trout, Smoked Salmon, Wild Steak, Dhalmel Steak, Pomodoro Sauce, Steamed Crab, Boiled Crab, Sheep Jerky, Meat Jerky, Vegetable Broth, Vegetable Soup, Delicious Puls, Puls, Salsa, Sweet Baked Apple, Baked Apple, Pipin' Hot Popoto, Baked Popoto, Broiled Carp, Roast Carp, Emerald Soup, Pea Soup, Juicy Mutton, Roast Mutton, Tortilla Bueno, Tortilla, Steamed Crayfish, Boiled Crayfish, Ilm-long Sub, Salmon Sub, Grilled Corn, Roasted Corn, Errant Cuffs, Rasetsu Hakama, Tarutaru Sash, Errant Slops, Errant Hat, Rasetsu Jinpachi, Rainbow Obi, Arhat's Hakama, Arhat's Tekko, Prism Headband, Rainbow Headband, Noble's Slacks, Noble's Mitts, Arhat's Sune-Ate, Arhat's Jinpachi, Shinobi Hakama, Silk Cloak +1, Silk Cloak, Green Beret +1, Green Beret, Shinobi Tekko, Silk Mitts +1, Silk Mitts, Jester's Cape, Shinobi Kyahan +1, Shinobi Kyahan, Silk Headband +1, Silk Headband, Silk Coat +1, Silk Coat, Wool Doublet +1, Wool Doublet, Silk Slops +1, Silk Slops, White Cloak, Green Ribbon +1, Green Ribbon, White Slacks +1, White Slacks, Mage's Mitts, Black Mitts, Red Cape, Mage's Cuffs, Velvet Cuffs, Mage's Robe, Velvet Robe, Linen Doublet, Black Cape +1, Black Cape, Noble's Ribbon, Scarlet Ribbon, Mage's Slacks, Black Slacks, Silver Obi +1, Silver Obi, Wool Hose +1, Wool Hose, Wool Socks +1, Wool Socks, Wool Bracers +1, Wool Bracers, Wool Cap +1, Wool Cap, Wool Robe +1, Wool Robe, Hemp Gorget +1, Hemp Gorget, Wool Slops +1, Wool Slops, Wool Cuffs +1, Wool Cuffs, Mist Tunic, Mist Slacks, Mist Mitts, Soil Sitabaki +1, Soil Sitabaki, Soil Kyahan +1, Soil Kyahan, Cloak +1, Cloak, Soil Tekko +1, Soil Tekko, Soil Hachimaki +1, Soil Hachimaki, Gambison +1, Gambison, Cotton Dogi +1, Cotton Dogi, Linen Robe +1, Linen Robe, Heko Obi +1, Heko Obi, Carnation, Cotton Kyahan +1, Cotton Kyahan, Linen Cuffs +1, Linen Cuffs, Cotton Tekko +1, Cotton Tekko, Cotton Hachimaki +1, Cotton Hachimaki, Great Doublet, Cotton Doublet, Kenpogi +1, Kenpogi, Cotton Cape +1, Cotton Cape, Tunic +1, Tunic, Robe, Nomad's Tunica, Vagabond's Tunica, Cuffs, Tekko +1, Tekko, Nomad's Hose, Vagabond's Hose, Doublet +1, Doublet, Brais +1, Brais, Cape +1, Cape, Gaiters +1, Gaiters, Gloves +1, Gloves, Headgear +1, Headgear, Sacred Branch, Scorpion Breastplate, Gavial Finger Gauntlets, Scorpion Helm, Scorpion Gauntlets, Carapace Breastplate +1, Carapace Breastplate, Carapace Helm, Carapace Gauntlets, Demon Helm, Coral Sword, Merman's Bangles, Coral Bangles, Dragon Mask, Dragon Greaves, Dragon Finger Gauntlets +1, Coral Earring, Dragon Cuisses, Darksteel Shield, Feral Fangs, Tigerfangs, Merman's Gorget, Coral Gorget, Coral Cap, Merman's Hairpin, Coral Hairpin, Coral Visor +1, Coral Visor, Coral Mittens, Coral Cuisses, Hornet Fleuret, Bone Patas +1, Bone Patas, Scorpion Subligar +1, Scorpion Subligar, Crumhorn +1, Crumhorn, Scorpion Leggings +1, Scorpion Leggings, Scorpion Mask +1, Scorpion Mask, Scorpion Mittens +1, Scorpion Mittens, Pirate's Gun, Spike Earring, Fang Earring, Beetle Knife +1, Beetle Knife, Bone Scythe +1, Bone Scythe, Blood Stone, Tortoise Earring, Turtle Bangles +1, Turtle Bangles, Shell Hairpin +1, Shell Hairpin, Bandit's Gun +1, Bandit's Gun, Bone Rod +1, Bone Rod, Blue Gorget, Carapace Gorget, Carapace Subligar +1, Carapace Subligar, Horn +1, Horn, Carapace Leggings +1, Carapace Leggings, Carapace Mask +1, Carapace Mask, Carapace Mittens +1, Carapace Mittens, Carapace Ring +1, Carapace Ring, Bone Knife +1, Bone Knife, Shade Leggings, Bone Cudgel +1, Bone Cudgel, Horn Ring +1, Horn Ring, Beetle Harness +1, Beetle Harness, Turtle Shield +1, Turtle Shield, Beetle Subligar +1, Beetle Subligar, Beetle Leggings +1, Beetle Leggings, Green Gorget, Beetle Gorget, Beetle Mittens +1, Beetle Mittens, Horn Hairpin +1, Horn Hairpin, Bone Harness +1, Bone Harness, Gemshorn +1, Gemshorn, Bone Subligar +1, Bone Subligar, Bone Pick +1, Bone Pick, Bone Leggings +1, Bone Leggings, Bone Axe +1, Bone Axe, Bone Mittens +1, Bone Mittens, Bone Mask +1, Bone Mask, Bone Ring +1, Bone Ring, Spike Necklace, Fang Necklace, Bone Earring +1, Bone Earring, Cat Baghnakhs +1, Cat Baghnakhs, Shell Ring +1, Shell Ring, Shell Powder, Bone Hairpin +1, Bone Hairpin, Shell Earring +1, Shell Earring, Cantarella, Panacea, Ice Shield, Vitality Potion, Strength Potion, Mind Potion, Intelligence Potion, Dexterity Potion, Charisma Potion, Agility Potion, Stun Jamadhar, Bloody Sword, Venom Kris, Stun Kukri, Carnage Rapier, Bloody Rapier, Hakutaku Eye Cluster, Holy Lance, Holy Lance +1, Stun Claws +1, Stun Claws, Holy Wand +1, Holy Wand, Holy Shield, Jamadhars +1, Jamadhars, Cermet Kukri, Venom Kukri +1, Venom Kukri, Venom Baselard +1, Venom Baselard, Cutlass, Venom Claws +1, Venom Claws, Holy Maul +1, Holy Maul, Saber +1, Saber, Cermet Sword, Corrosive Kukri, Acid Kukri, Hanger, Divine Sword +1, Divine Sword, Cermet Claws +1, Cermet Claws, Cermet Knife +1, Cermet Knife, Corrosive Baselard, Acid Baselard, Hi-Potion Drop, Homura +1, Homura, Holy Degen +1, Holy Degen, Yoto +1, Yoto, Holy Mace +1, Holy Mace, Holy Sword +1, Holy Sword, Ether Tank, Corrosive Claws, Acid Claws, Corrosive Knife, Acid Knife, Flame Sword, Fire Sword, Corrosive Dagger, Acid Dagger, Potion Tank, Burning Claymore, Flame Claymore, Poison Katars +1, Poison Katars, Hellfire Axe, Inferno Axe, Bokuto +1, Bokuto, Ouka Ranman, Potion Drop, Hellfire Sword, Inferno Sword, Poison Claws +1, Poison Claws, Poison Baghnakhs +1, Poison Baghnakhs, Blind Knife +1, Blind Knife, Poison Cesti +1, Poison Cesti, Busuto +1, Busuto, Blind Dagger +1, Blind Dagger, Poison Kukri +1, Poison Kukri, Eye Drops, Twinkle Shower, Python Baselard, Poison Baselard, Poison Knife +1, Poison Knife, Mokuto +1, Mokuto, Poison Dagger +1, Poison Dagger, Echo Drops, Poison Potion, Silence Baghnakhs +1, Silence Baghnakhs, Mercury, Cracker, Bee Spatha +1, Bee Spatha, Silence Dagger +1, Silence Dagger, Deodorizer, Wax Sword +1, Wax Sword, Silencing Potion, Water Tank, Beeswax, Antidote, Zoolater Hat, Adventuring Certificate, Chocobo Wand, Persikos, Dark Crystal, Little Worm, Vitriol, Wisdom Soup, Z Egg, Y Egg, X Egg, W Egg, V Egg, U Egg, T Egg, S Egg, R Egg, Q Egg, P Egg, O Egg, N Egg, M Egg, L Egg, K Egg, J Egg, I Egg, H Egg, G Egg, F Egg, E Egg, D Egg, C Egg, B Egg, A Egg, Moogle Pie, Moogle Rod, Goobbue Humus, Pebble Soup, Albatross Ring, Penguin Ring, Mhaura Garlic, Nodachi, Windurstian Tea Leaves, Pet Food Zeta Biscuit, Pet Food Gamma Biscuit, Pet Food Epsilon Biscuit, Pet Food Delta Biscuit, Pet Food Beta Biscuit, Pet Food Alpha Biscuit, Old Bullet Box, Old Bolt Box, Old Quiver

NPCs Updated: Cherlodeau, Pomilla, Halver, Phairupegiont, Giaunne, Deraquien, Blendare, Authere, Akamafula

Mobs Updated: Weeping Willow, King Arthro, Pallas, Gigas Bonecutter, Gigas's Bats, Goblin's Bat, Goblin Trader, Goblin's Leech, Gigas's Tiger, Ungur, Starmite, Grand Duke Batym, Azren Kuba, Gazer, Stegotaur, Bugbear Matman, Caithleann, Lobais, Luaith, Balor, Indich, Edacious Opo-opo, Bisque-heeled Sunberry, Woodland Sage, Vepar, Fire Elemental, Puroboros, Tonberry Jinxer, Tonberry Chopper, Tonberry Shadower, Anemone, Tonberry Harasser, Tonberry Hexer, Goblin Trader, Goblin's Bee, Goblin Robber, Big Jaw, Worker Crawler, Young Opo-opo, Yhoator Wasp, White Lizard, Yhoator Mandragora, Bonnacon, Cwn Annwn, Kindred Summoner, Kindred Dark Knight, Kindred Black Mage, Kindred Warrior, King Buffalo, Smolenkos, Tyrannotaur, Brontotaur, Molech, Giant Buffalo, Mountain Worm, Esbat, Nival Raptor, Succubus Bats, Buffalo, Tarutaru Automaton, Hume Automaton, Gigas's Sheep, Gration, Ghoul, Juggler Hecatomb, Centurio X-I

Quests Updated: Lure of the Wildcat (San d'Oria), A Sentry's Peril

Spells Updated: Banishga II, Banish II, Banishga

Desynthesis Recipes Added: Pellet Belt, White Slacks, Shotel, Beetle Earring, Time Hammer, Harp

Recipes Updated: Bronze Harness, Bronze Scales, Bronze Zaghnal, Bronze Axe, Bronze Knuckles, Sickle, Bronze Subligar, Bronze Leggings, Bronze Ingot, Dusk Jerkin, Austere Robe, Bison Jacket, Austere Slops, Austere Cuffs, Sha'ir Gages, Opaline Boots, Bison Warbonnet, Bison Gamashes, Austere Hat, Sultan's Belt, Sha'ir Crackows, Pendragon's Belt, Maharaja's Belt, Czar's Belt, Chasuble, Orc Helm, Blue Cotehardie, Tiger Helm, Adargas, Silk Pumps, Tiger Ledelsens, Battle Hose, Spartan Hoplon, Pigaches, Black Cotehardie, White Mouton, Sheep Chammy, Premium Bag, Brigandine, Raptor Ledelsens, Laminated Buffalo Leather, Haste Belt, Tarasque Mitts, Powder Boots, Tough Belt, Samsonian Belt, Runner's Belt, Acrobat's Belt, Mist Pumps, Laminated Ram Leather, Invisible Mantle, Garish Pumps, Light Ram Leather, Healing Vest, Bloody Ram Leather, Caliginous Wolf Hide, Noct Brais, Tough Bugard Leather, Soft Bugard Leather, Rugged Bugard Leather, Glossy Bugard Leather, Tough Dhalmel Leather, Lugworm Belt, Little Worm Belt, Wolf Fur, Leather Pouch, Sheep Wool, Vivio Sheep Leather, Smooth Sheep Leather, Verdun, Cursed Cuirass, Koenig Shield, Blizzard Scythe, Cursed Schaller, Poseidon's Ring, Millionaire Desk, Cursed Handschuhs, Topaz Ring, Spinel Ring, Sapphire Ring, Ruby Ring, Emerald Ring, Diamond Ring, Death Ring, Angel's Ring, Cursed Schuhs, Cursed Diechlings, Regen Cuirass, Ponderous Lance, Orichalcum Dagger, Barone Zucchetto, Spirit Orichalcum, Messhikimaru, Frigid Orichalcum, Barone Gambieras, Orichalcum Ingot, Aqueous Orichalcum Ingot, Wind Bead, Water Bead, Ice Bead, Fire Bead, Lightning Bead, Light Bead, Earth Bead, Dark Bead, Topaz Earring, Spinel Earring, Sapphire Earring, Ruby Earring, Emerald Earring, Diamond Earring, Death Earring, Angel's Earring, Rapier, Stoneskin Torque, Diamond Knuckles, Gold Cuirass, Zircon Ring, Sun Ring, Painite Ring, Moon Ring, Jadeite Ring, Fluorite Ring, Chrysoberyl Ring, Aquamarine Ring, Shrimp Lantern, Gold Sabatons, Zircon Earring, Yellow Earring, Sun Earring, Purple Earring, Night Earring, Moon Earring, Green Earring, Aqua Earring, Vivio Platinum, Junior Musketeer's Chakram +1, Platinum Ingot, Gold Arrowheads, Wing Gorget, Chakram, Turquoise Ring, Sphene Ring, Peridot Ring, Pearl Ring, Goshenite Ring, Garnet Ring, Black Ring, Ametrine Ring, Bewitched Gold Ingot, Palmer's Bangles, Gold Ingot, Banded Mail, Breeches, Aluminum Ingot, Turquoise Earring, Sphene Earring, Peridot Earring, Pearl Earring, Goshenite Earring, Blood Earring, Black Earring, Ametrine Earring, Reraise Earring, Mythril Ingot, Spark Bilbo, Tourmaline Ring, Sardonyx Ring, Opal Ring, Clear Ring, Lapis Lazuli Ring, Onyx Ring, Amethyst Ring, Amber Ring, Poisona Ring, Spark Spear, Thief's Tools, Bastokan Circlet, Tourmaline Earring, Sardonyx Earring, Opal Earring, Onyx Earring, Lapis Lazuli Earring, Clear Earring, Amethyst Earring, Amber Earring, Rhodonite, Brass Tank, Silver Ingot, Brass Flowerpot, Brass Scales, Brass Ingot, Circlet, Copper Ring, Zinc Oxide, Copper Ingot, Cursed Soup, Red Curry, Cursed Beverage, Dragon Soup, Dragon Steak, Black Curry, Dorado Sushi, Flint Caviar, Persikos au Lait, Vampire Juice, Seafood Stew, Yellow Curry, Steamed Catfish, Boiled Tuna Head, Pamama au Lait, Shallops Tropicale, Herb Crawler Eggs, Whitefish Stew, Sopa Pez Blanco, Green Curry, Fish & Chips, Pear au Lait, Adamantoise Soup, Raisin Bread, Sausage Roll, Sausage, Apple au Lait, Yagudo Drink, Spicy Cracker, Goblin Mushpot, Ginger Cookie, Bataquiche, Mulsum, Crayfish Ball, Orange au Lait, Grape Juice, Cinna-cookie, Tomato Juice, Salmon Roe, Salmon Rice Ball, Melon Juice, Jack-o'-Lantern, Meatball, Trout Ball, Acorn Cookie, Sardine Ball, Pineapple Juice, Smoked Salmon, Insect Ball, Pomodoro Sauce, Salsa, Goblin Chocolate, Apple Juice, Pet Food Beta Biscuit, Slice of Carp, Sliced Cod, Sliced Sardine, Orange Juice, Pet Food Alpha Biscuit, Peeled Lobster, Peeled Crayfish, Cursed Dalmatica, Yasha Samue, Rasetsu Hakama, Yasha Hakama, Errant Houppelande, Blessed Trousers, Rasetsu Tekko, Cashmere Cloth, Yasha Tekko, Yasha Sune-Ate, Rasetsu Sune-Ate, Errant Hat, Rasetsu Jinpachi, Siren's Macrame, Arhat's Gi, Bloody Aketon, Peace Cape, War Aketon, Arhat's Tekko, Gold Brocade, Rainbow Headband, Enthralling Cotton Obi, Sagacious Cotton Obi, Deductive Cotton Obi, Haunted Muleta, Rainbow Cloth, Rainbow Velvet, Battle Jupon, Silver Brocade, Wolf Felt, Sagacious Gold Obi, Enthralling Gold Obi, Deductive Gold Obi, Silk Cuffs, Tactician Magician's Cuffs +1, Sailcloth, Silk Slops, High Mana Cloak, Aketon, Hunter's Cotton, Velvet Cuffs, Twinthread Obi, Velvet Robe, Dull Gold Thread, Brilliant Gold Thread, Shiny Gold Thread, Linen Doublet, Velvet Slops, Scarlet Linen, Silk Cloth, Magical Silk Cloth, Wool Gambison, Blink Band, Velvet Cloth, Smooth Velvet, Wing Earring, Wool Slops, Wool Cuffs, Wool Hat, Mist Tunic, Mist Slacks, Wool Cloth, Mist Mitts, Mana Cloak, Garish Tunic, Garish Mitts, Soil Tekko, Fly Lure, Noct Gaiters, Noct Doublet, Moblinweave, Magical Linen Cloth, Linen Cloth, Fine Linen Cloth, Mana Tunic, Red Grass Cloth, Magical Cotton Cloth, Cotton Cloth, Grass Cloth, Grass Thread, Unicorn Harness, Cursed Harness, Chronos Tooth, Dragon Harness, Gavial Greaves, Wyvern Helm, Dragon Leggings, Dragon Mittens, Gavial Cuisses, Mammoth Tusk, Igqira Manillas, Cursed Gloves, Healing Mail, Cursed Subligar, Dragon Greaves, Dragon Cuisses, Reraise Gorget, Reraise Hairpin, Coral Gorget, Coral Leggings, Clown's Subligar, Vivio Wyvern Scale, Coral Cuisses, Hornet Fleuret, Vivified Coral, Antlion Trap, Beast Horn, Ivory Sickle, Scorpion Leggings, Coral Horn, Healing Justaucorps, High Healing Harness, Vivio Scorpion Claw, Carapace Subligar, Mist Crown, Carapace Ring, Garish Crown, Vivio Crab Shell, Titanictus Shell, Shade Tights, Shade Mittens, Shade Tiara, Healing Harness, Wailing Ram Horn, Smooth Beetle Jaw, Carapace Powder, Vivio Femur, Shell Powder, Wailing Bone Chip, Cantarella, Panacea, Marksman's Oil, Hermes Quencher, Icarus Wing, Vitality Potion, Strength Potion, Mind Potion, Intelligence Potion, Dexterity Potion, Charisma Potion, Agility Potion, Urushi, Ether Leather, Ether Holly, Ether Cotton, Holy Leather, Mega Battery, Sacred Lance, Composite Fishing Rod, Photoanima, Sacred Wand, Hakutaku Eye Cluster, Saltwater Set, Hyper Ether, Freshwater Set, Kilo Battery, Venom Baselard, Cutlass, Sacred Maul, Mythril Nugget, Halcyon Rod, Venom Claws, Paralysis Dust, Melt Kukri, Hyper Potion, Battery, Single-Hook Fishing Rod, Silver Nugget, Melt Baselard, Lightning Arrow, Hallowed Sword, Koen, Sacred Degen, Porcelain Flowerpot, Riot Grenade, Melt Katana, Sacred Mace, Quake Grenade, Sacred Sword, Melt Claws, Ether Tank, Grenade, Vulcan Blade, Blessed Mythril Sheet, Vulcan Degen, Vulcan Sword, Melt Knife, Carbon Fishing Rod, Shrimp Lure, Melt Dagger, Vulcan Claymore, Frog Lure, Worm Lure, Carbon Fiber, Potion Tank, Sparkling Hand, Invitriol, Prominence Axe, Prominence Sword, Artificial Lens, Moblin Putty, Busuto, Sieglinde Putty, Eye Drops, Minnow, Seito, Glass Fiber Fishing Rod, Ethereal Vermilion Lacquer, Vermilion Lacquer, Poison Arrowheads, Hushed Baghnakhs, Hushed Dagger, Poison Dust, Goldfish Bowl, Water Tank, Black Ink, Raptor Helm, Slice of Bluetail, Royal Knight's Belt +1, Lance, Yellow Mouton

Desynthesis Recipes Updated: Bronze Axe, Rod, Butterfly Axe, Bronze Spear, Bronze Hammer, Bronze Knife, Great Club, Bronze Zaghnal, Xiphos, Bronze Mace, Spatha, Aspis, Scale Finger Gauntlets, Barone Cosciales, Coeurl Mantle, Coeurl Gorget, Behemoth Mantle, Sha'ir Gages, Darksteel Mittens, Hard Leather Ring, Raptor Mantle, Ram Mantle, Wolf Gorget, Cuir Bandana, Tiger Trousers, Waistbelt, Panther Mask, Errant Pigaches, Chain Mittens, Traversiere, Piccolo, Flute, Studded Trousers, Dhalmel Mantle, Leather Ring, Mythril Sword, Studded Boots, Lizard Mantle, Rabbit Mantle, Noct Brais, Thick Mufflers, Raptor Gloves, Ogre Mask, Steel Finger Gauntlets, Breastplate, Cuisses, Scale Cuisses, Bolt Belt, Iron Finger Gauntlets, Iron Visor, Brigandine, Coeurl Gloves, Cuir Gloves, Wrapped Bow, Himantes, Scale Greaves, Gorget, Barbarian's Belt, Bronze Harness, Iron Cuisses, Studded Bandana, Leather Vest, Ash Clogs, Bronze Cap, Bronze Leggings, Bronze Mittens, Bronze Sword, Bronze Subligar, Cesti, Leather Trousers, Lizard Gloves, Lizard Helm, Leather Highboots, Leather Gloves, Ogre Jerkin, Sandals, Lizard Cesti, Leather Belt, Solea, Leather Bandana, Mythril Dagger, Gold Sabatons, Platinum Ring, Ruby Earring, Heater Shield, Ashura, Gold Patas, Gold Cuisses, Sun Ring, Rapier, Gold Gauntlets, Moonring Blade, Chakram, Golden Spear, Gold Buckler, Gold Hairpin, Gold Orcmask, Spark Degen, Wing Gorget, Hunting Sword, Mythril Rod, Mythril Mace, Mythril Gauntlets, Hydro Patas, Pearl Ring, Garnet Ring, Peridot Ring, Goshenite Ring, Black Ring, Sphene Ring, Turquoise Ring, Mythril Cuisses, Mythril Earring, Hydro Claws, Ametrine Ring, Mythril Kukri, Maul, Buckler, Mythril Degen, Mythril Ring, Pearl Earring, Brass Scale Mail, Brass Hammer, Fleuret, Silver Hose, Mailbreaker, Silver Greaves, Bilbo, Palmer's Bangles, Chain Gorget, Chain Choker, Chain Belt, Amethyst Ring, Tourmaline Ring, Sardonyx Ring, Opal Ring, Amber Ring, Lapis Lazuli Ring, Wingedge, Amethyst Earring, Clear Earring, Onyx Earring, Sardonyx Earring, Opal Earring, Lapis Lazuli Earring, Spark Baselard, Curtana, Amber Earring, Clear Ring, Tourmaline Earring, Silver Bangles, Onyx Ring, Silver Ring, Silver Hairpin, Silver Earring, Brass Harness, Hellfire, Fish Scale Shield, Sapara, Brass Mask, Justice Badge, New Moon Armlets, Moblin Mail, Brass Axe, Maple Shield, Scimitar, Iron Mask, Legionnaire's Leggings, Brass Ring, Bastokan Leggings, Brass Hairpin, Brass Subligar, Brass Cap, Brass Mittens, Brass Leggings, Circlet, Banded Helm, Cursed Schaller, Mythril Sallet, Poet's Circlet, Sabiki Rig, Onion Sword, Bronze Dagger, Bronze Rod, Compound Eye Circlet, Brass Rod, Copper Hairpin, Copper Ring, Velvet Slops, Blessed Briault, Headgear, Rasetsu Samue, Dance Shoes, Rasetsu Hakama, Tarutaru Sash, Elite Beret, Rainbow Cape, Errant Slops, Roshi Jinpachi, Rasetsu Sune-Ate, Arhat's Gi, Arhat's Hakama, Arhat's Tekko, Rainbow Headband, War Gloves, Shinobi Gi, Green Beret, Jester's Cape, Gold Obi, Silk Headband, Royal Knight's Cloak +1, Silk Hat, White Mitts, White Cape, Green Ribbon, Field Hose, Red Cape, Velvet Hat, Black Cape, Scarlet Ribbon, Hemp Gorget, Soil Gi, Soil Hachimaki, Fly Lure, Cotton Dogi, Linen Robe, Heko Obi, Noct Doublet, Trader's Saio, Seer's Slacks, Linen Slops, Trader's Slops, Seer's Mitts, Cotton Kyahan, Linen Cuffs, Cotton Tekko, Cotton Hachimaki, Cotton Headband, Kenpogi, Cotton Cape, Cotton Gaiters, Sitabaki, Robe, Slacks, Cotton Headgear, Slops, Kyahan, Mitts, Cuffs, Tekko, Hachimaki, Doublet, Brais, Cape, Gaiters, Gloves, Pellet Belt, Self Bow, Igqira Tiara, Justaucorps, Scorpion Ring, Carapace Mask, Cornette, Gavial Mask, Scorpion Helm, Scorpion Gauntlets, Dragon Leggings, Igqira Manillas, Dragon Subligar, Carapace Gauntlets, Demon Helm, Dragon Mask, Coral Earring, Coral Ring, Reraise Hairpin, Coral Gorget, Coral Mittens, Coral Subligar, Demon's Ring, Bone Patas, Crumhorn, Scorpion Mask, Fang Earring, Beetle Knife, Bone Scythe, Blood Stone, Shell Hairpin, Bandit's Gun, Horn, Carapace Mittens, Carapace Ring, Shade Harness, Bone Knife, Bone Cudgel, Horn Ring, Beetle Harness, Beetle Gorget, Beetle Mittens, Horn Hairpin, Beetle Mask, Beetle Ring, Bone Pick, Bone Mask, Bone Ring, Bone Earring, Cat Baghnakhs, Shell Ring, Bone Hairpin, Shell Earring, Cursed Mail, Cursed Diechlings, Mamushito, Cursed Handschuhs, Cursed Schuhs, Frog Lure, Acid Claws, Shrimp Lure, Bee Spatha, Carbon Fishing Rod, Holy Mace, Minnow, Ice Lance, Cursed Cuisses, Sacred Lance, Composite Fishing Rod, Holy Lance, Kororito, Holy Maul, Cermet Claws, Ether Tank, Acid Dagger, Blind Knife, Poison Cesti, Water Tank, Iron Sword, Holly Staff, Espadon, Leather Gorget

BCNMs Updated: Legion XI Comitatensis, Rapid Raptors, The Final Bout

Items Drops/Obtained Added: Vitriol, Orphic Egg, Wing Egg, Lamp Egg, Flower Egg, Fortune Egg, Happy Egg, Yellow Drop, White Drop, Red Drop, Purple Drop, Green Drop, Clear Drop, Blue Drop, Black Drop, Chocobo Ticket, Fiend Blood, Blue Rock, Diatryma Meat, Cobalt Jellyfish, Beetle Jaw, Quicksand Coffer Key, Crawler Cocoon, Scroll of Curaga IV, Moblin Sheepskin, Fruit Seeds, Copper Ore, Taurus Horn, Hecteyes Eye, Mercury, Fomor Codex, Juji Shuriken, Land Crab Meat, Scroll of Thundaga II, Scroll of Thunder III, Gold Beastcoin, Water Spirit Pact, Mythril Beastcoin, Scroll of Absorb-AGI, Pickaxe, Wild Melon, Honey, Delkfutt Chest Key, Jadeite, Mythril Ore, Rival Ribbon, Benign Necklace, Storm Gorget, Intellect Torque, Mana Circlet, Zincite, Heavy Cuirass, Herb Seeds, Horutoto Chest Key, Eldieme Chest Key, Scroll of Absorb-INT, Magicked Skull, Sacrarium Chest Key, Cactus Arm

ENMs Updated: When Hell Freezes Over, Bionic Bug, Automaton Assault

Mini-Quests Added: Special Event - 2006-04 - Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza

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FFXI Patch Notes (April 17, 2006)
Posted by: Cuer - Mon Apr 17th, 2006 01:58 pm EDT
FFXI Patch Note Details

«Apr. 18, 2006 (JST) Update Details»
*Japan Standard Time

Please note that even after installing the necessary software and registering expanded content, the extra jobs, new areas, and other features contained within the Treasures of Aht Urhgan version update will not be available until April 20.


In accordance with the Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion content, the following additions have been made to the main menu:

Treasures of Aht Urhgan
Aht Urhgan
-Region Info:

In accordance with the Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion content, the following regions have been added:
West Aht Urhgan, Mamool Ja Savagelands, Halvung Territory, Arrapago Islands

A new type of defensive battle called "Besieged" has been introduced to the Empire of Aht Urhgan.
Related Information>>

A new type of battle called "Assault" has been added to the Empire of Aht Urhgan.
Adventurers who are level 50 or higher and have become a mercenary can participate in Assault, starting from an early stage in the Aht Urhgan storyline. You will earn Assault points for each area where you clear an Assault mission. Like Conquest points, you can trade your Assault points for various items. In addition, repeat success in Assault will make you eligible for a mercenary rank evaluation. Clear the rank evaluation and your mercenary rank will rise, resulting in a greater variety of available Assault missions and other benefits.
You can find out more information by speaking to an NPC at the Commissions Agency in Aht Urhgan.

Unlike Dynamis and Limbus, multiple parties can enter separate instances of an Assault area at the same time. However, if there are too many parties using an area for Assault, you may be unable to enter for a time.

You will receive a “homing fireflies” temporary item when entering an Assault area. The homing fireflies cannot be discarded during the mission.

A new ship route has been added from Mhaura to Al Zahbi. You must fulfill certain requirements before you can board the ship to Al Zahbi.

The new storage feature "Mog Locker" has been added. You will be able to lease a Mog Locker after completing one of the first Aht Urhgan missions. Initially, you will be able to store up to 30 items in your Mog Locker, but it can be expanded to hold a maximum of 50.

You can use your Mog Locker in an Al Zahbi Rent-a-Room.
A fee in Aht Urhgan currency is required to lease a Mog Locker.
Once your lease has expired, you will be unable to access your Mog Locker until choosing to extend the lease. Your items will still remain in the locker until you extend your lease, and will not disappear.
You can confirm the status of your lease by speaking to the moogle in your Rent-a-Room. You can extend your lease or confirm its status by speaking to the NPC "Fubruhn" in Al Zahbi.

A new feature called the "Kokba Hostel" has been added. You can reserve the facility for a certain amount of time to use for private functions. Players are provided with a variety of temporary party items and food upon entering the hostel. Attendants and a special hostel chat channel also come with the reservation.

Reservations can be made for one-hour slots (Earth time).
During the hostel reception period, you will be asked to set a password. Only players who enter this password will be able to enter the hostel during your reservation time.
Each person who enters the hostel will be required to pay a fee.
NPC "Attendants" provide additional services in the hostel, such as offering goods for sale and removing meal effects. You can select four attendants during the hostel reception period.
You can receive temporary party items even if you do not have any free space in your inventory. The temporary party items and their effects will disappear when you leave the hostel or when your reservation period ends.

You can now lease a Rent-a-Room in the new towns of Al Zahbi and Aht Urhgan Whitegate. In the event that you change jobs and leave the Rent-a-Room in the new areas, please note that there will be no option asking you to set your home point.

Several new quests have been added.

The following changes have been made to Ballista:

Previously, you could use a Pursuivant's teleportation service to travel to a match site from the beginning of the entry period to the beginning of the match. The availability of this service has been extended to last from the beginning of the entry period until the end of the match.

You can now speak to a Herald to receive teleportation service to or from a match site for 100 Ballista points, even if you do not possess a Ballista Instawarp or Instaport.

The following changes have been made to Brenner:

You can now speak to a Pursuivant in Bastok, San d'Oria, or Windurst to participate in an official match.
Additional ways to earn points have been added.
The Flammen-Brenner can now recover from damage.
The behavior pattern of Posten has been altered.
The prerequisites for achieving Complete status in an official match can no longer be changed.
After altering certain rules in an official match, the changes will be announced to everyone in the area.
In the event of a called game 10 minutes or less into an official match, the losing team will now earn a reduced amount of experience points.
Some of the temporary items earned by "quarry" have been changed.
Related Information>>


The advanced jobs "blue mage," "corsair," and "puppetmaster" are now available. You must clear certain quests in order to acquire the new jobs.
Related Information>>

The final limit break quests for the new jobs are scheduled to be added in the next version update. For the time being, you must clear the "Shattering Stars" quest with another job in order to reach level 71-75.

Several new monsters have been added to the Treasures of Aht Urhgan areas, some of which attack in response to certain actions, such as the use of job abilities or weapon skills.

Shields have been altered in the following ways:

The amount of TP accumulated when attacking a monster has changed for both the player and the monster.

The chance of blocking with a shield in battle has been increased.
Shields now block more damage.

The white mage 2-hour ability “Benediction” now cures status ailments.

The following features have been added to the paladin job:

Shield Mastery: Grants bonus TP when blocking an attack with a shield.
Auto Refresh: Gradually restores MP.

Ranged accuracy will no longer be determined by the distance from the target when using the ranger ability“Sharpshot.”

Monster behavior has been altered in the following ways to counter MPK issues:

The conditions for claiming monsters has been changed in the following ways. Accordingly, players will no longer be attacked by monsters that they themselves are unable to attack.




Monsters' area attacks have been altered to affect the players who have incurred the notorious monster's enmity and their party or alliance members, rather than all players in the area of effect. Certain monsters will be exempt from this change.

In accordance with the addition of blue magic, several monster techniques have been altered.

The conditions under which the following notorious monsters appear have been altered:
Castle Oztroja: Mee Deggi the Punisher, Quu Domi the Gallant
Sea Serpent Grotto: Pahh the Gullcaller, Worr the Clawfisted, Novv the Whitehearted, Zuug the Shoreleaper

The techniques used by Rocs to increase evasion have been unified under the name “Feather Barrier.”


Appraiser NPCs and a new type of mysterious item have been added.

Mysterious Items
There are several varieties of mysterious items, such as "??? swords," "??? gloves," and "??? rings." These items cannot be used or equipped until they have been appraised.


Appraisers may be found in towns such as Al Zahbi. Trade a mysterious item to an appraiser to learn its true name and features. After your find has been appraised, you will be able to equip or use it as a regular item. When you are in a party, the appraised item will be placed into your treasure pool. When you are solo, the item will be placed directly into your inventory.
Please note that you may be unable to receive an appraised item if it is Rare and you already possess one in your inventory.

Equipment sets are now available.
The wearer can receive a special effect only if the pieces of the set are equipped together.


For example, you can equip the following pieces of armor together to receive a "Refresh" effect:
Head: Yigit Turban
Body: Yigit Gomlek
Hands: Yigit Gages
Legs: Yigit Seraweels
Feet: Yigit Crackows

The status effects of each individual piece of armor will still function when worn separately.

The following key items are now available in exchange for certain goods during a quest:
Blacksmithing/Goldsmithing: Clockmaking
Alchemy: Iatrochemistry

New synthesis recipes have been added.

The following items can now be bundled into a quiver or pouch:
iron bullets/kabura arrows/silver bullets/acid bolts/sleep bolts/blind bolts/bloody bolts/venom bolts/holy bolts/scorpion arrows/sleep arrows/demon arrows/spartan bullets

The temporary item “Qiqirn mine” has been added for use in Assault missions. You must be engaged in battle mode against the target you wish to use the Qiqirn mine on. If you are not engaged in battle at the time the mine would normally explode, it will be ineffective.

The following items' stack number has been changed from 12 to 99:
Hume mochi/Elvaan mochi/Tarutaru mochi/Galka mochi/Hume rice cake/Elvaan rice cake/Tarutaru rice cake/Mithran rice cake

The item "miniature airship" has been added as a special item available 365 days after participating in the "Return Home to Vana'diel Campaign."


The option "View Safe" on the main menu has been changed to "View House." Now you can check the contents of your Mog Safe, Storage, and Mog Locker using this feature.

The category "Dice" is now available under "Scrolls" at the auction house.

The search function can now be used to locate blue mages, corsairs, and puppetmasters.

The following adjustments and additions have been made to fishing:

There are new places to fish in the Treasures of Aht Urhgan areas.
The effect of fatigue that occasionally occurs after fishing with the Ebisu fishing rod has been slightly reduced.
Players who cancel fishing after hooking a fish will now accumulate fatigue.
Players will now occasionally accumulate fatigue after fishing up an item rather than a fish. Fatigue will be most noticeable after fishing up the following:
coral fragment/rusty cap/rusty pick/devil manta
An issue regarding devil mantas on Cape Teriggan has been fixed.

The "PlayOnline" option used for pausing the game or reading the Vana'diel Tribune has been removed, but the following features have been added in its place:

The "PlayOnline" option on the main menu has changed to "Shutdown," which has the same effect as the /shutdown text command.
The Start button on the DUALSHOCK®2 analog controller and the Pause/Break key on the keyboard no longer pause the game, but can now be used to log out of FINAL FANTASY XI.

-The following text commands have been removed and deleted from the auto-translate function:

The following text commands have been added:

/locker - View the contents of your Mog Locker.
/besiegemap - Accesses the "Besieged" map. Can also be viewed using the "Region Info" option on the main menu.

Several new phrases have been added to the auto-translate function:

Category Term
Greetings Welcome back.
Greetings You're welcome.
Game Terms Front line job
Game Terms Support role job
Game Terms Back line job
Game Terms Detects by sound
Game Terms Detects by sight
Game Terms Detects by smell
Game Terms Detects spellcasting
Game Terms Detects low HP
Game Terms Please follow.
Game Terms Brenner
Game Terms Besieged
Game Terms Assault
Game Terms Rank Evaluation
Game Terms Mercenary Assessment
Game Terms Mercenary Rank
Game Terms Assault Points
Game Terms Imperial Standing
Game Terms Runic Seal
Game Terms Runic Portal
Game Terms Astral Candescence
Game Terms Mamool Ja Savages
Game Terms Troll Mercenaries
Game Terms Undead Swarm
Game Terms Immortals
Game Terms Gordeus
Text Commands /locker
Text Commands /besiegemap
Jobs Blue Mage
Jobs Corsair
Jobs Puppetmaster
Time Second
Time Minute
Time Hour
Time Time remaining
Trade Reward:
Organize Please assist.
Place Names Open sea route to Al Zahbi
Place Names Open sea route to Mhaura
Place Names Al Zahbi
Place Names Aht Urhgan Whitegate
Place Names Wajaom Woodlands
Place Names Bhaflau Thickets
Place Names Nashmau
Place Names Arrapago Reef
Place Names Ilrusi Atoll
Place Names Periqia
Place Names Talacca Cove
Place Names Silver Sea route to Nashmau
Place Names Silver Sea route to Al Zahbi
Place Names The Ashu Talif
Place Names Mount Zhayolm
Place Names Halvung
Place Names Lebros Cavern
Place Names Navukgo Execution Chamber
Place Names Mamook
Place Names Mamool Ja Training Grounds
Place Names Jade Sepulcher
Place Names Aydeewa Subterrane
Place Names Leujaoam Sanctum
Place Names Caedarva Mire
Place Names Mamool Ja staging point
Place Names Halvung staging point
Place Names Azouph Isle staging point
Place Names Dvucca Isle staging point
Place Names Ilrusi Atoll staging point
Place Names Chamber of Passage
Place Names Commissions Agency
Place Names Hall of Binding
Place Names Walahra Temple
Place Names Hazhalm Testing Grounds
Place Names Aht Urhgan
Place Names Azure Lore
Job Abilities Chain Affinity
Job Abilities Burst Affinity
Job Abilities Wild Card
Job Abilities Phantom Roll
Job Abilities Double-Up
Job Abilities Quick Draw
Job Abilities Random Deal
Job Abilities Fighter's Roll
Job Abilities Monk's Roll
Job Abilities Healer's Roll
Job Abilities Wizard's Roll
Job Abilities Warlock's Roll
Job Abilities Rogue's Roll
Job Abilities Gallant's Roll
Job Abilities Chaos Roll
Job Abilities Beast Roll
Job Abilities Choral Roll
Job Abilities Hunter's Roll
Job Abilities Samurai Roll
Job Abilities Ninja Roll
Job Abilities Drachen Roll
Job Abilities Evoker's Roll
Job Abilities Magus's Roll
Job Abilities Corsair's Roll
Job Abilities Puppet Roll
Job Abilities Fire Shot
Job Abilities Ice Shot
Job Abilities Wind Shot
Job Abilities Earth Shot
Job Abilities Thunder Shot
Job Abilities Water Shot
Job Abilities Light Shot
Job Abilities Dark Shot
Job Abilities Overdrive
Job Abilities Activate
Job Abilities Repair
Job Abilities Fire Maneuver
Job Abilities Ice Maneuver
Job Abilities Wind Maneuver
Job Abilities Earth Maneuver
Job Abilities Thunder Maneuver
Job Abilities Water Maneuver
Job Abilities Light Maneuver
Job Abilities Dark Maneuver
Job Traits Shield Mastery

[Windows Version Only]

The "PlayOnline" setting on the FINAL FANTASY XI GAMEPAD Config menu has been changed to "Log Out."

[Current Known Issue]

Since the implementation of the latest version update on Apr. 17, 2006, the following issue has been discovered.

- Players who form an alliance will remain in the state of being in an alliance even after it has broken up.

*This issue can be resolved by replacing the party leader, breaking up the party, having all party members move to another zone or log out.

The recipe change for "Tavnazian Tacos" that was postponed in the February 21st version update has been cancelled after a thorough consideration of possible effects on the in-game economy.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Besieged Details

«Besieged Apr. 18, 2006 (JST)»
*Japan Standard Time


“Besieged” is a defensive battle fought on the Aradjiah continent, the setting of the Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion disc. Adventurers join the conflict between the Aht Urhgan Empire and the beastmen over a treasure called the “Astral Candescence.” The goal of Besieged is to defend the Imperial capital when the beastmen breach its defenses in search of the Astral Candescence, and to recover the treasure from one of the beastman strongholds in the event it is taken.

[The Astral Candescence]

The Astral Candescence is the name of the treasure over which the beastmen and the Aht Urhgan Empire are fighting. The mysterious object emanates an unperceivable melody from its place atop an “astral plinth.” This melody has the power to affect both the players and the beastmen.

When the Astral Candescence is in the Empire of Aht Urhgan:

- The Astral Candescence is located on the astral plinth in the Hall of Binding.
- Players will receive an experience bonus while under the effect of Sanction.
The following bonuses can be earned in exchange for Imperial Standing credits:
Latent effect: Regen, Latent effect: Refresh, increased meal duration

These bonuses become more powerful with the number of times Al Zahbi is successfully defended. However, they will revert to their original strength if the Astral Candescence is taken by the beastmen. You can confirm the current number of successive victories by speaking to an Imperial guard in town.

When the Astral Candescence is in a beastman stronghold:

The Astral Candescence is located on an astral plinth.
The beastmen will become more powerful by an amount determined by the number of “archaic mirrors” in the stronghold.
When fighting in a beastman stronghold where the Astral Candescence is located, you will receive an increased number of Imperial Standing credits.


You can speak to an Imperial guard to receive Sanction after becoming a mercenary. Defeating monsters with Sanction cast on you will allow you to receive crystals and may increase your Imperial Standing.

You may only receive Sanction in the Treasures of Aht Urhgan areas, but only Signet is available in all previously released areas, so please take care when traveling between regions.

Your Imperial Standing is a measure of how much you have individually contributed to the Empire of Aht Urhgan. Imperial Standing credits can be used in a number of beneficial ways, such as exchanging them for items, or using them to earn transport to staging points.

You can increase your Imperial Standing by defeating monsters that you can gain experience points from.

[Defending Al Zahbi]

When the beastmen invade Al Zahbi, the adventurers in town must help protect the Astral Candescence.

When the invasion begins, five NPCs called the “Serpent Generals” seal the entrance to the Hall of Binding where the Astral Candescence is located. In the event that all five generals fall in battle, the seal will be broken, and the beastmen will be able to enter the hall. If the beastmen manage to reach the astral plinth inside, the Astral Candescence will be taken and the battle to defend Al Zahbi will be lost.


Experience points and Imperial Standing credits are awarded for participation in Besieged depending on the player’s contribution to the defensive effort. However, these rewards will be reduced by half if the Astral Candescence was taken by the beastmen in the battle.

Please note that the records of your contribution will be reset in the event that you change areas or use the Tractor or Warp spells during Besieged.

Order of Events in Besieged

1. The enemy forces at a beastman stronghold reach level 1 and a contingent sets out for Al Zahbi.
2. The beastman forces march toward the Imperial capital.
3. The beastmen breach Al Zahbi's defenses and besiege the town.
4. The Empire sounds a warning and a call to arms.
5. The Empire is victorious if the adventurers and the Imperial Army manage to keep the Astral Candescence safe and drive the beastmen out of town.

-You can intercept the beastman forces while they are marching toward Al Zahbi.
-The “enemy forces” value determines the level, and thus the strength and type, of beastmen who set out for the Empire.
-In the event that the Empire is successful in defending the capital, the enemy forces of the defeated beastmen’s stronghold will decrease.
-If you are engaging in synthesis, using the “trade” feature, or buying an item when Besieged begins, your actions will be cancelled. A warning message will appear before the beastmen enter the city, so take care when performing the actions described above.

Tips for Success in Besieged

-Deplete the enemy forces
By defeating beastmen in their strongholds, you can deplete their forces. This can also be accomplished by destroying the archaic mirrors located around their bases. Even if the beastmen are already heading toward Al Zahbi, you can intercept their forces and decrease the number of enemies that reach the capital.

-Keep an eye on the Imperial defense
The Imperial defense is an important statistic relating to the defensive facilities and the deployment of mercenaries in Besieged. If the Imperial defense decreases by too great an amount, the Empire may be unable to deploy mercenaries or set up defenses against beastman invasions, making the city much more difficult to protect.
When you notice the Imperial defense start to decrease, you can raise it by giving donations to the Al Zahbi NPC “Gajaad.”
For more information about Imperial defense, speak to an Imperial guard.

[Recovering the Astral Candescence]

In the event that the effort to defend Al Zahbi fails and the beastmen take the Astral Candescence, adventurers will be unable to earn bonus effects from Sanction. In such an event, the Empire of Aht Urhgan will order its subjects to concentrate on recovering the priceless item. The adventurers must then venture into the enemy base and seize the Astral Candescence from its place atop an astral plinth.

Order of Events for Recovery

1. After being taken from Al Zahbi, the Astral Candescence is placed on an astral plinth in the enemy base, and the beastmen and monsters there will receive certain effects.
2. The area where the astral plinth is located will become a battlefield, requiring two key items for entry. These key items will be lost in the event that you log out or leave the area and must be reacquired before entering the battlefield.
3. The battlefield will have no level restriction, but only six people may enter at a time.
4. You can recover the Astral Candescence by defeating all the enemies in the battlefield during the specified amount of time (30 minutes) and checking the item located on the astral plinth.
5. After recovering the Astral Candescence, you will be unable to reenter the astral plinth battlefield.

Falling in battle during the fight to recover the Astral Candescence will result in the loss of experience points. However, even should you fall in battle, the monster(s) in the battlefield will not fully recover, and the accumulated damage will carry over to the next battle.

[Besieged Prisoners]

After Besieged is over, some NPCs in Al Zahbi are taken to the enemy base as prisoners. These NPCs are chosen randomly, and will disappear from town when they are captured. Depending on the NPCs captured, you may lose the ability to purchase goods at certain shops or use the auction house. You can free a captive by acquiring and using the key to their prison.

[Finding Useful Information on Besieged]

You can check the status of Besieged by selecting “Besieged” under “Region Info” on the main menu. Please understand that the most recent data may take a short while to be reflected on the map.

Region icons
You can see the current location of the Astral Candescence by viewing region icons. A flashing blue mark in the center of an icon means that the Astral Candescence is located in that region.

Besieged status
Lining up the cursor with a region that does not contain an enemy base will display the following information:
1. Orders: Displays the current orders from the Imperial Army.
2. Battle status: Displays the strength and level of the enemy forces.

3. Imperial Standing: Displays the number of credits you have earned in the service of the Empire.

Enemy base information
Lining up the cursor with a region that contains an enemy base will display the following information:
4. Enemy base: Displays the name of the beastman stronghold.
5. Enemy forces: Displays the strength and state of the enemy forces.
6. Archaic mirrors: Displays the number of archaic mirrors in the enemy base.
7. Prisoners: Displays the number of NPCs held captive in the enemy base.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

New Jobs Details

«The new jobs Apr. 18, 2006 (JST)»
*Japan Standard Time

[Blue Mage]

Blue Mage Job Abilities

- 2-hour ability: Azure Lore (Level 1)
Enhances the effect of blue magic spells.
- Chain Affinity (Level 40)
Makes it possible for your next "physical" blue magic spell to be used in a skillchain. Effect varies with TP.
- Burst Affinity (Level 40)
Makes it possible for your next "magical" blue magic spell to be used in a Magic Burst.

Acquiring Blue Magic
Blue magic is acquired by “learning” the special abilities of monsters.

- You can only learn the special abilities of monsters when blue mage is set as your main job.
- You have a chance to acquire blue magic when defeating a monster that has used a learnable special ability.
- It is not possible to learn blue magic that is too far above your level.
- You will not acquire blue magic if you are KO'd when a monster is defeated, or the defeated monster does not yield experience points.

*Some monster abilities cannot be learned as blue magic.
*It is not necessary to be the target of a monster's special ability in order to learn blue magic.

Using Blue Magic
Unlike other magic spells, it is not possible to use blue magic as soon as it is acquired. First, the spells you wish to use must be “set.”
Using the system described below, you can freely assign the spells you wish to use.

1. Point Total/Maximum
Each blue magic spell is assigned a point value (blue magic points). The level of the blue mage determines the maximum number of points available for setting spells.

2. Maximum Number of Set Spells
The maximum number of blue magic spells that can be set at one time is also determined by the blue mage's level. This maximum number may decrease when the blue mage is under a level restriction and so the set numbers are assigned a color for easy reference.

Blue Magic Points and Max. Number of Set Spells Per Level

Level Blue Magic Points Set Max.
1-10 10 6
11-20 15 8
21-30 20 10
31-40 25 12
41-50 30 14
51-60 35 16
61-70 40 18
71-75 45 20

Blue magic spells can be set by selecting the “Set Spells” option after choosing “Blue Magic” under “Magic” in the main menu. Please be aware that any time blue magic spells are set, the blue mage will be unable to cast any spells for 1 minute.

Regarding Blue Magic
The help text for blue magic contains various types of information.

1. Blue magic spell
The name of the blue magic spell.
2. Spell effect
The TP information included in "physical" blue magic spells is applicable when using the job ability "Chain Affinity."
3. Blue magic type (Physical/Magical)
There are two types of blue magic spells--physical and magical.
The accuracy for "physical" blue magic is affected by the accuracy of the equipped main weapon.
4. Monster family
This refers to the monster family from which the blue magic spell was learned.
The accuracy and damage of blue magic spells are affected by the relation between different monster families.
5. Status bonus
This bonus is applied to the caster when the applicable blue magic spell is set.
Not all blue magic spells include a status bonus.
6. Usable level
The minimum level required to cast the spell.
7. MP cost
The amount of MP required to cast the spell.
8. Blue magic points
The number of points required to set the spell.
The total number of points used to set blue magic spells cannot exceed the maximum point value.


Corsair Job Traits

- Resist Paralyze (Level 5)
Gives you a slight resistance against paralysis.

Corsair Job Abilities

- 2-hour ability: Wild Card (Level 1)
Has a random effect on all party members within area of effect.
*The Wild Card ability is not affected by the Wild Card effect.
- Phantom Roll (Level 5)
Grants a beneficial effect to party members within area of effect.
- Double-Up (Level 5)
Enhances an active Phantom Roll effect that is eligible for Double-Up.
- Quick Draw (Level 40)
Shoot a bullet charged with the magical energy of an elemental card. Special items required.
*The effects of enfeebling magic that match the element of the card may be enhanced.
*The corsair must equip a gun and ammunition, and be in possession of the appropriate elemental card in order to use this ability e.g. Fire Shot requires a fire card. One card is consumed with each use of the ability.

- Random Deal (Level 50)
Has the possibility of resetting the recast time of a random ability for party members within area of effect.
*The Random Deal ability is not affected by the Random Deal effect.

Acquiring Phantom Rolls
The Phantom Roll ability is learned at level 5. However, in order to use this ability, corsairs must use “dice“ to learn various rolls, in much the same way scrolls are used to learn spells. Acquired rolls will appear in a sub-menu after selecting Phantom Roll.

Using Phantom Roll
When the Phantom Roll ability is used, a number (in roman numerals) from “I” to “VI” is generated and party members within range gain the effect of the roll. The number displayed affects the degree of the roll's effect.

- Double-Up
For 45 seconds after using a Phantom Roll, the corsair will have the option of using the Double-Up ability. This period of time is represented by the “Double-Up Chance” icon.
Using Double-Up will once again generate a number from “I” to “VI,” which is then added to the total of the previous roll.

*Corsairs can continue to use the Double-Up ability as long as the Double-Up Chance icon remains.

- Phantom Roll totals
The effect of a roll will continue to increase as the total rises from “I” to “XI.” However, if the total reaches “XII” or more, the roll will “Bust.”
Each Phantom Roll has a lucky and unlucky number. Obtaining a total equal to a roll’s lucky number will produce an effect second only to a total of “XI.” A total equal to the unlucky number will produce an effect weaker than a total of “I.”
If the roll becomes a “Bust,” party members will lose the effect of the roll and the corsair will experience an additional penalty.
*A “Bust” will reduce the number of possible active Phantom Rolls by one, as well as inflict a detrimental effect corresponding to a “Bust” roll.

- Special effects of Phantom Roll
The effect of a Phantom Roll will be enhanced depending on the type of roll and the main jobs of party members. For example, when a Fighter’s Roll is used, the effect of the roll will be greater if a warrior is in the party.

- Things to consider when using Phantom Roll
Characters with corsair set as a main job can have a maximum of two active Phantom Rolls, while those with corsair as a support job are limited to one active Phantom Roll effect.
The Phantom Roll effects of a character with corsair set as a support job are weaker, and do not gain the bonus effect from the presence of the applicable main job in the party.
A character with the ability to use both Phantom Roll and bard songs is restricted to a maximum combination of two effects per party member.
A Phantom Roll effect cannot be reapplied until after it has worn off or been removed.


Puppetmaster Job Traits

- Resist Slow (Level 10)
Gives you a slight resistance against slow.
- Evasion Bonus (Level 20)
Improves evasion against physical attacks.
- Martial Arts (Level 25)
Increases speed of hand-to-hand attacks.

Puppetmaster Job Abilities

- 2-hour ability: Overdrive (Level 1)
Augments the fighting ability of your automaton to its maximum level.
- Activate (Level 1)
Calls forth your automaton.
Activate has a 20 minute recast time. Also, your automaton will disappear when you are affected by a level restriction, and must be recalled using the Activate ability.
- Repair (Level 15)
Gradually restores your automaton's HP. Special items required.
*The Repair ability requires the puppetmaster to equip an item called “automaton oil” that can be made with the alchemy skill, or purchased at shops.

Puppetmaster Pet Commands

- Deploy (Level 1)
Orders your automaton to attack.
- Deactivate (Level 1)
Deactivates your automaton.
- Retrieve (Level 10)
Orders your automaton to return to your side.
- Fire Maneuver (Level 1)
Enhances the effect of fire attachments.
- Ice Maneuver (Level 1)
Enhances the effect of ice attachments.
- Wind Maneuver (Level 1)
Enhances the effect of wind attachments.
- Earth Maneuver (Level 1)
Enhances the effect of earth attachments.
- Thunder Maneuver (Level 1)
Enhances the effect of thunder attachments.
- Water Maneuver (Level 1)
Enhances the effect of water attachments.
- Light Maneuver (Level 1)
Enhances the effect of light attachments.
- Dark Maneuver (Level 1)
Enhances the effect of dark attachments.

Automatons are constructed from three types of components--a head, a frame, and various types of attachments. Your automaton will start out with the standard head and frame parts, but there are also parts available specifically for melee, magical, and ranged combat.
There are also numerous types of available attachments that allow you to customize your automaton with a range of abilities.

Customizing Your Automaton
You can customize your automaton from the “Automaton” sub-menu found under “Equipment” in the main menu.

1. Head
The head equipment slot.
The type of head you select will affect the automaton's positioning in battle, as well as direct its basic behavior patterns.
2. Frame
The frame equipment slot.
The type of frame will affect the abilities and magic available to the automaton.
3. Attachments
The attachment equipment slots.
A maximum of 12 attachments can be equipped on your automaton, regardless of the selected head or frame.
4. Maximum capacity
This value represents the automaton's maximum capacity for equipping attachments.
The combined values of the head and frame parts set the limit for each elemental capacity.
5. Attachment functions
The functions or abilities provided by each individual attachment.
6. Required capacity
These values represent the elemental capacity required to equip the attachment.
Attachments with requirements that exceed the maximum capacity cannot be equipped.
7. Skill
The various skill values of your automaton.

*An activated automaton cannot be customized. You must first deactivate your automaton in order to change its equipped parts.
*Any combination of head and frame parts can be equipped; however, not all combinations are equally functional.
*When a puppetmaster has equipped attachments that can only be used with a certain type of head or frame, it is not possible to equip other head or frame parts that do not support those attachments. You must remove those attachments first before attempting to equip a different head or frame.

Controlling Your Automaton
An automaton will act automatically in relation to its equipped attachments.
It is possible to give simple commands such as attack and retreat, but you cannot command your automaton to use specific spells or abilities.

Effects of Maneuvers
Using a maneuver command will cause the automaton to give priority to actions that correspond to that maneuver's element.
Maneuver commands will also activate the abilities of corresponding attachments.

Fire Maneuver: STR/Attack/Increase enmity
Ice Maneuver: INT/Elemental magic/Magic attack
Wind Maneuver: AGI/Evasion/Ranged accuracy
Earth Maneuver: VIT/Defense
Thunder Maneuver: DEX/Accuracy
Water Maneuver: MND/Magic defense/Curing
Light Maneuver: CHR/HP recovery
Dark Maneuver: MP/MP recovery

*In order to use the Maneuver commands, the puppetmaster must equip a special item called an “animator.”
An animator is obtained along with the puppetmaster job. If you throw away the animator by accident, you must pay an expensive sum to obtain another one.


Using a maneuver will increase the burden associated with that maneuver's element. When that burden exceeds a certain amount, the automaton will become overloaded.
An overloaded automaton will be temporarily unresponsive to maneuver commands, and will experience a reduction in combat ability.

*The burden associated with maneuver commands will gradually decrease over time.
*Activating an automaton will also increase an automaton’s burden.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

PlayOnline: Server Maintenance April 17
Posted by: Cuer - Thu Apr 13th, 2006 04:10 pm EDT
[Update Monday, April 17: File size for patch added; the patch is 52MB for PC users who also have Chains of Promathia installed, beyond the pre-patch data downloaded on April 12. This is the largest FFXI patch to date.]

Apr. 17, 2006 04:00 [PDT]

File Size for Apr. 17 Update

An update for FINAL FANTASY XI is currently scheduled for Apr. 17, 2006. Approximate file sizes and installation times for this update are shown below.

[File size for clients with "Chains of Promathia" installed.]

"PlayStation 2" Version
Downloadable file size: 26MB
>>Analog modem (56Kbps) users
Volume check: 8 minutes
Download / Unzip: 1 hour, 38 minutes
Installation: 4 minutes, 30 seconds
Total: About 1 hour, 50 minutes, 30 seconds

>>DSL (1Mbps) users
Volume check: 5 minutes, 30 seconds
Download / Unzip: 16 minutes
Installation: 4 minutes, 30 seconds
Total: About 26 minutes

Windows Version
Downloadable file size: 52MB
>>Analog modem (56Kbps) users
Volume check: 11 minutes, 30 seconds
Download / Unzip: 2 hours
Installation: 2 minutes
Total: About 2 hours, 13 minutes, 30 seconds
>>DSL (1Mbps) users
Volume check: 6 minutes, 30 seconds
Download / Unzip: 11 minutes
Installation: 2 minutes
Total: About 19 minutes, 30 seconds

[File size for clients without "Chains of Promathia" installed.]

"PlayStation 2" Version
Downloadable file size: 15MB
>>Analog modem (56Kbps) users
Volume check: 7 minutes
Download / Unzip: 1 hour, 7 minutes
Installation: 2 minutes, 30 seconds
Total: About 1 hour, 16 minutes, 30 seconds

>>DSL (1Mbps) users
Volume check: 4 minute, 30 seconds
Download / Unzip: 12 minutes
Installation: 2 minutes, 30 seconds
Total: About 19 minutes

Windows Version
Downloadable file size: 24MB
>>Analog modem (56Kbps) users
Volume check: 10 minutes, 30 seconds
Download / Unzip: 1 hour, 40 minutes
Installation: 1 minute, 30 seconds
Total: About 1 hour, 52 minutes

>>DSL (1Mbps) users
Volume check: 5 minutes, 30 seconds
Download / Unzip: 7 minutes
Installation: 1 minute, 30 seconds
Total: About 14 minutes

*Please note that the above times are for reference only. Download times depend on individual users' network environment and may vary from those shown above. Also, this update will require more time if previous version updates were not completed.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Apr. 14, 2006 04:15 [PDT]

FINAL FANTASY XI Server Maintenance (Apr. 17)

At the following time, we will be performing a preparatory version update for "Treasures of Aht Urhgan." We will also be performing PlayOnline server maintenance at the same time. During this period, PlayOnline and FINAL FANTASY XI will be unavailable.

Thank you for your patience.

*The client software will also be updated at this time. Once this maintenance is completed, the client update will start automatically after logging back into FINAL FANTASY XI. Please follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

*You may receive errors such as POL-1160 or POL-0010 during the download process due to heavy server traffic. If you are unable to access the update, we ask that you please wait a while and then try again.

* "Treasures of Aht Urhgan" content will be active simultaneously in all regions from April 19, 2006 (PDT). You will not be able to access the "Treasures of Aht Urhgan" content until then.

[Affected Period]
Apr. 17, 2006 from 10:00 to 20:00 (PDT)
*Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

[Affected Services]

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Apr. 13, 2006 10:33 [PDT]

PlayOnline Server Maintenance (Apr. 17)

At the following time we will be conducting PlayOnline server maintenance. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XI and Tetra Master will be unavailable.

The "Friend List Plus" feature, as well as the "Q&A" feature accessible from the official PlayOnline homepage (http://www.playonline.com/) will be unavailable as well.

We thank you for your understanding and patience.

[Date & Time]
Apr. 17, 2006 from 10:00 to 20:00 (PDT)
*Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

[Maintenance Details]
Part of server equipment will be exchanged.

[Important Update Details]
-The Xbox 360 version will be compatible with the official service.
-The "Delete All Messages" and "Delete All Selected Messages" features will be added.
-The "File Repair" feature, which repairs corrupted files found through "File Check", will be added.

Other minor issues will be addressed.

[Affected Services]

*Additional information was added on Apr. 13, 2006 21:30 PDT

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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ToAU Expansion Release Details
Posted by: Cuer - Wed Apr 12th, 2006 10:06 pm EDT
Apr. 19, 2006 19:00 [PDT]

"Treasures of Aht Urhgan" Official Service Has Started!

Official service for the FINAL FANTASY XI expansion disc "Treasures of Aht Urhgan" has finally begun!

In order to play "FINAL FANATASY XI Treasures of Aht Urhgan" you will need to register the "Expanded Services" besides installing the expansion disc.

In order to register your "Expanded Services" first goto the FINAL FANTASY XI section in PlayOnline. Select "Content ID" then "Expanded Services" and follow the instructions on screen.

The new features included in the "Treasures of Aht Urhgan" will be unavailable until you register your expansion disc, so don't forget to complete this process!

You will need your PlayOnline ID and password in order to register the "Expanded Services."

-In the event you forgot your PlayOnline ID:
Your PlayOnline ID is displayed above the member list on the top screen of the PlayOnline Viewer when you login.

-In the event you forgot your PlayOnline password:
Please call the Square-Enix Information Center

- When calling about your PlayOnline ID or PlayOnline password, we ask that the account holder call directly. Substitute calls will not be accepted.

-If you do not remember your PlayOnline password, we will have to reissue you with a new password. We thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Please contact the PlayOnline Information Center
Monday through Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm Pacific Time at
858-790-7529 (PLAY).

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Apr. 17, 2006 20:00 [PDT]

The Opening of "Treasures of Aht Urhgan"

On April 18, 2006, "Treasures of Aht Urhgan" expansion disc will be released. The service is scheduled to begin in the evening of April 19, 2006.

Until the service begins, the new features will be inaccessible even if both installation and contents registration are complete.

Once the service begins, we will inform you on both System Message and Information. Please wait until the opening is officially announced.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Apr. 12, 2006 18:00 [PDT]

Customers Who Plan to Purchase "Treasures of Aht Urhgan"

The following is information for those customers who are planning to purchase "Treasures of Aht Urhgan," which is scheduled to be released on April 18, 2006.

"Treasures of Aht Urhgan" is an expansion disc that will contain many new features including new jobs and areas. Service is scheduled to begin worldwide on April 20, 2006. Until then, the new features will be inaccessible even if both installation and contents registration are complete.

You will also be required to complete the contents registration before playing "Treasures of Aht Urhgan." Both PlayOnline ID and PlayOnline password are required for the contents registration.

We suggest that you have both your PlayOnline ID and PlayOnline password ready for registration. In case you forgot them, please follow this procedure:

[Forgot the PlayOnline ID]
Please check the member list under the login menu of PlayOnline Viewer.

[Forgot the PlayOnline password]
Please contact the PlayOnline Information Center.

For inquiries regarding the PlayOnline ID and PlayOnline password, the account owner must contact the PlayOnline Information Center. Substitute calls will not be accepted.

In case you forgot your PlayOnline password, we will issue a new password.

PlayOnline Information Center
Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 6:00 pm Pacific Time

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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Treasures of Aht Urhgan Version Update (Apr 12)
Posted by: Cuer - Mon Apr 10th, 2006 01:34 am EDT
Apr. 9, 2006 20:02 [PDT]

"Treasures of Aht Urhgan" Version Update (Apr. 12)

On April 18, 2006, the FINAL FANTASY XI: Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion disc will be shipped.

Due to the number of new features included in this expansion, an update of the game will be required for all players (even those who have not installed the expansion). This version update will be performed on the following date in conjunction with the release of the expansion. FINAL FANTASY XI will not be affected during this period, and play will continue as normal.

We will also be conducting server maintenance during this version update, and some players may experience difficulties logging in to FINAL FANTASY XI. If you experience any difficulties, please wait a while and try again later.

Thank you for your patience.

[Date & Time]
Version Update: Apr. 12, 2006 12:00 (PDT)
Maintenance: Apr. 12, 2006 from 10:00 to 13:00 (PDT)
* You may experience difficulties logging in to FINAL FANTASY XI during this period.

[Affected Services]

[Important Update Details]
-Preparatory version update for "Treasures of Aht Urhgan."
* Related changes will not be reflected until release date.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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PlayOnline Development News: April 2006
Posted by: Cuer - Wed Apr 05th, 2006 01:07 pm EDT
From the Official FFXI Site (April 17):

Puppetmaster Info

Inventive. Challenging. Entertaining.
Click here to learn more about one of the exciting new jobs in Treasures of Aht Urhgan--the puppetmaster!

From the Official FFXI Site (April 14):

Corsair Info

Free-spirited. Unpredictable. Vengeful. Click here to find out more about another of the exciting new jobs to be introduced with the Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion disc--the corsair!

From the Official FFXI Site (April 13):

Blue Mage Info
Blue Mage

Mysterious. Powerful. Dangerous.
Click here to learn more about one of the most highly anticipated new jobs in Treasures of Aht Urhgan--the blue mage!

Official PlayOnline Announcement

From the Official FFXI Site (April 13):

Treasures of Aht Urgan Expansion
More news from Treasures of Aht Urhgan!

All-new descriptions of the equipment, characters, and mysterious areas to appear in the Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion disc are now ready for your enjoyment! Click here to continue your introduction to all the latest available information!

From the Official FFXI Site (April 10):

Item Appraisers Appraise New Items!

The Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion disc will introduce "appraisers" and a new type of mysterious item! Click here for detailed information!

Official PlayOnline Announcement

From the Official FFXI Site (April 5):

Mog Locker Info Mog Lockers

Still struggling with excess equipment? Click here to read about the Mog Locker feature being introduced in the Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion disc!

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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Site Updates - April 4, 2006
Posted by: Cuer - Tue Apr 04th, 2006 03:54 pm EDT

Items Updated: Toad Oil, Eye of Storms, Eye of Frost, Eye of Gales, Eye of Tides, Eye of Tremors, Eye of Flames, Rainbow Resonator, Green Sentinel Badge, Concoction, Jungle Catfish, Giant Donko, Giant Chirai, Bhefhel Marlin, Persikos, Pagures, Exocets, Windurstian Tea, Earth Cluster, Windurstian Tea Leaves, Wind Ore, Deathball, Kitron, Wisdom Soup, Pebble Soup, Steamed Crayfish, Boiled Crayfish, Cinnamon, Water Ore, Mythril Leaf, Light Ore, Darksteel Nugget, Habaneros Peppers, Water Cluster, Kazham Peppers, Copper Nugget, White Sentinel Badge, Tarutaru Rice, Mythril Nugget, Danceshroom, San d'Orian Carrot, Red Sentinel Badge, Wind Crystal, Blue Sentinel Badge, Eggplant, Blue Rock, Wooden Flowerpot, Yellow Mouton, Wailing Ram Horn, Wailing Bone Chip, Fragrant Ram Skin, Fragrant Dhalmel Hide, Alluring Cotton Cloth, Vision Amethyst, Mighty Sardonyx, Lucent Steel, Lucent Iron, Mana Chestnut Lumber, Mana Willow Lumber, Silver Sheet, Brass Nugget, Green Rock, Tree Saplings, Map of Abdhaljs Isle-Purgonorgo, Sage, Light Crystal, Rolanberry, Translucent Rock, Silver Leaf, Marble, Faded Ruby, Ice Crystal, Yagudo Cherry, Saruta Orange, Acid Bolt, Sleep Bolt, Tanning Vat, Hydra Sollerets, Sleepshroom, Red Rock, Rock Salt, Lightning Crystal, Bay Leaves, Dark Crystal, Paralyze Potion, Venom Potion, Poison Potion, Hi-Potion Drop, Sleeping Potion, Workshop Anvil, Mandrel, Zephyr Thread, Spindle, Shagreen File, Triturator, Elysian Eclair, Mille Feuille, Golden Royale, Mont Blanc, Shield Plaque, Buckler Plaque, Marble Bed, Reishi Mushroom, Saruta Cotton, Platinum Arrowheads, Gold Arrowheads, Armored Arrowheads, Fang Arrowheads, Giant Bird Fletchings, Karimata Arrowheads, Black Chocobo Fletchings, Sleep Arrowheads, Poison Arrowheads, Demon Arrowheads, Scorpion Arrowheads, Horn Arrowheads, Beetle Arrowheads, Sleep Bolt Heads, Bloody Bolt Heads, Venom Bolt Heads, Holy Bolt Heads, Acid Bolt Heads, Blind Bolt Heads, Insect Fletchings, Bird Fletchings, Yagudo Fletchings, Chocobo Fletchings, Lightning Arrowheads, Ice Arrowheads, Fire Arrowheads, Silver Arrowheads, Iron Arrowheads, Bone Arrowheads, Stone Arrowheads, Darksteel Bolt Heads, Mythril Bolt Heads, Bronze Bolt Heads, Apocalypse, Blind Bolt, Bokuto +1, Bokuto, Blind Knife +1, Blind Knife, Blind Dagger +1, Blind Dagger, Summoner's Pigaches +1, Minstrel's Ring, Little Worm, Water Crystal, Purple Rock

NPCs Added: Ibwam, Ajithaam, Amutiyaal, Alib-Mufalib

NPCs Updated: Vuliaie, Remus, Manilam, Salim, Yabby Tanmikey, Celestina, Kueh Igunahmori, Cletae, Doggomehr, Vicious Eye, Amulya, Kuzah Hpirohpon, Meriri, Retto-Marutto, Shih Tayuun, Odoba, Maymunah

Mobs Updated: Xolotl, Leshonki, Ambusher Antlion, Citipati, Spell Spitter Spiluspok

Quests Added: Waking the Beast, Lure of the Wildcat (Windurst), Lure of the Wildcat (Jeuno), Lure of the Wildcat (San d'Oria), Lure of the Wildcat (Bastok)

Quests Updated: Inside the Belly, Indomitable Spirit, Unforgiven, Trial-Size Trial by Wind, Trial-Size Trial by Water, Trial-Size Trial by Lightning, Trial-Size Trial by Ice, Trial-Size Trial by Fire, Trial-Size Trial by Earth, Shattering Stars

Zones Updated: Spire of Vahzl, Pso'Xja, Promyvion - Vahzl, Buburimu Peninsula, La'Loff Ampitheater, Ru'Aun Gardens

Recipes Added: Adaman Kris, Darksteel Bolt, Mythril Bolt, High Mana Wand, Mana Chestnut Lumber, Mana Wand, Bloody Bolt, Venom Bolt, Holy Bolt, Sleep Bolt, Acid Bolt, Blind Bolt, Bronze Bolt, Mana Willow Lumber, Kunwu Sheet, Kaskara, Darksteel Falx, Darksteel Voulge, Adaman Chain, Molybdenum Sheet, Dark Adaman Sheet, Adaman Sheet, Dark Bronze Sheet, Darksteel Chain, Darksteel Sheet, Lucent Sword, Lucent Axe, Lucent Lance, Steel Sheet, Lucent Scythe, Iron Chain, Lucent Iron, Bronze Sheet, Amaltheia Leather, Griffon Leather, Manticore Leather, Manta Leather, Ovinnik Leather, Coeurl Leather, Behemoth Leather, Tiger Leather, Catoblepas Leather, Moblin Sheep Leather, High Breath Mantle, Buffalo Leather, Narasimha Leather, Fragrant Ram Skin, Ram Leather, Breath Mantle, Bugard Leather, Fragrant Dhalmel Hide, Sheep Leather, Orichalcum Sheet, Orichalcum Chain, Moblumin Sheet, Platinum Chain, Platinum Sheet, Aluminum Chain, Gold Chain, Gold Sheet, Aluminum Sheet, Mythril Chain, Mythril Sheet, Silver Chain, Silver Sheet, Brass Chain, Brass Sheet, Giant Bird Fletchings, Cashmere Thread, Arachne Thread, Rainbow Thread, Black Chocobo Fletchings, Gold Thread, Silk Thread, Royal Squire's Robe +1, Silver Thread, Bird Fletchings, Talisman Obi, Yagudo Fletchings, Talisman Cape, Linen Thread, Red Grass Thread, Alluring Cotton Cloth, Grass Thread, Chocobo Fletchings, Sleeping Potion, Prism Powder, Firesand, Eye Drops, Blinding Potion, Deodorizer, Beeswax, Antidote, Paralyze Potion, Venom Potion, Vitriol, Poison Potion, Iron Sheet, Insect Fletchings, Dhalmel Leather

Desynthesis Recipes Added: Shortbow, Dolphin Staff, Cardinal Vest, Errant Cuffs, Austere Hat, Noble's Tunic, Merman's Hairpin, Yasha Hakama, Cursed Finger Gauntlets, Uchigatana, Wing Gorget, Kyofu, Mythril Zaghnal, Spark Degen, Adaman Gauntlets, Tarutaru Sash, Brass Hammer, Mythril Knuckles, Brass Harness, Noct Brais, Lilith's Rod, Earth Wand, Bhuj, Barone Cosciales, Rasetsu Hakama, Two-Handed Sword, Baghnakhs

Recipes Updated: Hawkeye, Platinum Arrowheads, Coeurl Ledelsens, Star Globe, Sheep Chammy, Alluring Cotton Cloth, Noct Gaiters, Noct Gloves, Premium Bag, Alumine Salade, Crow Jupon, Rasetsu Samue, Potion Tank, Eye Drops, Firesand, Brigandine, Rasetsu Jinpachi, Schwert, Garish Pumps, Butachi, Dance Shoes, Scimitar, Fish Broth, Vivified Mythril, Neutralizing Platinum Ingot, Indurated Gold Ingot, Bewitched Gold Ingot, Ardent Jadeite, Rogue's Platinum Ingot, Kaskara, Mythril Bolt, Blind Bolt, Holy Bolt, Bronze Bolt, Kunwu Sheet, Darksteel Voulge, Molybdenum Sheet, Dark Adaman Sheet, Adaman Sheet, Dark Bronze Sheet, Darksteel Sheet, Steel Sheet, Iron Sheet, Amaltheia Leather, Griffon Leather, Manticore Leather, Manta Leather, Ovinnik Leather, Coeurl Leather, Behemoth Leather, Tiger Leather, Catoblepas Leather, Moblin Sheep Wool, Moblin Sheep Leather, Buffalo Leather, Narasimha Leather, Ram Leather, Bugard Leather, Dhalmel Leather, Sheep Leather, Orichalcum Sheet, Moblumin Sheet, Platinum Sheet, Gold Sheet, Aluminum Sheet, Mythril Sheet, Vision Ring, Mighty Ring, Vision Amethyst, Mighty Sardonyx, Brass Sheet, Bronze Sheet, Cashmere Thread, Arachne Thread, Rainbow Thread, Insect Fletchings, Silk Thread, Silver Thread, Wool Thread, Linen Thread, Red Grass Thread, Cotton Thread, Armored Arrowheads, Scorpion Arrowheads, Horn Arrowheads, Fang Arrowheads, Beetle Arrowheads, Eldritch Horn Hairpin, Bone Arrowheads, Eldritch Bone Hairpin, Prism Powder, Potion Drop, Echo Drops, Antidote, Marble Bed, Mille Feuille, Mont Blanc, Tavnazian Taco, Animal Glue, Raptor Helm, Wise Gloves, Demon Arrowheads, Dragon Greaves, Reraise Gorget, Clown's Subligar, Paralyze Potion, Venom Potion, Vitriol, Poison Potion, Hi-Potion Drop, Yasha Sune-Ate, Field Tunica, Trader's Saio, Windurst Taco, Green Quiche, Dried Marjoram, Bataquiche, Carbonara, Dried Mugwort, Seer's Crown, Laminated Ram Leather, Laminated Buffalo Leather, Wing Gorget, Tanegashima, Venom Baselard, Tojaku, Bookshelf, Shotel, Hydro Pump, Mole Broth, Grasshopper Broth, Blood Broth, Falx, Cursed Schuhs

Desynthesis Recipes Updated: Kyofu, Tiger Mask, Cursed Finger Gauntlets, Bone Pick, Uchigatana, Gauntlets, Banded Helm, Huge Moth Axe, Shellbuster, Padded Cap, Lilith's Rod, Velvet Slops, Brigandine, Onion Sword, Wakizashi, Hunting Sword, Mythril Sword, Mythril Rod, Bone Knife

Items Drops/Obtained Added: Leviathan's Couse, Carbuncle's Pole, Ramuh's Mace, Garuda's Sickle, Titan's Baselarde, Shiva's Shotel, Ifrit's Bow, Carbuncle's Cuffs, Green Invitation Card, Broken Hume Rod, Broken Halcyon Rod, Twinthread, Pirate's Chart, Brigand's Chart, Recollection of Fear, Bat Wing, Fiend Blood, White Invitation Card, Red Invitation Card, Blue Invitation Card, Brass Ingot, Delkfutt Chest Key, Marble

Mini-Quests Updated: Quivers for Arrows and Bolts, Toolbags for Ninja Tools, Strange Apparatuses, Obtaining the Promyvion Maps, Ancient Beastcoin Purchases

Fablinix the Goblin, Live From the Scene
Posted by: Cuer - Tue Apr 04th, 2006 11:08 am EDT
From the Official FFXI Site (April 7):

Fablinix Reports Fablinix Experiences "Assault"!

After his less-than-fabulous report on "Besieged," Fablinix takes his next stab at the world of professional journalism with a riveting live report on yet another new feature in the Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion disc-"Assault"! Click here to see the outcome of his misadventures!

Official PlayOnline Announcement

From the Official FFXI Site (April 4):

Fablinix Reports Fablinix the Goblin, Live From the Scene?

The star of "A Little Goblin's Adventure" brings a live report on "Besieged," a new feature in the Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion disc! Can our little Goblin hero accurately bring across the carnage and valor on the battlefield while the Imperial capital is under siege? Also, be sure not to miss his report on "Assault" coming just two days from now! Click here for details!

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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Order: Final Fantasy XI Online: Wings of the Goddess Expansion Pack (PC)(PS2)(XBOX 360)
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